♡ chapter 27 ♡

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The room was filled with the heavy scent of rain and sandalwood causing Jimin's body to go limp under the tender touch of Jeon Jungkook. This strong alpha must have a lot of experience during his twenty five years of his life that was enough to make Park Jimin screaming and chanting his name beneath him.

"Mr Jeon.. it's so- ahh!"
Jimin accidentally moaned out loud and move his hand to cover his mouth in embarrassment.

This had caused Jungkook to chuckle as he removed the hand away so that he could listen to the melodic moan that came from Park Jimin.

"so good, I l-like it"
The omega said between his heavy unstable breathe.

He does not get any response from the alpha until Jungkook suddenly leaning down and capture his plump lips, sucking on them enough to make Jimin whined in pleasure. The alpha takes the chance to thrust his tongue inside as he listened to Jimin moan in pure pleasure when Jungkook twirling it against his sensitive tongue.

A few hours had passed since they were being intimate inside Jeon Jungkook's bedroom. The clock on the wall showing it's six in the morning but the omega had woke up a few minutes ago to dress up himself into his clothes that was scattered on the floor.

He walked with his baby steps towards the other side of the bed and scrunching down to have a better look on Jungkook.

"it's my first time I watch Jungkookie's sleeping face!"
The omega said while looking at Jungkook in amazement.

"how can someone be so handsome and cute in the same time?"
Jimin pouted before he leaning down to leave a peck on the alpha

"I need to leave now, sleep tight!"
He whispered and formed a smile in pure satisfaction.

With that Jimin dashed out of the apartment but not after remembering the room number just in case he would like to pay the alpha a visit next time. He called a cab immediately when he reached inside the lift as he waited to reach the ground floor.

"appa missed call me twice? oh luna, I should not have charge my phone at Jungkook's apartment earlier!"
Jimin gasped before he swallowed in fear, scared to face his father later.

A groan escape from Jungkook when the sunlight had passed his curtains that he thought he had closed them shut yesterday. He woke up and feel more energetic than usual causing the alpha to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"what the hell? It's already ten?"
He asked to himself when he spare a glance to the wall clock.

Jeon Jungkook is a light sleeper and this had caused him to feel a bit strange. He could wake up easily at the sound of the beeping sound of the washing machine that was located downstairs but right now he had woke up two and half hours late than usual.

He turned around to look at his side but he found nothing but a pillow under the thick cover. The alpha just shrugged before he walked to the living room.

"that boy was crying like a baby last night but he had disappeared early in the morning without waking me up"
Jungkook mumbled to himself as he brought his left hand to stretch the back of his neck.

Luckily today is his day off so he could rest at his apartment instead of attending his office. The room was too quiet as the alpha decided to switch on the television and sat down on the big couch comfortably. Nothing ever catch his attention as he keeps changing the channel until he saw the morning news.

The most familiar face had appeared on his television screen causing Jungkook to clench his fists. He somehow grew annoyed and switch off the television, heading to the bathroom to wash up before he decided his plan for today.

"Park Jimin you brat son!"
The older man yelled as he pinched Jimin's soft waist.

"yah, appa it's hurts!!"
He whined as he rubs the stinging pain on his skin area.

Looking at the scary glare that he received from his father had caused Jimin to gulp and raised his hands to the each sides of his head once again as if he was being caught by police.

"I'm punishing you right now but you can still smiling so wide like an idiot, what are you thinking about?"
Park Chanyeol asked but this had caused Jimin to smile even more.

"he said I'm good, I like everything"
The omega mumbled nonsense as he grinned in happiness but his father could not understand any single thing he talked about.

"where did you go last night and how many times I told you to pick up my call whenever I call you Park Jimin?"
The father asked while crossing his arms over his chest and tapping his foot on the tiled floor.

"I was hanging out with my friend and my phone was ran out battery"
Jimin state the fact before his began to blush at the thought he was hanging out with Jeon Jungkook yesterday.

"forget it, just make sure don't do this again next time and I will let you go now since I have a meeting to attend"
The father said and ruffles Jimin's blonde soft hair until they look all mess and leave the mansion with his son was still kneeling near the couch, pouting.

He was about to run to his room but a sudden phone call caused him to stop. Jimin was excited to look at the contact name that he assumed that Jungkook might calling him at this hour but to his disappointment, it was his alien friend.

"my jibooty, let's hang out!!"
He was welcomed with a super loud voice of Kim Taehyung.

"you have returned from Daegu?"
Jimin asked while the other omega just nodded his head.

"yah, you idiot! I can't see you nodding from miles here you know?!"


my homework missing me

I will be back in a few more hours

share me your thoughts!!

thank you!!

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