♡ chapter 56 ♡

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"It's been two days!"
Jimin yelled in frustration.

The other male was sighing, drank his beer in one go before he slammed the glass on the table. He had listened to Jimin complaining and whining about his boyfriend for a few hours straight since they reached the restaurant. Yoongi noticed Jimin did not having proper meal so he decided to have dinner together.

However he seemed to regret his decision, his poor ears could not bare to listen to his rambling anymore. Jimin placed his head over the table, totally drunk after taking a couple of small sips even though Yoongi already remind him a few times to not drink his beer when he went to the toilet awhile ago.

"get your baby fingers away from my drink"
Yoongi hissed and put his glass away.

Jimin just whined when he could not taste the alcohol again, he wanted to forget about Jungkook but Yoongi did not allow him. The omega did not even recover from his high fever yet so Yoongi just order a juice for him.

"i j-just want small sips"
The omega mumbled with pouted lips.

"finish your meal real quick and I'll drop you off"
Yoongi said and abandoned his beer.

He knew that he will not get drunk so easily but he does not want to caused them get into accident, the alpha still wanted to look at Kim Taehyung's beautiful feature again in the future. The alpha shook his head at the sudden thought before he looked at Jimin.

An idea suddenly came to his mind before Yoongi took his phone out of his pants pocket and snapped a picture of the sleeping Jimin. He raised his phone a bit to make him visible in the picture a little bit as well but his black bucket hat was covering half of his face.

"yah, don't drolling over this table!"
Yoongi scold with disgusted face.

Meanwhile in Korea, this one specific alpha was flashing a tired smile. His used to be neat hair now already turned a bit disheveled after spending a night to work on the upcoming project, sleep already forgotten.

"good job, Mr Jeon"
The secretary said with a sarcastic smile.

He had been the main caused this project got postponed and Hoseok somehow managed to drag him back to Korea to finish a couple of meetings and a ton of paperwork before he could return to his lover. Jungkook sighed as he felt exhausted, wanted to hit the sack as soon as possible when he reached home.

"Can i go home now hyung ah?"

"yeah sure, go meet your lover"
Hoseok said while arranging some papers.

The alpha widened his eyes in surprise before he finally remembered about Jimin. He left the omega without saying goodbye and he did not even charged his phone since then, he could not help but to sigh.

"Jiminie must be worried"
He muttered with a hand over his eyes.

Jungkook was beyond tired as he planned to at least take a real short nap at home and fly to oversea tomorrow. He should book a flight today.

His hand pulled the drawer of his office table before he found a power bank, a sigh of relief escaped from his mouth before he charged his phone and leave his office along with his other important things.

After he got inside his car, he tried to switch on his phone before he started the engine. Jungkook was about to drive but then he heard notification spammed into his phone non stop. He took a deep breath, hand released from the steering to pick his phone up.

Just like expected, he got a ton of missed call from Jimin which had caused the alpha to feel bad. He reached for his phone and scroll down those notifications until he noticed an unknown number texted him. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows before he wasted no time to open the chat.

"a picture?"

Jungkook frowned even more. He does not remember of exchanging number with anyone recently. His finger tapped on the chat without second thought and wait for the picture to be downloaded. The alpha knitted his eyebrows before his breath hitched in pure surprise.

The picture of Jimin was taken while he was sleeping on his crossed arms at a restaurant, both of his soft cheeks turned bright shade of red but then his eyes landed on an unfamiliar male wearing a bucket hat raising his middle finger to the camera in the picture.

"who the actual fuck?"

A growl escaped from the alpha as he hit the steering wheel with his palm, feeling anger mixed with jealousy deep in his stomach and caused him to see red. He wasted no time to dial his secretary number and wait the older to pick up the call less than three rings.

"hello, director Jeon?"

"hoseok hyung ah, buy a flight ticket for me to oversea right now, I'm heading to airport so be quick"
He ended the call right after that.

The older raised his eyebrows in curiosity before he just shrugged it off, simply making an online purchase to buy the ticket mentioned by Jungkook earlier.

"fuck, why you must be so heavy?!"
Yoongi yelled in frustration.

He has been dragging the drunk omega from the parking lot to his apartment. It will be a huge lie if he said Jimin did not give him a hard time.

The omega could not make himself standing properly as he felt both of his legs turned into jelly. He also kept on muttering curses under his breath as he talked about Jeon Jungkook hurting his feeling repeatedly.

After they got inside the apartment, Yoongi did not think twice before he pushed the omega on the couch before he let out a heavy sigh out of his chest. He glared towards Jimin from the corner of his eyes, listening to the complaining from the smaller male.

"fuck, you're temperature did not decrease at all"
Yoongi muttered before he rubbed his nape.

"want kookie, where's h-him?"
Jimin babbled half awake.

The alpha decided to ignore him as he tried to look for some medicines in the drawer. He was struggling since most of the drawer filled with snacks.

"where did you put your medicine?"
Yoongi asked from the kitchen.

"i want cuddles but not with you, i want kookie"
Jimin stomping his feet to throw tantrums.


I'm planning to write long ass chapter but that's mean i won't update often, maybe i should write short chapters instead 💗💗💗

The Dominant Alpha Jeon ||JiKoOk||Where stories live. Discover now