♡ chapter 59 ♡

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a/n: please check my message board by the way! ^^

It has been awhile since Jungkook left Yoongi alone at the cafe but the other alpha was busy scrolling down his social media at his seat with a new cup of newly brewed coffee. However when he decided to reach for his cup, his phone ringing followed by a familiar name plastered on the screen had caused him to roll his eyes playfully.

"Yoongi ah where are you?"
Jimin spoke from the other side of the phone.

"outside" The alpha replied as he took a sip of his drink.

"o-oh.. uhm did you met Jungkook- no, I meant he left without saying anything and it's been awhile—"

"pfft, you're saying that he ditched you?"
Yoongi then earned a scoff from Jimin.

"my omega instinct had told me that he probably met you earlier so you better tell me if that's true or not" Jimin said
as chewed his plump bottom lip to calm himself down.

The alpha just snorted him while rolling his eyes playfully. His third cup of coffee tastes so good out of sudden and he could not stop himself from drinking.

"Min Yoongi don't leave me hanging!"

After the conversation, Jimin can be found rushing out of his own apartment and leave the building before he managed to catch a texi. His heart was beating fast behind his rib cage, both of his hands clutched into fists.

He payed the driver as soon as he reached his destination and get out of the car, slamming the passenger door shut carefully. The omega rubbed his nape when his eyes landed on the huge building standing before him.

Jimin began to wonder how can he find Jungkook behind the thousands of doors on every single floors. He chewed his bottom lip once again. Somehow trying to gain his confidence to walk passed the entrance and sighed in relief when the receptionist was busy enough to not notice him walking nervously to the nearby lift.

"how can I find him?" The omega asked himself.

To his surprise, as soon as he stepped into the empty lift, the familiar musky scent belongs to Jungkook caused him to blink his eyes in disbelief. The first thing he thought is the alpha must be using this lift earlier.

"Stupid Jimin!" He yelled to himself.

He then returned to the ground floor and walked over to the receptionist. His small hands were clenched into a pair of fists as he was approaching the counter.

"Oh, good evening! I'm Beomgyu, may I help you?"
A male omega asked from behind the counter with a bright smile plastered on his face.

This had caused Jimin to sigh in relief before he tried to collect himself in a short moment.

"May I know if someone named Jeon Jungkook just checked in today? He's my mate" Jimin asked politely.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry to say this but I don't think I can give you details about our clients!" The staff bowed apologetically to the other omega.

Jimin frowned in disappointment, almost sniffed out loud in frustration at the fact that he cannot meet Jungkook any sooner when the alpha needed him the most.

"Did you saw my other employees around this area?" Beomgyu whispered loud enough for Jimin to hear him.

"Excuse me? Oh! no, it's completely empty!" Jimin assured the other male as he nodded his head.

With that Beomgyu began to work on his keyboard rather quickly as if he was already professional at using it.

"What was his name again?" He whispered.

"Jeon Jungkook" Jimin leaned in a little bit to let the receptionist hear his pronunciation better.

The male nodded his head quickly as he kept on tapping on the keyboard without moving his screen away from the  wide computer screen. Jimin in the other hand was scanning their surroundings just in case both of them will get caught and Beomgyu will be fired for doing this.

"Oh, yes we have a client named Jeon Jungkook!" Beomgyu whisper yelled to the other omega.

"Luckily there's no other omega with him, he's an alpha right? I guess he's the one drenched in pheromones once he stepped inside our hotel earlier" He added.

Upon hearing the information, Jimin felt relief washed over him and caused himself to unclench his fists.

"So can I get the room number please?"

Beomgyu nodded his head as he nodded his head real quick. He then grabbed a piece of paper before he scribbled the room number on the paper and pass it to the other omega who was patiently waiting for him.

"This room is located on the top floor, take the same lift that you used earlier, it'll be easier for you"

Jimin immediately thanked the receptionist with a pair of sparkling eyes, not knowing how to show how grateful he felt at the moment. He smiled for the last time at the other omega and headed straight to a nearby lift.

Once he stepped inside the lift, he was dead nervous. Not knowing what he was supposed to do when he faced the alpha later. Jimin frantically played with his short fingers to entertain himself until he heard the bell rang.

The corridor was huge, Jimin bet he could get tired for running around the area by himself.

"1067" He read the number on the piece of paper.

The omega mentally read the numbers on each doors on the corridor until the number increased down the hallway.

A smile formed on his beautiful face as he rushed over to the specific door and knock on the door twice.

However, he frowned in disappointment when no response came from inside as he checked on the paper given by the receptionist from earlier once again.

It was the exact same number written on the door and the paper and Jimin does not think Beomgyu will trick him. He then took a deep breath as he knocked again.

"Jungkook? It's me! Open up—"

Without he managed to finish his words, the door was being pulled open from inside as Jimin stumbled on his feet on the sudden lost of balance.

His eyes widen as he quickly lift his gaze up.


The Dominant Alpha Jeon ||JiKoOk||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum