🌙Chapter 61🌙

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"Everyone hide!" Jeno quickly whispered, pulling Renjun and Jaemin's passed out body, behind some bushes. "He has run off. Can't be far!" Someone said,

"I'll find him in the morning, he wouldn't have left here. He will never leave here." A younger person said making their way to where the boys were, their footsteps becoming louder and louder as they made their way towards them.

The voice was easily recognisable that time and was easily clarified when he walked to where the five were. It was Haechan. The boys saw as he made eye contact with them. They could tell from his face he was sure to rat them out.

Jeno squeezed Renjun's hand knowing he was nervous. They expected to be caught by Donghyuck. He would be towering over them as they quivered from what was going to happen to both Jaemin and them. But No?

"Nothing here." Haechan said, looking at the two rolling his eyes, seeing them clutch onto Jaemin. "Come back then, we'll search tomorrow." Onew his hands signalling for Haechan to go back.

Renjun sighed, releasing air he didn't even know he was holding back. "That was a close one!" Chenle said to get a finger to the lip from Renjun. "Quiet down, we don't know who is actually out here." Renjun whispered.

"Chenle, quickly, get me the brown bottle in my bag." Chenle nodded rummaging into Renjun's back to get a bottle with liquid in it. "What's that? Pumpkin juice?" Jisung asked.

Renjun shook his head, applying drops into Jaemin's scar on his leg. The three watched as a greenish smoke formed. When it cleared, Jaemin's once bloodied cut on his left leg had healed, creating a scar that the injury happened days ago.

"Essence of Dittany, heals wounds so it looks like a scar. Jaemin gave it to me ages ago, happens to be, I use it on him first." Renjun chuckled a little before getting a tap on the shoulder from Jeno. "Wash your hands." Jeno showed, shaking a water bottle.

Renjun nodded, washing his hands as Jeno poured the water. "We should move soon." Jeno said turning into a wolf so Jaemin could rest on his back as he walked. "Agreed, I am tired and we need to get out of an area where Jaemin last was." Renjun said, looking at the two younger boys.

"Plus it's past Jisung's bedtime." Chenle teased causing for Jisung, to pout. "How nice of you." Jisung yawned, stretching his arms, starting to walk in a direction. "Let's hurry up then." Renjun said, taking the tent out of his bag.


The tent was made and everyone went straight to bed after it was made. Jeno stayed up the whole night. First he wasn't tired and secondly he wanted to wait for Jaemin to wake up. Unfortunately he didn't wake up but Jeno did see the boy move around in his bed so he was fine.

Jaemin would wake up in the morning, he could feel it. He got up walking out of the tent to get some fresh air. Jaemin probably would know what they were doing there so hopefully they would be alright.

"What are you doing up early?" Renjun asked, concerned. "Just getting fresh air. we need to wake the others." Renjun nodded, walking back inside to see Jaemin up on his bed, eyes wide open.

"J-Jeno, R-Renjun." He smiled letting out a sigh of relief. "We missed you!" Renjun said, running over to the younger, jumping onto him and hugging him tightly. "W-What are you doing here!" Jaemin said becoming a little stressed. "We were going to find Mark-"

"Mark! We need to get there before they do anything to him!" Jaemin said getting out of his bed to fall straight onto the floor. "Wait Jaemin, don't rush off, we need to think of a plan." Jeno said waking up Chenle and Jisung who ended up cuddling together. "Wake up you two, we need to move."

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