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"where are you going" "somewhere you're not" i said going into the bathroom to fix my hair. he followed behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist from the back putting his chin on me shoulder. "what time will you be back" "no later than 3, i do still have class" "can you pick lily up today" "why can't you"

"i was off for 2 days, boss man has work to do" "then do it after you pick her up" "can you get her or not" "yea" "thank you" and he kissed the side of my neck and stood up. "you just gon watch me do my hair" i said kinda laughing and looking at him through the mirror "yes" "weirdo" i finished my hair and turned to the side to be facing him.

"looks good?" "yeah" "coo" i went back in my room to get my coat and shoes. "where are you going" he asked helping me put my coat on "somewhere" "with gina?" "no" "then who" "somebody" he looked at me while he zipped up my coat  "you trust me?" "of course" "ok then" we walked to the front door "be safe" "i will" and we kissed "i love you" "i love you" and i left out.

i got to her house and knocked on the door "so glad you came" "of course" and i followed her into the kitchen "knowing chris he probably questioned you instead of feeding you" "and did" i said laughing as she passed me a plate. we ate mostly in silence and then i put the dishes up "ok so i wanted you to come over here because i found out a little while ago i had cancer"

my. heart. sank. "oh my god" and i went over to hug her "ok ok but i need you not to tell chris" "bu-" "please tina" "ok" i said wiping my face "so like i was saying last night, i need you to be there for them for me. other than ty and ben chris doesn't have anybody forreal. even when him and allison were married he didn't have her. you actually care and he needs that, he may seem fine but he needed you to come in his life and be there like you are."

i know tears are runny g down my face at this point "do you love them?" "yes of course" "then stay. y'all may go through some things but don't leave. just from what i see now i don't know what chris would do if you left and i don't think lily could handle in anyway you leaving." "ok, i will"

she came over and hugged me "when are you gonna tell em" "soon" "what stage" "2" i can't take this "but please don't tell them yet, i have to tell them myself" "ok" "why don't we calm down in the front before you head out" i nodded my head and got up


"yes. because we have to talk." and with that i hung up. i'm meeting up with allison that is if she shows, i'm getting ready to leave right now. when i got to the spot she was already there "what the fuck is wrong with you" "christian what are you talking about" "breaking into my house a second time" "ok really what are you talking about"

"so you wanna play stupid now" "i didn't break into your fucking house again" i just looked at her like she was stupid "so now you're lying" "when did this happen" "this weekend." "i was visiting my mom this weekend" "you expect me to believe" "i can show you pictures. my plane ticket. you can call her. just know i wasn't here this weekend, i just got in last night."

"so who the fuck was it then" "how the hell would i know, might be one of her ex's. but i didn't do anything. you told me to stay away, that's what i'm doing." and she got up and left. what the fuck. i got in the car and called ty.

"how may i help you" "somebody broke in while we were gone and i just met up with allison and she was at her moms" "well damn. tina don't got no ex's right?" "no" "shorty from christmas?" "they didn't date and he wouldn't know where i live" "shit chris." "i know right" "was anything missing" "no the place was just trashed"

"well who don't like you bro" "i have no idea" "this is weird" "very" "have you checked your cameras" "no i didn't even think about that" "goofy. go check the cameras" we got off the phone and i drove to the house, i went in the basement and checked activity for the time we were gone. is that- bri? what the fuck.

"it's fucking brianna" "christian stop." "i'm being serious i just watched the tapes" "why would bri do that, she has a whole fucking family and doesn't live here" "i don't know but i'm pretty sure i know her face" "when are you gonna tell tina" "tonight i guess" "where is she by the way" "i don't know"

"you don't know where yo girl is?" "no, do you know where yours is" "yup, sleep right next to me" "must be nice, she wouldn't tell me where she was going" "ta go fuck on somebody" "quit playin." "serious for no reason. she ain't even built like that. you know that" "i know" "then chill. now go to work" "ok bye" "bye"


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