Chapter 7: Vampire May Cry

Start from the beginning

The Vampire smiled brightly as he recalled meeting his two friends, but once he continued speaking that smile quickly left. "After that day, me Leon and Kennedy were inseparable. The old lady would bring them to stay in her home for weeks at a time, and we would play all day every day. These were the best times of my life, but good times don't last forever. One day me and the Old Lady had left the confines of her protected home on a 'special' trip that she decided to take me on since I was apparently reaching adulthood. The thought of the trip sounded exciting to me, until midway through our travels she suddenly stopped walking." Kaizer's fist was clenched in a tight ball, but his face portrayed none of his emotion.

"The old lady told me that something was horribly wrong, and that we needed to return home immediately. So, we began sprinting back to the isolated home. On the way back we could see large dog like footprints and claw marks all along the trees. The stench of blood filled the air with each and every step we took towards the home. And as we reached the clearing, I saw a sight that still haunts me to this day. Littered across the ground were what looked like mangled corpses missing vital body parts that would be needed to identify who these people were, but I knew who they were. Kennedy's body was in tatters, her arms were far away from her body, and the entire bottom half of the corpse was nowhere to be seen."

"Lean's corpse on the other hand was completely gone the only thing that remained in the field was his head, half chewed and unrecognizable. The old lady immediately said that it must've been Lycan that had gotten to them. She said that they must've tried to say hello while we were gone and gotten attacked when they reached the home. At the time, I was far too shocked to listen to the old lady's explanation. If I had, I would've noticed the holes in her bullshit much sooner. Instead, I buried my friends and sought vengeance against the Demons that slaughtered them. I collected all the Demon parts that I had stashed away hidden from the old lady and used them to create a new weapon. Dual guns that I dubbed Leon and Kennedy, and it was with these weapons that I tracked down the Lycan and drowned them in bullets."

Kaizer then paused for a moment, taking in a breath after having to relieve this horrible tragedy. "That walk home was a very quiet one" he stopped for a moment before he continued. "The rage and hatred that I felt in my heart had only quieted slightly, and I didn't feel satisfied quiet yet. But I continued walking back to the place that I used to call home. As I reached the clearing, standing at the entrance to the home was the old lady. She opened her arms and welcomed me back with a cold hug, but at the time it felt incredibly warm. I fell asleep instantly in her arms, and it wasn't until I woke up that I realized what a horrible person that bitch was." This time, anger flashed on his face for a split second. It was very noticeable, but Kaizer continued speaking as if it never happened.

"When I awoke, I found myself wrapped in chains, naked, spread eagle while I watched as a group of people in black masks stabbed me repeatedly in non-fatal parts of my body, allowing me to bleed across the stone slab I was placed on. In the group of hooded figures, I saw that same old lady, and she smiled at me maliciously. She taunted me by explaining that it was the luckiest day of her life the day she found me. She told me that I had special blood, I was born of both werewolf and vampire, and that it was this combination that this cult, they called the 'Gods of War,' needed to revive the Gods that they worshipped. She then told me that she had a group of Lycans kill my friends because she thought that it would somehow activate my blood and allow me to use both race's powers. She completely laughed off the fact that she was mistaken. And treated the death of my friends like they were crushed flowers."

"I was extremely afraid for my life, but even more that I was furious. In a rage, I completely blacked out, but when I came to, I was no longer in chains, or in the secret location that the cult had me in. I was bloodied and severely injured, naked but alive. It was at that point that I became determined to end the lives of every person associated with the cult. However, the first thing I needed was the strength to do so. The old bitch told me about the Demon Hunters, people who were paid to slay Demons and protect the humans across Transylvania. I made it my goal to find them and join their ranks to become stronger." Before Kaizer could continue, (Y/N) asked him a question that had been bothering him since the story began.

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