Chapter 1: The End of the World

Start from the beginning

-August 26th 2010

-"Are you okay dad, why do you keep buying all this stuff?"

-"Just in case we lose power." He says laughing nervously.

-"I heard on the news last night there's been people biting people and trying to kill them. That's what you're worried about. How did you know about this before the news di-."

-"Hey can you head into town? He says cutting me off before I could finish speaking "And go buy a bunch of clothes with Cody and Hannah."

-"Okay." I say worried.

-I don't really want to be in a vehicle with Cody but at least Hannah is going to be with us so he won't do anything.

-Me Cody and Hannah head out to Walmart with a list of everyone's sizes for clothes.

-Before we walk out the door my dad gives me a pocket knife and hands Cody a revolver.

-"What the hell." Hannah says scared out of her mind.

-"Yeah Thomas what the hell?" Cody says.

-"Just in case you go across any of the murderers." My dad says.

-Me Cody and Hannah get into Walmart and on our way there there's military vehicles everywhere.

-"Can we just head back." Hannah says. "This is scary".

-"We have to get stuff." I say. "We can't just come back with nothing."

-"Cody can you at least bring the gun in with you." Hannah says.

-"What are you fucking insane I'm not going to get arrested carrying a gun in to Walmart." Cody says and throws the gun into the glove box.

-"Hannah if it makes you feel better I'll carry the pocket knife with me."

-"Okay." She says.

-We walk into Walmart and it's a shit show. It's crowded with people buying food and camping gear.

-We rush around the store trying to get the clothes. Cody runs and grabs the last two tents that are there. It wasn't on the list but Hannah told him to grab them because everyone else was.

-We check out and before we go out the doors we hear people screaming inside the Walmart.

-We turn around to see and there's a woman getting teared apart by two of those things I saw on the news.

-Everyone in the store rushes out causing a mob. People are pushing people and walking on them. Me and Cody make it to the car with the stuff.

-"Where's Hannah?" I say to Cody.

-"Shit." He says. He climbs on top of the car and spots her. "She's over there." Hannah was on the ground because someone pushed her. Me and Cody run over to her as soon as it's safe to run without being trampled.

-Hannah gets up and tries to walk but she must have broken her leg and one of those things is right behind her. It bites her arm right before we get to her. Cody hits the thing off of her with a paddle he found before it bites her more. The thing isn't knocked out though it gets right back up. I pick the paddle and keep hitting it, giving enough time for Cody to pick her up. The thing keeps coming back so I run as fast as I can back to the car. Cody throws Hannah in the backseat and speeds off. A whole group of those things come out of nowhere. Cody speeds off as fast as he could.

-"Call 911!" He says yelling at me.

-"Okay." I try calling but the phone isn't working.

-"It's not working." I say.

-"Fuck." He says and starts driving to Boston.

-We can't get into Boston because there's people driving out of it and military personal blocking going in.

-"We can't get to the hospital so guess what Ava you get to put your medical knowledge to use for once." He says yelling at me. "SAVE HER."

-I grab some napkins from the glove box and then lean over the center console to get to her and wrap one of the shirts around her arm to hopefully try to stop the bleeding.

-Cody put one of his hands on my thigh knowing Hannah can't see it and I freeze.

-"The bite is on her arm not very deep so hopefully she won't bleed out." I say snapping out of my head trying to calm Hannah and Cody down.

-"Hannah's burning up." I say to Cody.

-That gets him to let go of my leg and puts two hands on the steering wheel and drives even faster back home. We get home in minutes and the neighborhood is nuts. There's those things everywhere.

-Cody carries Hannah into the house as soon as my dad unlocks the door.

-One of those things tackles me down and before it could bite me my dad rips it off me and shoots it in the chest. It's still alive so it gets back up and my dad shoots it in the head this time. It stopped when he shot it in the head; that must be how they die.

-"Come on hurry up." My dad says and picks me off the lawn and rushes me inside.

-My dad has all the windows boarded up and when me and him get inside he board's the door up.

-Kayden, Mariah, Jasmine and Diana are here. Our neighbors and Kayden also happens to be my best friend. My dad must have told them to stay over here because it was safer than being alone.

-"Are you okay?" Kayden asks me noticing the blood on me from the thing that tackled me down.

-"Yes I'm fine." I say to him.

-"It doesn't matter if you're fine." Cody says and pulls me to my room where he put Hannah.

-"Help her!" Cody says yelling at me.

-"Don't yell at her." My dad says "Hannah's going to be fine. She has a broken leg and wound that Ava can stitch up."

-"Sorry." Cody says to me with coldness in his eyes.

-I give Hannah some painkillers and wrap her ankle where it's broken and stitch her arm. She's still burning up I don't know why so I grab her a cold cloth to put on her.

-"A--va am I go--ing to b--e okay." She says to me before she falls asleep.

-I leave her alone and shut the door to my room so know one will bother her.

-"Is she going to be alright?" Elizabeth asks me.

-"I think so." I say.

Word count 1540

-I have never seen Fear The Walking Dead(and never plan on watching it) I know that show covers the start of the apocalypse so this is probably compeletly wrong from how things actually were. The main show never went really in detail how everything fell so I'm doing my best.

 The main show never went really in detail how everything fell so I'm doing my best

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