🌙Chapter 69🌙

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Gasps were heard from all around. "HE LIVES! HE LIVES ONCE AGAIN!" The rain started to pour onto the two dead bodies. 

One was protected by one so it didn't get soaked. The other started to get drenched the more it rained. And it rained hard.

Everyone's eyes were wide as Taeyong and Jaehyun walked to the two boys. They all questioned how that was even possible. 

Mark survived the killing curse for the second time and it was witnessed by many people. Meanwhile Dracul.

He was dead. Dracul was finally dead, and the shield around Mark and Donghyuck was slightly destroyed. "Mark." Taeyong softly spoke as Mark quietly sniffled his tears. 

"It's over." He reassured, going to touch Mark but there was still a slight tint of green.

That made it impossible for Taeyong to touch him. Mark looked up from Donghyuck, seeing his plump lips, his pale skin to his messy hair. 

"J-Jaehyun. T-Taeyong. H-He's gone." Mark sniffled, his eyes red and swollen, his voice raspy from crying too much and his heart broken from even looking at him.

"Take deep breaths." Jaehyun hushed, watching as the green tint started to die down. And that's when Taeyong hugged the younger, picking him up into his own feet feeling him support himself on him.

Johnny saw how Taeyong silently struggled with Mark's whole body on him so he quickly took the younger towards him hugging him tighter letting him cry his eyes out, well what was left. 

Meanwhile Jaehyun quickly checked Donghyuck. Inspecting him, the boy's skin was pale but...

He didn't look dead? He was directly hit by the killing curse, surely, he wouldn't have been able to survive. Then again Mark survived and everyone saw how he survived. 

Jaehyun quickly felt for Donghyuck's breath, his eyes widening from the slight heat that came out of the boy's mouth.

"Doyoung!" Jaehyun called to the elder telling him to come over to the two. "He's still breathing." He whispered into his ear seeing as his eyes two opened. "What the f-"

"Hyung don't curse, help me." Doyoung quickly nodded glaring at Johnny to keep Mark away from watching what was going to happen. 

"Jae, hold onto me." Jaehyun nodded as the two apparated to the hospital wing. They were able to do so as the protection shield was down.

Meanwhile, just because Dracul was dead people were still fighting. Taemin was still alive and so was Shindong. Onew and Soonkyu were still there as well, probably unaware that Dracul was dead and so was their son.

Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin watched as Mark was taken away from the area by Johnny into a hiding place. "Crusio!" 

Jaemin heard a body fall to the ground and screams heard once again. "Sh*t." He cursed to himself as he covered his ears and crouched into a ball.

"JENO! JAEMIN!" Renjun cried, getting Jeno's attention to Jaemin crouched onto the floor and Renjun suffering on the floor. 

"Expelliarmus!" Taemin quickly dodged the spell leaving Jaemin and Renjun still on the floor. Jeno quickly checked on Jaemin.

The boy was in shock from what just happened. The Cruciatus curse. Whenever he hears it being used on Renjun it only brings him back to what torture was brought to him. 

Not only Renjun but Donghyuck too and most importantly his own parents. "Jae! Nana! Come on, it's time to get up!" Jeno eagerly whispered into his ear. 

"Get up! For Renjun! You might have not been able to help him before but you can now! I believe in you!" Jeno hugged the younger, kissing his forehead. The younger smiled a little, as he tried to stay strong.

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