Otome's tamed bear approached Lily and massaged her back, while Otome grabbed the book away from Lily's hands.

"Otome-sama, you don't need to worry about me. I am merely doing my duty as a princess." Lily softly spoke, her expression becoming sullen all of a sudden.

   Otome crossed her arms and pouted like a child, "You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, right? I understand about your duty as a princess, but I am also a princess! I care about everyone in the kingdom, princess or not, angels or not. It has been a very hard time for us since the attacks of Hetalica, Sumire-sama and Akari-sama had buried themselves in searching for a way to break the curse."

"It's very depressing these days. Shouldn't we be reliable and seen as stronger than anybody else? We haven't even show our face in the public and assure them of their safety - just like me, the people of the kingdom worries for us too."

Lily became silent from Otome's long speech, her eyes burning in tears already - worried about the future with this state of the princesses. Otome's really proud of them, but seeing all of them succumb to the fear of failing to protect the core made her feel sad.

The atmosphere of the kingdom that was once lively, peaceful and full of laughters were now sitting in silence, it's as if it's waiting for it's upcoming demise. Otome hated that!

She wants the same thing from the past. Otome knows that it is currently impossible, but it won't hurt to brighten the atmosphere first right?

Lily's eyes shone, hearing all of that coming from the usual bubbly and innocent princesses who always supports the back of the princesses had brought a very warm tingling sensation throughout her head and body.

Otome smiled, "So, don't be burdened by a simple act of care from anyone, and rely on us too. You're not alone."

Lily softly smiled, "Thank you, Otome-sama. You really smacked me some sense there." She brought her hands to the silver fork and began eating the dessert.

Otome sweetly smiled, "We should call for a meeting under the guidance of the Scarlet Queen, since she's the only one above who's not affected by the core."

  "I heard that the Scarlet Queen had been busy dealing with issues inside her domain, should we really be reporting to her?"

"Ofcourse! The Kingdom is as important as her domain, she'll care for sure!" Otome cheered, bringing her fists up in excitement - looking forward to seeing the Scarlet Queen again after a long time.

"Then, we should tell the other princesses as well." A golden light in a shape of a sparrow appeared beside Lily's face. Chirping cutely in response to its master's call.

  She gave it a light smile before relying her message to her messenger, "We will be calling a meeting with the Scarlet Queen, the set date would be tomorrow - we can't waste time. We hope to see you all."

  The golden sparrow flew gracefully out of the open window, the view of the reddish sky exposed to the eyes of the princesses.

They watched the sparrow fade out of the background before they started talking again.


  The day of the meeting, all the princesses, excluding those who're in a coma and is not present in their dimension, gathered at the audience room of the Queen. Waiting for her arrival, they stood gracefully without a strain.

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