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"i don't love her enough to get back with her" "oh so you do love her. my question answered for the THIRD time. you know where the door is" "but why does that matter" "fuck you mean why does it matter. it matters cause i really do-did wanna be with you and i don't think that would work if you still love an ex"

"i don't love her in the way i'd love you" "loving her period doesn't sit right with me" "i love her because she brought my first and only child into this world" "then you love the child. i understand respecting the mother or your child but loving them because they brought your child into the world isn't needed unless somewhere in you you still in love with her. or at least that's they way i see it.

"well then i respect her" "don't change your answer because of me chris. you know what- why don't we take a break" "no." "yes. go sit and be around her for a while and decide fully if you're still in love with her. when you have your answer talk to me" "i have my answer now"

"no you don't chris. as for lily anytime she wants to come over she can but i would like for her to be around her mother more. not forced. if she does feel forced she can come with me and y'all hang out." "i don't wan-" "and as for me ima do me. my mind and feelings are made up, yours aren't."

"THEY ARE" "lower yo fucking voice. and if you can look at me straight in my eyes and tell me you're not in the slightest bit in love with her anymore, we can move on" "athena why are you doing this" "because i don't wanna get hurt" "i wouldn't- " "maybe not but still being in love with a ex will hurt more than anything. so while we're not official please go talk to her or do whatever to figure your feelings out"

i turned on my side and pulled the cover over my head. i hate it here. i heard the door close and a car pull off.


how do i always end up caught up. "why the fuck are you calling my phone so early- nigga are you crying" "yes" "why" "because i think athena and i are quote on quote broken up" "what chu do" "why does it have to be ME" "because the man is always fuckin up. espically you with her"

"she caught allison in my bed" "chris if you tellin me you still sleepin wit that bi- " "i'm not. she broke in and i was half sleep so i thought it was athena" "allison is a literal stick compared to athena" "i know. i was sleep" "ok what happened after that" i told him what happened

"you still in love wit ha afta that shit" "no i'm not. but athena saying i am isn't helping" "i think you should do what she said" "why" "because it's a good way to know if trying with athena is a good choice" "i have been trying with her. for the past 8/9 months" "look. you gotta see where she's coming from forreal christian."

"the girl has never been with anybody, let alone liked somebody as much. so her catching you with your ex and slightly kinda admitting to still being in love with her. she's going to push away because she doesn't wanna get hurt in what would've been her first relationship." "but i don't love or am in love with allison. i love her" i said the last park kinda to myself.

"what was that last part" "nothing" "if you love her tell her that dumbass" "i can't" "why" "because she won't wanna hear it" "CHRIS YOU DUMBASS. GO TELL HER" "bae stop yellin" i heard gina say "i have a flight to catch" "nigga. you can literally send anybody in that office to do that case, they can't and won't say no to you"

"ugh. i'll call you back" i called into the office and put one of them on the case and asked my seceritary to file him everything he needed and told him if he wasn't able to make it back in time for the holiday, he could have extra time off. i went to my house, washed up and got dressed then left out "meet me at the burger place down the street from your house" "ok"

when i got there i was waiting for her. she came in and sat down "changed your mind" "no. allison. i'm not still in love with you or love you in anyway. i appreciate you having my little girl and i forever will because she is my heart and soul but as for you. i'm over you and have been for some time. i needed to tell you this because i'm in love with somebody else and she believes i'm still in love with you"

"you might be. never know til we try again" "it won't happen. you walked in here, i felt nothing. you sat down, i felt nothing. i'm looking at you and feel nothing. i have no feeling toward you allison. i do wish you the best in your life though and hopefully get it together enough to try to build a relationship with my child"

"your?" "yes. mine. you do nothing for her. i'm her only parent. athena is more of a mother to her this past year than you have for the past six, i'm not gonna beg for you to be in her life, but if you want to, you should start now because she doesn't even speak about you anymore." with that i got up and left.


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