Thirty Eight

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"C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! Let's go!" I said while bouncing up and down on Luke's bed, trying to get him up. He promised to drop me off at the hospital before he would go out with Louis to whatever they were about to do. "LUKE! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" I whined as I plopped down on top of him, making him groan in pain. "That's what you get if you don't get your nasty butt out of this bed!"

He turned to me and sighed. "You're so annoying. Gosh. Get off of me, so I can get ready. Lou will only be here at 11, so chill I got time enough."

"WHAT?! 11?! I can go walking then!"

"Be happy I want to drop you off already."

"Well, it's not my fault my car gave up yesterday night when we came home!"

"No, that's your car's fault. Now let me take a quick shower and I'll quickly drop you off, yeah?"

I beamed and hugged him a bit too tightly. "Yay! Thank you!" I almost yelled, getting off of him as he made his way in the bathroom.

For the time he was in the bathroom, I decided to get my phone out and text whoever I wanted, starting with Harry.

TO: Sex God ♥

'Hey, be there in a few. Car died yesterday and Luke's gonna drop me off. Xx

-Niall Horan'

It didn't took him all too long, before he texted back, being the cheeky Harry I know.

FROM: Sex God ♥

'Heya! Don't take too long! It's boring here! And I'm already missing you :( xx'

Awh.... Isn't he just the cutest?

TO: Sex God ♥

'Aw, promise not to take too long. You know what I just realized? Xx

-Niall Horan.'

FROM: Sex God ♥

'I'll be here. ;) And, oh please, enlighten me! xx'

TO: Sex God ♥

'Oh ha-ha. Like you even have a choice. And what I realized just yet is that we seem to be... like... REALLY close, you know? I mean, don't you think we sound like a... ugh, never mind! So, gonna leave yah now. I don't hear the shower anymore, so I can creep on Luke and make him go faster. -Sounds so dirty- Bye! Xx

-Totally Not Niall Horan.'

I got some texts from Harry after, and I read them all, but I ignored him.

After what felt like hours, which was in reality only half an hour or something, Luke and I drove off to the hospital. "Be careful," he suddenly said, as I was about to get out of the car. I turned back to him as I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked a bit confused in his eyes. "Now, don't give me that look. Okay, I'm just trying to be a brother here."

"We both agreed to not let your overprotective hold over me ruin my life, remember? I love you, yes, but please. It's the hospital. When things happen, you go to there. So, really, nothing can happen there."

"Niall, I mean it. I know you won't die or anything, but you're so fragile inside. You're too emotional at some point and you always let others play with your heart."


"Do you even have to ask that? Louis." I nodded and huffed a bit, should've expect that answer... "Anyway, Niall you're too good to let someone play with your heart. Sure, you can do whatever you want, you're an adult, but I know that I want to protect you from getting hurt."

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