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chris is at the office right now and Lily is with him because i did tell her she could go. i know chris is worried about his mom today because she'e checking herself in so i'm getting ready to go over there now to go with her.

 i know chris is worried about his mom today because she'e checking herself in so i'm getting ready to go over there now to go with her

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i'm still not showing but i'm only 2 months so i'm not really worried about it. i have my check up this weekend.

i headed out and went to rose's house. "oh hey tina" "hey rose" "what you doin here" she asked as i came in and closed the door  "chris is worried so i'm here to go check in with you" "oh that's so-" she stopped because she started couching, i walked her over to the couch to sit and then went to get her some water.

"thank you" "no problem, how you feeling" "bad, i'm getting weaker each day. that's why i'm checking in, i can barely fix myself a plate to eat without almost dropping it" don't cry don't cry don't cry."oh" "i don't think i have that much longer if i'm being honest" "rose don't-"

"it's true and i wanna stop the treatment" "wait huh" "yes, i wanna stop. i have seen and done what i wanted in life, i'm ready" now i'm crying "both my children our happy with their lives, i've gotten to see my grandchild and know i have another one on the way that has the best parents. i've traveled where i've wanted. i'm good, i think it's my time" i couldn't do anything but nod

"i'm gonna tell everybody that. and once i'm gone my lawyer already has my will. i had to get another one other than chris because- well you know why" "yea" "so i get off treatment today and if you could call everyone to the hospital because it might be my last day" she said laughing some. she truly is ready to go and i just nodded my head.

we headed out and went to the hospital.her doctor already had a room ready for her so it didn't take long to get her checked in. after she was settled in i stepped out to call everyone to the hospital, i felt a little bad pulling chris away from his first day back. when everyone got here they were all concerned.

"what's going on" ben asked,rose took a deep breath before explaining everything that she had to me. everybody was upset, ben, chris and lily more than anyone. but my mom was gently smiling i'm assuming she understands where she's coming from.

lily understood that her grandma was making the choice to pass naturally and that made her cry the most. i went over and held her, ben and chris were having their moment together and rose just kept telling everyone not to be upset. "have the doctors told you how long?" gina questioned "a month" i felt my heart sink. chris left out the room, i told josh to come over here with lily while i went to chris.

"baby" i said as i brought him in to a hug. i rubbed his back as he cried on my shoulder, i brought us over to the chairs and we sat down. "i'm so sorry baby" i said lowly as i kissed his head. we were out there till he stopped crying and sat up to look at me. "tina i don't want this stress on you" "i'm not gonna abandon you, i will be ok"

"no because this next month is gonna be stressful for me and that will rub off on you, you don't need that, especially so early on it's higher risk" i took a deep breath "what are we gonna do then chris" "i could stay with ben" "what would that do? then i'm gonna be worrying if you're doing ok and taking care of yourself"

"but-" "you stay home. you come home everynight and we sleep in the same bed. i'm gonna try to help you stress as less as possible because you don't need to. i know i can't relate to anything but she is choosing to do this and is happy to do it. if anything you and ben just need to be here and make her last month great" i let out

"ok" "i don't know if it would be best for you to go to work unless you think you can handle it all" "i'm gonna go. life happens and i still need to provide for my family" "if it becomes too much take a break" "i will" i kissed him and we got up to go back in the room.

everybody was laughing and smiling when we got in there. "so i want no one to be sad please, this is my choice that i'm happy with. i just want everyone to come visit me as much as possible and i'll go out happier" lily came up to chris and i

"can we visit her everyday" she asked with dried up tears on her face "yea" chris said picking her up and kissing her cheek,she just laid her head on his shoulder. we continued to talk to her till visiting hours were over. we went back home and i told them to go take some showers and come back down when their done. i'm gonna cook for them.

they were finished before i got done cooking so i asked them to sit in the kitchen and talk to me until i was done. "so how was it at the office lily" i asked  "soooo good" i laughed some "why" "because i got to see daddy work, it was kinda scary how serious he looked while on the phone but then he'd make funny faces at me" me and chris laughed together

"his assistant was mean though" i looked over to chris "baby she was what?" chris asked her cause "yea she was kinda mean, i asked if i could get some chips from the machine and she said no the. told me to leave her alone" "christian." "i had a short meeting to go to so i asked her to look over lily, i had no idea. i'm sorry lily, why didn't you tell me?"

"because i just ended up leaving your office to get some myself" he laughed loud as hell and i just shook my head with a smile on my face."you should still tell me though baby" "ok" "if she give you more problems tell ha momma tina finna come up thea" lily giggled but then stopped and her face changed.

"what's wrong lily?" i asked  "tina if i ask you something can you promise to still love me?" i looked over at chris and we both had the same confused look on our face "of course baby, i would never stop loving you over anything" "you promise" "yes" "lily what's wrong" chris asked  "can i call you mommy?" i started smiling instantly

"yes baby" she smiled back at me and came to hug me. i looks to chris and he was smiling at both of us, i kissed her head and she went to sit back down. we ate and then cleaned up, chris and i went to tuck lily in.

"goodnight sweetheart" chris said kissing her forehead  "good night daddy" and i kissed her head "night mommy" i'm gonna cry "goodnight lily" and we went back to his room."so how do you feel about it" he asked me as he got in the bed "very good" i said with a very bright smile on my face "chris i wanna adopt her"

he looked at me shocked "i really do feel like lily is my child and not only because we're together. i would really do anything for her just as i would for my own and to me she is my own. i don't have to adopt her to feel that she is of course-" "when do you wanna do it" he said with the same smile on his face "as soon as possible"

"ok" "allison has to sign off though..." "no she doesn't, she's no longer lily's guarden i will sign the papers" "legally though-" "i'm gonna handle all that. i'll bring the papers home from work tomorrow" "thank you" "of course, you'll be the mother to both of my children now" i giggled at his statement

"i wanna tell lily after it's official but i also wanna ask her" "you know once we explain it she'll be happy" "i'm just gonna ask her before we make it official" "ok" and with that we went to bed.


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