🌱Chapter 42🌱

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Mark walked into the room where people put their names into the goblet, a white line vaguely prominent compared to the blue flames that flickered.

"YES!" Lucas yelled holding Jungwoo's hand as the two made their way towards the age line, a small tube in their other hand. 

Cheers were heard from the two not so smart students, the loudest being Mark and Jeno. 

"Thank you, thank you. We did it! Cooked it just this morning!" Jungwoo said boasting about how they will beat the system.

"It's not going to work~," Renjun said in his head in a book about animagi. Lucas and Jungwoo made their way down to Renjun and crouched both beside him. 

"Oh yeah, and why's that Huang?" Lucas smirked, acting like he was one of the smartest in the room. 

"See this," Renjun said pointing at the distinct white line circled the goblet. "This is an age line, Leeteuk drew it himself."

"So?" Jungwoo is deadpanned. Renjun sighed and closed the book. 

"So, a genius like Leeteuk couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dim-witted as an ageing potion," Renjun said, rolling his eyes.

"Ah but that's why it's so brilliant," Lucas smirked getting up. 

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted." Jungwoo finished getting after Lucas chuckling at the statement. 

"Ready Jungwoo?" Lucas said, shaking his glass tube. 

"Ready Lucas," Jungwoo said back, shaking his hand too. 

"Bottoms up." Both said crossing their arms and drinking the tube and jumping over the line. 

The 2 cheered as they successfully stepped over the line, not pushed away. The 2 danced around the cup before walking to the cup and putting their names in, once again successful. 

"Yes!" they said again, high fiving each other before the fire attacked everyone around. 

Screams were heard from some people who got scared by the sudden outburst followed by Lucas and Jungwoo flying backwards. 

Laughter was around the two boys as they got up and looked at each other feeling their faces when they realized they had a beard. 

"You said!" Lucas said to Jungwoo. 

"You said!" Jungwoo said back, tackling Lucas to the ground. Lucas and Jungwoo started to tackle each other as people crowded around them chanting 'fight, fight, fight.'

Renjun looked in disgust, opening his book to read it as before. Mark laughed watching as Jisung and Jeno chanted along. 

Things quieted down quickly as people felt the dark aurora from the entrance. 

Jackson Wang and the Headmaster of Durmstrang Taecyeon walked through the doors, the room dead silent. 

Mark watched as the boy put his name into the goblet, a stern look on his face before he turned in Renjun's direction and smirked at him Renjun blushed a little but snapped himself back to reality at his disgusting action.

Jackson wasn't that interesting and Jeno and Jaemin were way better than him combined, right?


"Sit down," Leeteuk said standing up on his podium watching the students and professors as they sat down. 

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for! The champion selection!" Leeteuk put his hand out and scanned the room before putting his hand by the goblet. 

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