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"baby you gotta get up" "i don't wanna" "i gotta go to work" "no. it's new years eve, call off or something" "i can't. i already took the case" "babyyyyyy" "ima be home tonight" "before 12" "most likely not" "ughhhhhh" and she got off me and curled in a ball "tina stop" i said getting behind her "no cause i wanna spend the new years with you but can't" "you can. new years is tomorrow"

"i wanted to go into the new year with you though" "i know" she turned around "i gotta go" "no. you stay." "athena" i said chuckling "if i let you fuck me would you stay" "no. i have to go to work" "is it that you don't love me anymore" "tina where are you getting that from." "because you won't stay" "baby. i have work" "why" "because i need money" "i could sugar momma you" outter banks reference

"i don't want you to. i want to be able to take care of you and lily on my own" "ughhhh for what" "athena i'm going to get ready for work" i said getting up but she grabbed my arm so i turned to look at her and she looked like she was about to cry. "tina" i said letting out a sigh "it's new years eve christian" "i know that but that doesn't stop people from doing things"

"well it's stopping me from spending my first new years inna relationship with my man" "and i get that but i still have to go to work" "i know" she sat up and stood on her knees so she was in my face, she put her arms around my neck "you sure you can't do it another day" "it's the last day of the trail tina. you've been good so far" "because so far hasn't been a holiday"

"i know" i pecked her lips "but i love you" and pecked her lips again "so much" and again "but i gotta work" 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 "we'll do whatever you want when i get back" and again "ok?" "ok" she kissed me "i love you too" "i know" she playfully rolled her eyes


ion like how much i miss this man and he just left. "lilyyyyyyyyy" she came running in his room "yes" "come hereee" i said with my arms open, she jumped in my arms and rested her head on my chest. "what do you wanna do today" "can you do my nails" "did you ask your daddy if you could get them done" ""

"you want us both to get in trouble, but yeah i'll do them. we gotta go to my house to get the stuff though" "yay" "go put your stuff on" i called chris when she left "yes, love" "i'm doing lily's nails" "no" "yes" "no" "she wants them done" "she's a kid" "does it really bother you that much" "yes" "fine. you tell her she can't get em done"

lily came back in the room and i gave her the phone "hi daddy" "hey baby" "your daddy has something to tell you" she looked at me then back at the phone "am i in trouble?" "no not at all baby" "so what is it" "tina's gonna do your nails" "you're ok with it!" "yea of course" she smiled and gave me back the phone and went back to her room.

"that little girl has you wrapped around her damn finger" "shut up" "we gotta talk when you get home though" "am i in trouble?" "yes" "good trouble" "no" "damn" "ok get back to work" "i love you" "i bet you do" and i hung up and he called me back "you gon be the one in trouble" "i love you christian. bye" and he hung up this time.

lily and i went to my house to get the stuff and went back to the house. i did her nails, both her fingers and toes, she liked them. then i cooked for us and we watched movies in the bed, until gina called "yes" "we're coming over" "who is we" "me and ty" "ok" we got off the phone. lily was knocked out on top of me, so i don't know how i was gonna get up and open the door. ion like waking her up, she always looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

after about an hour the doorbell rung, i lightly put her down and left out closeing the door. i went to open the door and let them in "bestieeeeeee" "hiiiii" and we hugged "chris told us he had work today. i didn't want you to be alone" she told me "i had no problem with you being alone" "tyler shut up" i told him "where's my niece" he asked rolling his eyes and putting his hand in my face.

"upstairs sleep" "she always sleep" "i got that touch. put mafuckas to sleep like that" "from what i heard chris be puttin you to sleep" "tyler nobody asked you" i responded "why am i tyler today" "because you are". we drunk but nothing but wine. when lily woke up she came down and talked with us. then it was time for the count down "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - HAPPY NEW YEARSSSSSS!!" ty and gina kissed, i gave lily a kiss on the cheek.

after some time they left and i put lily to bed. then i got ready for bed, but i wasn't tired. i watched tv until chris came in the house. "sexyyyyyy" he said coming in the room "no. you're still in trouble" "ugh. ok, lemme go take a shower" he went to shower and put on some clothes then sat in the bed

"ok now tell me what i did" "why are you so strict with lily" "i'm not" "then why was the first thing she asked when i told her you had something to tell her was, was she in trouble." "i don't know" "because you're too strict on her chris. she's a kid. let her be that. she gets in trouble for little things and for what? just for you to tell her it'll be alright and you'll get ice cream? chris you're a great father but i think you're letting the stress of your job effect how you're treating her."

he let out a sigh. "and i see that it's starting to stress you out. i really hate to bring it up but chris don't be like- " "i won't." "then give yourself time. take a break from it. i understand how important your job is, but your mental health is more important" "i know" "do you?" "yes" "then act like it and stop taking case after case. take a breather" "ok" "i'm serious" "i will"

"and i don't want you to drink either" "huh?" "i don't mean like at all but i mean to "solve" your problems. i can't let you take that risk" "ok" "chris. i need you to listen to me forreal" "i am tina. i'll take a break" i looked at him "i will" "when" "i don't know" "that doesn't work for me christian" "soon" "what's soon?" "i don't know but soon tina. i promise, ok?"

"ok christian" "baby i'm serious" "i said ok" "athena look at me" i did "it'll be soon" "ok" we turned the lights off and got in bed. he brought me on top of him and started rubbing my back and butt "happy new years" "how'd the trial go" "damn. you ain't gon say it back" "no" he pinched my back "say it" "that tickled" i said giggling as he did it again "happy new years, damn now tell me"

"you gotta kiss me first" i pecked his lips. "another" i did it again "another" and i kept going until he stopped asking "you took all my kisses. i have no more kisses for tonight" "i can wait. but you do have another set of lips i'd like to kiss" "naughty naughty man" i said with a grin on my face "very"


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