(Black cat arc) Part 2

Start from the beginning

A knock on the door caught both of their attention, after setting down dinner May wiped her hands with a towel before walking towards the door and opening it for Y/n who stands just outside the door.

Y/n: "Hey..."

May: "Hey, we just set up dinner and *sniff* Phew! you smell awful"

Y/n: "I kinda fell into a dumpster. Which reminds me, I need to wash my suit"

May: "I can wash it later if you want"

Y/n: "Thanks, May"

May then step aside to let Y/n in the apartment before shutting the door.

In another part of town, a separate door shuts as the Black cat removes her mask before looking at herself through the mirror, revealing it to be Felicia Hardy as the Black cat. She ran her fingers through her hair as she went to address another person in the apartment.

Felicia: "Well, that went smoothly, wasn't it"

???: "You were sloppy, you nearly got caught"

Felicia: *turns around* "Awww~ Come on, Ryan, what's the harm in a little fun?"

Felicia smirked at the person in the shadows, under the moonlight that peeks through the window, we could see a sniper rifle propped up to the figure's lap as it removes the suppressor on the barrel. The glint of the scope then shined to the figure's face revealing Ryan with a deadpan expression as he focuses on his rifle.

Ryan: "You playing around is gonna get us in trouble"

Felicia: "Oh, ease off Ryan.

Felicia grabbed the zipper on her catsuit before pulling it down slightly, letting her skin breathe as the beads of sweat run down her body. She then opened her fridge and leaned down to grab a carton of milk inside.

After grabbing the carton of milk, Felicia shuts her fridge before grabbing a glass from her cabinet and pouring herself a glass of milk as Ryan finally disassembles his rifle. Felicia then puts the glass on her lips before drinking its contents.

Y/n placed a glass of water on the table as he wipes his hair with a towel, after taking a shower Y/n put on his loungewear before joining Peter and May for dinner. Utensils clattering against the dinner plates filled the table as May went to start some small talk.

May: "So, anything new happened while your out?"

Y/n: "Ehh...Not much, just the usual street thug here and there"

Peter: "Didn't you and Felicia go to a museum together?"

May: "Felicia? Sounds like a girl's name, what's she like?"

Y/n: "Platnum blonde hair, great physique. You'll like her"

May: "Ohh~ Does Y/n has his eyes on another beauty?"

Y/n: *nom* "Not exactly, plus I'm already spoken for"

May: "Really? Who?"

Peter: "It's complicated, trust me even I didn't get it the first time"

May: "Well that's not fair, Peter gets to know, but I don't? Come on, spill it"

Y/n: *zips mouth*

May: *giggle* "Fine...Just don't go around breaking hearts, you hear me?"

Y/n: *nods* "I won't"

May: *holds out glass* "Water"

Y/n placed his utensils down before grabbing the pitcher of water near him and pouring it into May's glass.

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