Chapter 49: Surprise

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I smiled. "It was awesome!"

He smiled. "I'm glad." He said. "We've got some surprises for you here, too."

"Really?" I Asked.

"Of course, it's your thirteenth birthday!" He said. "You're a teenager now!"

"Welcome to the club." Jessica joked, patting me on the back.

I laughed a little as Rihanna came over. "Hey, Aaliyah!" She Said, hugging me. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" I Said.

"I got you a present." She smiled at me.

"We all did." Chris added.

"Oh! Speaking Of presents, Ryan gave me a OneRepublic shirt!" I Said, pointing at my shirt.

"And it looks great on you." Rihanna Said.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"When can she open presents?" Jessica blurted.

Chris laughed. "After we've had cake."

"When will we have cake?" She Asked, smirking at him.

"After I finish up a surprise."

"Ooh, surprise?" I giggled a little.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Ryan Suddenly blurted, before jogging away.

Jessica, Chris, Rihanna, and I stood there in silence for a minute.

"That was.." I started.

"Weird." Jessica finished, Furrowing her eyebrows.

"Right.." Chris Said, before chuckling. "Should I go check on him?"

Jessica and I shrugged, as Chris went to follow Ryan.

We both laughed a little.

"That was.." I started.

"Awkward?" Jessica finished for me again.

I nodded. "Yeah." I Said. "A little."

"Aaliyah!" I heard a couple of voices cheer.

I immediately smiled. I'd recognise those voices anywhere.

I turned around, seeing Alexandria and Alexander running over to me.

"Cousins!" I exclaimed, kneeling down.

They both hugged me tightly, and I hugged them back.

"Oh, I missed you guys.." I Said.

"We missed you, too!" Alexandria Said.

"Happy birthday, Aaliyah." I heard, and looked up to see aunt Millie standing there, a small smile on her face.

I let go of the twins, standing.

"Aunt Millie.." I smiled a little, before hugging her.

She patted me on the back. "How've you been?"

"I've been great." I smiled, letting go of her.

"I've heard Chris is good to you?"

I nodded. "He's amazing." I Said.

Us Against The World // Chris MartinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora