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it's been 3 weeks going on a month since everybody found out that rose had cancer and that i was pregnant. chris has thrown himself into work and i feel like i haven't seen him in a week. lily wants to talk to him but he gets home late as hell.

"gina i'm not about to do this with him" i said angrily "the hormones are talking" "they are. and i'm gonna listen" "you leave him. you leave lily, i know you ain't leavin ha" i let out a frustrated sigh and put my phone down and on speaker. "you talkin to him tonight?" "hell yea. lily is fed and sleep and i'm fed and had 2 naps earlier. i'm on his ass tonight"

"oh lord" "yup and he can be mad" "you bet not start cryin if he yell at you" "girl boo" we talked for another hour and then got off the phone. i went to the bedroom. i finally heard the door open and checked my phone. it was 12, he came in the room and looked at me before going in the bathroom.

i got up and went in the bathroom too, he was already in the shower "why are you home so late" "work" "you never work this late" "ok" "christian. you ain't finna come home late every night fuckin wit me. it just ain't finna happen. i get you in yo feelings but you have a child and a pregnant girlfriend you need to be here for" "i am there for y'all" "chris no the fuck you're not. we've barely seen you in almost a month" i stated starting to get loud

"lily wants to talk to you but can't because by the time you get home she's sleep or you're gone before we wake up." "well athena my mother is dying" "i get that but chris you have people that need you. you're not going into work anymore till further notice" i said walking back in the room and he was getting out the shower.

"athena what!?" "you heard me, you're not gonna get all depressed and end up like your father. i don't give a fuck, it's not happening. so you WILL stay yo ass in this house and get it together before you go back in that office. as the boss you can still contact them and do what you have to but you're taking a break and if i see any of those bottles touched. i'm beatin yo ass. you can have a glass, when i'm here but other than that no. you WILL be taking lily to school and dance tomorrow and picking her up. you will talk to her and then you need to tend to the girlfriend carrying your damn baby. when we know that you're ok you can go back to work. chris i understand that it can be a lot to find that out but you have other people to worry about." and with that i went to bed.


when she went to sleep i started getting dressed. when i was dressed i went to lily's room and kissed her forehead but she woke up "daddy?" "hey baby" she sat up and hugged me "why'd you leave us daddy" "i didn't leave lily" "yes you did. we didn't see you for a long time" she was crying "i'm so sorry baby, i've been upset cause i don't want grandma to go. i didn't mean to leave" "i don't want her to go either but tina said it'll be ok"

"it will be. but i am so sorry that you felt i left you baby. i'm gonna be here with you and tina until it's all better" "you promise?" "i'm going to" "ok, because she was crying, i don't think she knew i heard but she crys a lot daddy" "i'm gonna fix it" she hugged me again and i rocked her till she fell back asleep. i went back to our room and got behind her, i pulled her closer so me and kissed her shoulder.

when i woke up i went downstairs to make them breakfast. after i while i heard tina "yes i'm finna beat his ass. i told him not to go to work and when i wake up his ass not in the bed and lily still in her room. i really can't- oh" she paused as she saw me in the kitchen "ima call you back" she said hanging the phone up

"good morning" i spoke "good morning" i handed her a plate and went to go wake lily up. i told her to get dressed and come downstairs, i went back downstairs and tina was putting her plate in the sink. i was about to say something to her but lily came down, she ate and then tina was walking us out the door "we'll talk when you get back" "ok"

i dropped lily off and went back home. when i got there she was up in the room sitting up against some pillows. "i'm sorry" "i told you i was tired of hearing that from you" "you did" "so stop saying it" "what else do you want me to tell you tina" "don't tell me shit. just do better chris. i really am tryna chill right now cause i'm pregnant and also you found out what you did but you just can't abandon lily and i because something goes wrong"

"i know" "do you? because it seems like every time something goes wrong you get distant and forget you have people here to take care of. you can't do that chris. especially now. cause if i feel i'm alone during this then ima be alone forreal" "like leaving me?" "yes chris. i can't stay if you're not here for me, i might as well be alone." "i wouldn't leave you to do this alone" "you have for almost a month chris"

"i know tina" "i can't and won't keep doing this with you chris. i love you so much-" "i love you too" "then act like it because right about now i don't feel loved by you. and you can't keep doing this to lily, when she gets older what else will she have to think but that a man or whoever loves her will leave and not talk to her days on end"

"she said she's heard you cry" "yea, i can't do shit else but cry. i never meant for her to hear me though" i really wanted to go over to hug her but i doubt she wants me to touch her right now. "i'll do better tina" was all i could really say "i hope so chris. come lay down" i went over and laid down with her."i do truly love you chris but we can't do this. if you get upset or too stressed out you come talk to me. that's what i'm here for"

"i know" "you're not alone in any of this. i'm here for you" "ok" "but first i need you to be a father before you be a boyfriend. you can't keep doing this to that little girl. lily deserves everything and more. she's a good child and shouldn't grow up to feel neglected by her dad when she has already been through that with her mom"

"yea, i'm bad" "chris you're a good father . you just need to continue to be one and more" "i will" she laid my head on her chest and kissed the top of it "i really am sorry" "i know" and we laid there in silence.


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