♡ chapter 62 ♡

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A/n: a short chapter to entertain you while I write another chapter 🏃🏻‍♀️


The male tore his gaze from his phone screen to look at Jimin who was sitting across him. Without uttering a word out of his mouth, Yoongi just raised his eyebrows.

"Can ask you a question?" Jimin asked loud enough for Yoongi to hear him despite of the atmosphere in the cafe

"You just did" He answered lazily before turning back his attention to scroll down his media social.

"fuck you" The omega huffed in annoyance.

"What do you to ask me about? Relationship advise? Don't you know I'm single as fuck? I'm currently waiting for Taehyung to notice me" Yoongi complained.

It was a fact, Yoongi did not see anyone since his eyes landed on the beautiful model named Kim Taehyung. Instead of sleeping all day, he often found himself scrolling his media social on his bed and watching the Instagram story of the famous model with a fond smile on his lips. He had learned a few things of the male omega too such as Taehyung does not like coffee very much and he loves chocolate drinks more.

He could list a couple of things more but he does not want to sound like a complete stalker obsessing over an idol.

"Back to earth Min Yoongi! Hello?!" Jimin leaned a bit to wave his hand in front of Yoongi's face.

The alpha then blinked his eyes a couple of times as he heard Jimin called for his name repeatedly.

"What? I'm listening, I'm not deaf" Yoongi rolled his eyes as he brought the cup of his drink closer to his lips, acting like he did not daydream a few seconds ago.

"How long usually rut will last?" The question escaped from Jimin's mouth without hesitation.

The unexpected question had punched the air out of Yoongi's lungs and caused to poor male to cough uncontrollably. He never know Jimin would ask him straightforwardly in public just like that.

"Slow down, people might think you got corona"

He earned a death glare exclusively from the alpha as he sealed his mouth shut. His eyes followed Yoongi who was reaching for his cup again and took another sip to wet his sore throat before he payed attention on Jimin again.

"Did you just ask me about rut?" Yoongi asked to confirm that what he heard from the omega just now was true.

Jimin only nodded his head in response. A loud sigh escaped from Yoongi as he does not have any idea how to explain about that to the omega.

"I can't be specific either but it will be around three to five days in row but it depends on the person as well"

"How about you? Aren't you a dominant alpha?"
Jimin asked to get rid of his curiosity.

"Around a week if I'm not mistaken" Then Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and took another sip.

"Only one week? holly f— are you sure?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows at the frantic reaction of the omega. Jimin seemed totally clueless about this topic as if he never really payed his attention about the natural matter of omegaverse species before.

"What's wrong with that? Aren't Jungkook a dominant alpha too? How long does his rut last then?"

"Why are you curious about Jungkook's rut?" Jimin shut him a glare as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You asshole, aren't you the one that asked for my rut length first? I won't fuck with your man!" He argued.

"Whose man?"

Both of them shut their head to look at the owner of the voice. There is standing Jeon Jungkook in his office suit smiling sweetly to the omega before he made eye contact with Yoongi who was sitting across Jimin.

"What's wrong? Am I disturbing something?" Jungkook asked when he noticed the thick tension in the air.

His eyes were pacing back and forth to look at the two as if they just had a fight. He can be found standing on the same spot for almost a minute straight with non of them ever uttering a single words to break the silence.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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