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maybe i'm over thinking it but i think more than me getting her number is gonna happen. she could've given me her number over the phone or told me after their class was over. but, she asked me to come after they close down. lily's class is finishing up right now, i stayed in the car because i had to talk to some people in the office about me coming to drop off these papers and it being finalized tonight. they told me since i am who i am i could come in tonight and they'll handle everything.

i saw lily coming out with athena, and she walked her to the car. "daddy why didn't you watch the class today" "yea daddy why didn't watch the class today" athena repeated with a smile on her face. this women is a tease "daddy had to handle some business" "does it have to do with you and mommy breaking up" "yes" "oh, ms.athena" "yes sweetheart" "you and daddy can be together because him and mommy won't be anymore" i could tell athena was holding in her laugh "for that to be able to happen, daddy gotta get himself in order" "what is that suppose to mean" "we'll talk"

after that we went to go get something to eat, i know for a fact allie didn't cook so i got her something to eat. when i got home i gave lily and allie their food, told lily she better be sleep by the time i get back. "where are you going" "to finalize our divorce" "are you coming straight back" "allison ima grown man, not your child i don't have to tell you where i am" and i left. i went to the building and did what i ahd to which took me about an hour so now it's 7. i don't wanna go home so i'll just go to the studio and wait in her office.

i got there at around 7:45 and people were leaving so i'm assuming her other class just got out. "only my second class sir, i'm not finished" "i know i just don't feel like going home" "wanna go in my office" "yea" so we went to the back "did something happen when you got home" "no nothing bad really, but i did confront her about calling you out your name" "you didn't really have to do that, it didn't bother me" "why" "because she called me one outta jealousy, why is she jealous i have no idea" "maybe because i said i wish i'd sleep with you" "that could play a part"

"what time do all your classes end" "11:30" "damn. so you dance from 4 to 11:30" "yup" "everyday" "yup" "and you go to the gym" "umhm" "you should never be outta shape" "that's the plan" "do you ever take breaks" "yea, holidays and sometimes i don't have them dance but we just relax then when i'm really being nice i order food and we'll eat" "might need to joing your classes" "what happened to you couldn't dance" "i can't" "umhm, but my next class is about to start" "ok" "don't come out, they might flirt with you" "do you not want them to flirt with me"

"no i think i'll keep yoy a secrete for a while" "haven't even kissed and you're keeping me a secrete" "haven't even kissed and you already showin up to my job" we looked at each other and then she turned to leave


i finished teaching my other two classes and then locked up, gina left a little earlier than usual i wasn't complaining though. when i finished locking up i still wanted to do my usual and dance while no body is here. christian shouldn't mind, or i hope not. i dimmed the lights, turned on a slowed version of so anxious by ginuwine and started. this isn't to show any of my classes it's just for myself, because i like to see myself move slowly. when i get done corographing a dance for myself i record and keep it.

as i was dancing peeked at the mirror and saw christian watching me. i kept going because that's how i was programed to dance, to keep going. when i finished i turned around to see him sitting in a chair and he had this look in his eyes. "enjoy the show" "umhm" in started walking over to him "can't speak mr.carter" i'm teasing at this point. i got to him and he was already inna man spread so i stepped in between his legs. he reached out to touch me but before he could i grabbed both his wrist "no touching mr.carter"

i got down and started rubbing all over his thighs, touched everywhere but there. i reached under his shirt and felt him under there, i was looking at him while all of this was happening "now it's time for you to learn how to ask for my number properly" i took my hand from out his shirt and stood back up putting both hands around his neck, so one move and we'd be kissing. "you always say please" "please" he said in almost a whisper but also a grunt "please what" "can i have your number please" "eh, convinve me you deserve it"

i don't know what happened but now i was in the chair, legs open and his hands were on the seat of the chair "you're a tease you know that" "nope" i said with a grin on my face, he put his hands on my thighs and got closer and closer. i had on thin workout biker shorts and a sports bra, he brushed past my clit, only because of wide he had my legs. i didn't moan because then he'll win. "wanna give me your number now" "sure, where's your phone" he stood and handed me his phone, i put my number in and put his phone back in his pocket and made sure while i was putting it in there i brushed past his dick.

we stood there for a second, we were about to kiss but he got a call "baby i thought i told you to be sleep- she what!?- here i come" "what happened" i askes worridly "allison left lily in the house by herself" "why would she do that!" what is wrong with this lady "i can come with you if you want" "you're just tryna see where i live" "this is not the time to flirt" i turned everything off and we went out the back. i followed him and when we pulled up, all i could say is...he don't needa see where i live cause damn.

we got out the cars and rushed in the house, lily was in her room hiding in the closet. he was about to pick her up but she saw me "MS.ATHENAAAAA" and practically jumped on me '"well just forget me huh" "oh...hi daddy, but ms.athena why are you here" "your daddy and i were getting ice cream" "and didn't get me any" and she started frowning "it's too late for you to have ice cream" christian told her. she yawned "time for you to go to bed" i left the room so he could put her to bed when he did i was downstairs sitting on the couch

"she's out" "i'm still stuck on why she left her here by herself, who does that to a 6 year old" "don't know, but before i came to you, i went a finalized our divorce" "you're a free man, how do you feel" "eh, i still have to stay here til i find somewhere for lily and i" "she's keeping the house" "yea i let her" "um, you stayin in this neighborhood "maybe somewhere closer to lily's school "oh" "would you like something to drink" "no it think i'll go, it's past my bed time anyway" i said in more of a yawn than i wanted to "ol, be safe" "thank you"


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