♡ chapter 14 ♡

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The short blonde omege reads all the beverage menu on the board with a low hums. It does not take a long time for him to choose the drink that he wants because the first thing he will focus is the sweetness.

"Can you give me a latte with a lot of whipped cream sir?"
Jimin ordered with his eyes sparkling in excitement to get the taste of the sweet drinks on his taste buds.

"I will get the same but without any whipped cream please"
Someone said from his back while handing the cashier a black card, in the same time mentioning the cashier that he will pay for both of them.

The omega tsked before he turned around, not liking the idea that probably someone would like to hit on him like the other time. Blame his short height because right when he turned around his head bumped with a hard chest before a familiar scent of rain and sandalwood filled into his nostrils.

"Jeon J-jungkook- i meant Mr Jeon! Pleasure to meet y-you here"
Jimin said rather quickly as he smiled foolishly at the tall alpha.

It's been a few minutes they were sitting while facing each others on a couple seat after their order was done. A cute pout formed on Jimin's plump lips when the alpha does not interested to have a friendly talk with him as he just sipping on his hot coffee in silence. The omega wanted to whine but he does not want to cause himself into trouble if he throw his tantrums here.

"come on Mr Jeon, I'm sure you will like me one day if we meet more often"
Jimin said as he cupped his rosy cheeks

"what makes you confident until you thought that i will like you?"
Jungkook shoot him with a question.

The omega scrunched his nose to think before he brought his hands to put on his lap so that he could play with his short fingers.

"I'm kinda shy to tell you this but i think you should know that I'm quite good at doing t-that thing"
Jimin fake a statement with his face red of embarrassment.

"The thing will not going to happen so I suggest you to stop following me"
Jungkook said casually before he took another sip of his coffee.

The omega hates to lose, he just scrunched his nose once again. His real plan is about to start so he should not stop until he got the thing he wanted.

"Mr Jeon I admit that maybe I was seducing you at first but you fall for it right? Does that mean you like it?? That was the main reason why you sleep with me right Mr Jeon?"
Jimin asked as he crossed his arms over his chest like a mad baby chick.

"yah Park Jimin, i already told you that i didn't sleep with you at all and everything happens that day because you were on your heat so that's mean it was an only accident, nothing more"
Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't releasing my pheromones that day so that's mean you were not attracted because of it"
Jimin shook his head in denied as he state the real fact.

The alpha actually was really stress from the lunch he had with his father earlier but he does not want to put his anger all on this innocent omega so he took another deep breath while closing his eyes. Jimin just stared at him with a pout, silently begging the alpha to give him a hope so that he can continue his plan just like he had arranged.

"so even when you are not in your heat cycle and i fall for you, then i will admit it was not an accident"
Jungkook state the deal while Jimin raised his eyebrows.

The tension around them suddenly turned dark and Park Jimin who was smiling and grinning in happiness wore a serious face and nods his head without thinking twice.

"I accept your offer Mr Jeon"
The omega said and earning a dark chuckle from Jungkook.

He sits straight on the wooden chair as his elbows placed on his knees, looking deep into the emerald green orbs to examine whether the omega was joking or not. Jungkook only found hesitation masked with a fake confident all over Jimin's face who was biting his bottom lip to reduce his nervous.

"Let's go to hotel then"
Jungkook said way too casually until Jimin could feel himself burning in embarrassment.

"w-what?! right n-now?!"
The omega asked in surprise.

"if you don't want to then let's quit-"

"I mean yes, let's go!"
Jimin cut him off but then Jungkook immediately stood up and walk to the exit door with Jimin just watch him from behind with unsure feeling mixed along with hesitation.

The omega gulped down the lump that insisted on staying in his throat and leave as well. He thought this might be a wrong move but he just care less, he should gain as much pheromones from the dominant alpha as possible to stabilize his hormones.

The hotel mentioned by Jungkook was really beyond his expectations, it was too extra to stay here just for a one night stand but Jimin could not make himself to say no at Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin had locked himself into the bathroom right after they stepped into the huge lounge with a king size bed located in the middle of the luxury room. The alpha had probably rented a VVIP room just like his high standards.

The phone in his hold seems to not functioning well when Jimin surfing through Google to search about the information connected to alphas in bed. Unfortunately for Jimin, he could not understand a single thing written down on the website and this had caused him to lose his confidence and leading him to feel nervous.

"oh my luna, what should i do right now?! Mr Jeon is probably waiting outside!"
Jimin whispered to himself and poked his cheeks a couple of times.


s-should i write smut?

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