Fifty Three

683 34 11

a week later


i woke up almost in a panic.i had the worst nightmare ever and they've been happening for the past few days "chris?" and she sat up "baby what's going on" "nothing go back to sleep" i said getting up and going downstairs to get some water.

she followed behind me though "chris can you talk to me please. you've been taking up like this for the past few nights and it's always random times like 3 in the morning" she said looking over to the stove and checking the time "i don't know" i stated going to sit at the dining table

"what's been goin on" she asked sitting down at the chair next to me."i've been having this same nightmare about losing my mother, and it's bothering me so much because i know it's going to happen soon" all she could do was let out a sigh "i'm sorry this is happening to you baby" and she rubbed my hand that was on the table.

"it's nothing you can control" "i know but i'm still sorry. i'll be here. even if we don't work out together, i'll still be here. and not just for lily, if you would need to talk to me or anything" "thank you" i picked her hand up that was resting on mine and kissed it "but we will work out because i can't look at you with somebody else. i might throw up" we both laughed.

"i'm serious, he'd probably hate me cause i will show my face anytime i can. we have two kids together, he will see me and get tired of seeing me" "you think i'd have two kids by you by that time" "you already do" "wh- ohhhhh. oh so i'm her mother now?" she question raising her eyebrows at me.

"tina i apologized for that" i know" she said taking her hand from mine and rubbing my cheek "but yes he probably would hate you, because you barely leave me alone when we have disagreements so just imagine us not together" "don't wanna imagine that" "me either and i don't want it to happen" "it won't" "daddy? we turned and lily was walking in rubbing her eyes.

"hey sweetheart" tina said rubbing the back of her head once she came over to us and kissed her forehead "baby why are you up" i asked "bad dream about granny" tina gave a sad smile because it was the reason i was up too.i told lily to come over and placed her on my lap, i know tina would if she could but the belly is in the way "it's gonna be ok" i placed her head in my chest.

"but does she have to go" she asked and her voice was quiet and cracked some "yea" i replied softly and felt myself starting to tear up "y'all go see her and stay for the weekend" "what about you-" "i'll be fine" "tina i can't just leave you here alone" "chris i will be fine, if anything happens i'll call you"

"well we're gonna see grandma this weekend" "ok" she still sounded so sad.i do wish i could take the pain from her,she's had her since she was born and now she's leaving. tina got up and came to kiss both of our heads "back to bed, c'mon" tina announced "can i stay with you guys" "yea" i told her.

the next morning i woke up and made breakfast.i made sure we all ate before i packed bags for lily and i. "tina you sure you'll be ok" "yes chris, now. i will see y'all tomorrow night" she said as we walked to the door.she kissed the top of lily's head "i love you sweetie" "i love you too tina" she kissed her cheek. then tina came to give me a kiss "i love you" i told her "i love you too" and we left to get in the car.

once we made it to my mom's house she opened the door and smiled at us,she looked so helpless.i wanted to start crying so bad "hey y'all" "hi grandma" lily said sadly and went to sit on the couch "oh lily" she went to sit next to her and brought her into her.lily started crying,i think she's been holding that one in.seeing her cry made me tear up and i went to sit down.

they hugged for a while before breaking it "how you been" i asked her "lily can you go watch tv in the other room?" she asked her,lily looked at me and i pointed my head to the room.once we knew she was in the room she started talking "i'm getting no better, it's getting worse and i'm ready to check myself in" that's all it took for me to start bawling.

she came to me and held me as if i was a baby, close to her chest. "i'm gonna do it monday, i'm gonna spend this weekend with you guys" i didn't say anything else and kept crying. eventually i stopped and went to go clean my face. i went back out there and lily and my mom were in the kitchen backing "daddy come help us" i went to the kitchen sink, cleaned my hands and helped then form the ball shape for the cookies.

we put them in the oven and then went back in the living room to wait for them "what do you wanna do now lily" my mom asked her "can we watch the little mermaid" mom cut the tv on and found the movie. she turned it on and lily laid under her.


yall good?

yea we're ok

ok, call me
tonight if you need

i will

how r u?

i'm good, just ate

real food or the
nasty shit u put

real food🙄
n it dont be

it does but i'll
let it slide bc you're

but try to eat it
when they're born
im smacking it
out your hand

yea i wish u
would smack some
food out my hand
that will be the day
u loose your life

well damn

yea but alright,
i love you

i love you too


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