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i took lily to school this morning and let tina sleep in. as soon as i got in the office i called valerie in. "yes sir" "my daughter told me you were rude to her yesterday. don't let it happen again. you may leave" and she left out my office without another word.

i went around the office to see where i could get some adoption papers. i found where but they told me they'd fax it over to took about twenty minutes but they got it to me, i looked over everything "dammit" i said to myself. i started dialing her number.

"hello?" "come to my office" and i hung up. about an hour later she shows up "why'd you call me here" "sign these" i handed her the papers "adoption papers? chris what the fuck is this" "athena wants to adopt lily" "hell no i'm not signing these" "why? you're not her mother. athena has done more for her this past year than you have in six. you should want to sign these so you know if something happens to me lily will be ok"

"no. she's my child" "that you don't fucking care for. i gave you chances to have a relationship with her and you haven't. allison sign the papers. lily deserves somebody in her life that won't neglect her the way you have" she sighed and signed them. "can i see her" "that's up to her"

"could you ask her when you pick her up?" "yea. how are you doing allison" "um i'm good, i found a job" "got your first job, look at you" she laughed some "could i actual come pick her up with you?" "allison i don't-" "please chris" i let a breath "ok, you can go sit over on the couch until then" she nodded her head and went over there. i continued working.


im going over to the
hospital rn


did you eat?

not yet, gonna wait till
i got lily

no you need to eat, i
pack her lunch every


it's ur night to cook


😂 well get bck to work

i love you

i love you too

i worked until it was time to go, i did order allison and i some food. we went to the school and waited for lily to come out "hi dadd- um" "hey lily" allison greeted and turned to look at her "hi" "how are you" "good i guess. why are you here?"

"to see you" "are you guys getting back together?" "lily-" i tried to say something but before i could she started crying and saying "no"."do you still live at the house?" "yes" i drove her back home and was on my way to our home "lily baby-" "no!" and she got out the car and ran to the door, ringing the doorbell.tina came out and had a smile then it dropped,she glanced up at me and took lily in the house.


"hey hey, lily what's wrong sweetheart" "daddy and mommy" "me mommy?" "no my other mommy" "what about her? we were in her room now "they came to pick me up from school" "they did huh?" i said with a attitude now "yes and i don't want them to get back together tina, i just want you" she said holding on to me and crying "i'm here baby"

chris comes in the room and i looked at his as like he was sick. after i put lily down cause she cried herself to sleep i went in his room."so what the fuck is you doin" "i looked over the papers and she did need to sign them so i called her in" "how the bitch end up picking lily up" "she asked to see her" "after how fucking long!? she wants to see her now?!"

"i know, but i'm sure she got the message she doesn't want to see her anymore by her reaction in the car" "you couldn't say sum? "no i was gonna tell you when i got home" "god chris" i let out, having a seat on the bed "i'm sorry but here" he got up and went in his bag

"she signed em" "yea" "i don't give a fuck. she can see lily but only if that's what lily wants even if it's not now.if she does later in life then she can. i won't have you break contact with her or anything, she's still the mother of your child" "barely. she just gave birth to her" i wanted to laugh but i was still upset with him so i didn't

"go cook. i'm gonna ask lily at the table" "ok" "also go see rose tomorrow" "i know, i was going to today but-" "umhm." he got up and cooked.

by the time he finished cooking,lily was up. i told her to change out of her outside clothes and made sure she did a little homework before she ate and she can do the rest after.i brought the papers down with me "tina what's that" she asked looking at the papers next to me "oh, i wanted to ask you something lily"

"yes?" "i want to adopt you and become your mommy forreal. even if you don't want me to i'll still be here and be your mommy" "you can actually become my mommy?!" "yes" "when" and her eyes got big and she was like glowing "i already was, but officially, whenever daddy turns in the papers" "turnin the papers daddy, pleaseeeeee"

"the office is closed baby, but tomorrow" "so no mommy until tomorrow?" she sounded disappointed "no baby, i am" she came over and hugged me but she was crying "lily what's wrong" "you're my mommy now" i let the tears i was holding in roll down my face as i hugged her back

"i love you so much lily" "i love you too mommy" we sat in the chair hugging for a while, i kissed the top of her head and brought her up. "you know you gotta go finish that homework right?" "i know" "ok go, tell us when you're done" she went upstairs "thank you" chris said "for?" "being good to her" "why wouldn't i be good to my child" i teased

"you know what i meant" "yea i know, but like i said before we started dating, lily is a good child and doesn't deserve bullshit people in her life" "yea, thank you for not being bullshit" i started laughing "you'll be officially a mommy of two tomorrow" "yeaaaa" i said lifting chris's shirt i had on and rubbing my stomach "it's a lil poke" he said putting his hand on it.

"yea" "i want another girl" "why" i asked kinda surprised "ion know" "a house full of girls? chris periods aren't fun" "i only have to worry about you havin a period right now" "and then the boys or girls" "please don't mention that, dylan is already too much" "they're cute" "they are and that's the sick part. right now he's the perfect type of person i want for lily" i laughed

"i'm hoping he stays like that and the stay together" "that would be amazing. i'd only have to worry about one boy and not many coming and asking if they can take her onna date" "couples that start young have their times where they break up and see other people chris" "i know" he said rolling his eyes.we talked until lily called us up.i checked her homework and then we tucked her in.


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