The warm glowing hand hovered over his chest for a minute before it dimmed and dissipated. The stranger casted him a short glance before getting up to leave; walking over the water, leaving him staring at their departing back, perplexed.

Zoro can only stare with his mouth agape. Luffy won't believe him when he tells him what just happened.



Loud crashes brought Megumi to what once was Arlong Park. Group of villagers crowded the gate, spectating the fight between a rookie pirate and the Fish-Man who caused their suffering. The cheered the man on, trusting him to defeat Arlong and free them from the cruelty of the Fishman.

"Seems like I am late." Megumi sighs, her eyes landing on the kneeling orange-haired girl at the front.

The park crashes to the ground, everyone worried for the pirate boy, some assuming he's dead.

Megumi smirks. If he dies that quickly, he's not worthy to be her captain.

"Nami, you're my friend!"

Lo and behold, Luffy emerges from the wreckage. This guy still has the strength to yell loudly after that intense fight. She can only shake her head whilst sighing.

Like the Nara always say, What a drag.

Cheers erupted. The villagers picking the pirate up. throwing him and catching him.

Throw. Catch.

Throw. Catch.

Megumi's heart almost stopped when a mishap happened. The townsfolks failed to catch him and Luffy fell to the ground. If she didn't know of his rubber body, she would've ran to check on him.

That guy really.

She stood firmly, watching from a safe distance. Revealing herself will ruin the fun. So, she'll let them celebrate first.

She teleported away when a group of marines came to the scene, appearing on the deck of her ship.

"Idiot marines." Showing up just like that after the ruckus. They will surely get beaten up.



The celebration party lasted for three days straight, and yet they're still at it.

Onyx eyes scans the cheering figures of the townsfolk. A smile forms at Megumi's rosy lips as she watches them from her seat. She can't blame them. They've been deprived of freedom for eight years.

She downs a mug of beer, wiping the foam from her lips and stabbing a piece of meat with her fork.

She changed her anbu uniform to civilian clothes with henge in order to blend in and observe. However, an old man and his daughter saw her just wandering around and not interacting with anybody and just dragged her with them to the party. Foods and drinks was shoved to her and she was dragged by a group of young women to dance with them. She should've stayed hidden, but it was interesting (she doesn't dare admit she's having fun) so she stayed.

With her stomach full, she decided to walk around; taking a good look of the town as she wasn't given an opportunity earlier. Her feet brought her to the clinic. Memories of her time in Syrup village resurfaced. It's been a while since she received news from them. She made a mental note to send them a letter before entering the small building.

Black met brown. The orange-haired-girl, Nami, she remembers her name was, is sitting on a stool, staring at her; most likely wondering who she is since she's not from here.

Ikigai (A Naruto One Piece Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora