120 - Jeon Jungkook ( BTS )

Start from the beginning

" Shush... shush, it's going to be okay. You're okay, let's get you checked out, and we'll work on the guy okay? But we reunited the group. " Zeha comforts her, she looks at him heavily confused. 

" Group? All of them are connected? " She asks, we all nod towards her. Jin was the one who looked at her in pure shock. I mean understandable. 

" I didn't know they based a character off of Y/n, " Jin mutters to me, and I simply just nod towards him. Even as a character I'm still overly attracted to her. 

We have a weird history, her and I. It's a confusing one to say the least. We were a part of the planning, Moon she's an absolute genius. Like it's insane how smart she is. " How come even in an alternate universe, the ones suppose to be my little sister and one of my best friends are together? " Jin asks, that caused all of us to look at him in complete shock. He knows, oh God. 

" Kookie, I really can't talk right now. My editor is losing it, I feel like I'm not even present right now. And-and I feel like my brother is mad at- " I grabbed a hold of her and pulled her towards me. Placing my lips against hers. She didn't kiss back at first, she was I guess in shock. But eventually she started kissing me back.

It wasn't like a very intense kiss, we just kissed. And it got a little bit intimate. But nothing came from it that time, it became more though from that moment. 

" Because they have natural chemistry with one another. Plus everyone can tell he has a crush on her, " Joon comments, that's gonna be a conversation we now have. 

" How long? " I turned my attention to Jin when he asked me that question, the truth is... I couldn't tell him that exact moment. So, I guess that's my answer. 

" Pretty much since we met, " he looked at me and nodded.

" You're not going... " we all picked up our heads as we heard Zeha starting to talk. Moon was walking away from him with a sling. " Moon I'm being serious! " She turned to him and sighed in frustration. 

" No, I am the smartest one out of this group. I know where the portal entrance and exit is. I can help the get back to their world. From what it seems is that they got into a car accident, so they need to get back into their bodies before they die. Zeha, I love you. I love you a lot, but you have to let me do things sometimes. This isn't how a relationship works okay? " She asks him, he slowly nods his head. She looks at all of us and shakes her head. " Sorry you guys had to hear that... " she begins. What shocked us was the question that was asked. 

" So, why Zeha? " Jimin asks, she looked at him as he was now starting to get things together with Haru. 

" Couldn't tell you exactly why. But even though everything that has happened, with my brother abandoning me and trying to kill me. He grabbed a hold of me, held me tightly. And said even if your brother is who he is, and he's still here and loving me. I hope all of you guys are able to find the right love in your world, " she tells us, we all looked at her with a slight smile on her face. 

She's a very loving character, they made her excellent and she definitely embodies Y/n. 

Y/n's P.O.V. 

It's been three days, they've all been in comas for three days. And it's been the same thing on the news every single time it's on. " It was a bad crash, and all seven of the members of BTS was rushed to the hospital. All of them now fighting for their lives. " 

I can't lose them, I can't. The doctors are saying they don't know what exactly is wrong until they wake up. But my thinking is why haven't they woken up yet? Why haven't they been able to wake up yet. I haven't been able to sleep since I got the call saying all seven of them were in the hospital. 

They spread across two rooms. Jin, Kook, and Jimin are in one. While Yoogni, Joon, Tae, and Hobi are in the other room. I've been going back and forth between the two rooms. Because I'm the main one watching them, I'm currently in the room with Jin, Kook, and Jimin. I haven't been able to stop crying, but I don't want to show anyone that I am. 

" Y/n? " I picked up my head and was greeted by Jimin's eyes. Within seconds I was by him and hugging him tightly. " Please don't cry... " he mutters. I just continued on holding him. 

" Let me go get the doctor, " I comment beginning to get up from where I was. 

" He loves you... " I turned around to face him heavily confused. " Jungkook, he wanted me to say that if he didn't make it. He's in love with you and has been for years. Don't give up on him just because you don't think it would work with Jin being your brother. " A shaky breath comes out of my mouth, as he finished his sentence. 

" I'm so afraid you're going to wake up one day and see me the way I see myself! I'm falling for you, and it terrifies me Kook it terrifies me to the core! " 

" Jimin, let me go get the doctor... " he slowly nods towards me. Getting the doctor was the easiest part, when we walked back into the room that's when I broke down.

" Get her out of here now! " I watched in horror as all of them are bleeding.

" What's happening? What's happening to them?! Please tell me, please they're my best friends. One's my brother... and one's my-my he's my something. " I continued on crying and screaming wanting to know what happened, while one of the nurses held onto me as I continued breaking down. 

That was 17 hours ago, now it's officially four day. 

" Ma'am there you are. All of their cuts opened again for some reason. But don't worry we got it under control. Mister Namjoon and Mister Yoongi are awake. " As soon as he said that I immediately started walking towards their room. 

" Y/n! " I chuckle lightly and run towards the two of them, hugging Yoongi first and then Joon. " Please... please don't cry, we're alright. " Joon whispers to me. 

" You've been unconscious for the past four days. It's been terrifying, and- and Jimin I talked to him and then when we walked back in all of you guys were bleeding. The doctors don't even understand how you guys' wounds even reopened. And... and- I'm just happy you guys are okay, " I ramble to them which causes them to chuckle. 

" Are the others awake? " Yoongi asks, I shake my head towards him. 

The boys got checked, and I decided to go to the other room to check up on them. And I was greeted with a Jungkook attempting to stand. " Are you out of your mind?! " I immediately got a hold of him, and was starting to support him. 

" I needed to see you, " he mutters. 

" You could have called me, I would have came over. Why are you trying to hurt yourself even more?! " I ask, he doesn't say anything. he just leans in and kisses me. And this time I kiss him back immediately. " Did you mean it? What Jimin said to me, do you mean it? " He nods towards me, I immediately lean in and kiss him again. 

" I love you too, " I whisper to him. " I love you too. " 

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