52: Enter the Daoist Priest

Start from the beginning

"My play thing." She finally says, before licking her lips.

You gritted your teeth, not appreciating the way she was looking and addressing Kyōjurō. It was so clear to you that she had taken quite a liking towards your man.

Like hell! If she even dare so lay a finger on him, you'll knock her teeth out.

"Please, you must forgive my dear Wuying. She can be quite... enthusiastic. Anyways, I'm afraid our meeting here is limited, but I'm happily to announce that the two of you would be taking part of a much more greater sacrifice!" Satsujin says.

Sacrifice? What sacrifice?

As if reading your mind, Satsujin did not waste any time saying, "You will both be apart of my garden and will bloom into a flower of enlightenment!" He adds.

"Enlightenment?" Kyōjurō mumbles, raising a brow in question.

You were confused as well, just what in the world was he talking about?

Grinning wickedly, Satsujin snapped his fingers and suddenly the whole place seemed to shake! Both you and Kyōjurō were surprised to see the fusuma doors folding and shifting as the walls began closing in on you.

The ground beneath your feet trembled, sending chills down your spine as the room seemed to shrink before your eyes. Panic set in as you realized the danger closing in on you, your heart racing in fear.

"(Name), look out!" Kyōjurō exclaimed.

You screamed as your lover quickly pushed you away just as the wall immediately slid in-between─separating the two of you and trapping you on the other side.

The thunderous sound of the walls closing in echoed in the small space. Desperation clawed at your chest as you pounded on the unforgiving barrier, the reality of the situation sinking in as you were left alone.

"Kyō!" You cried, banging on the wall.

Momentarily, you tried feeling for any way out, only to find nothing but solid wall. You turned around to see a door and opened it, only to entered a room (washitsu) with another door.

Cautiously entering, you noticed the traditional tatami mats and sliding paper doors, feeling a sense of unease creeping over you. It was then you realized you were trapped in a maze of some sort, because every time you opened a shoji you were either met with a room or a ominous hallway with more foregoing rooms. The dim lighting and eerie silence only added to the feeling of being lost in a labyrinth, unsure of which direction to take next.

"D-Damnit." You groaned in frustration.

This must've been the demon's plan all along? To get you and Kyōjurō separated! However, you weren't about give up even if it meant searching every room in this godforsaken place.

As you continued to navigate through the dark corridors, the sense of urgency weighed heavily on your shoulders. You were determined to reunite with Kyōjurō and put an end to whatever sinister scheme Satsujin had concocted. The thought of that jiangshi girl lurking around only fueled your determination.

Whatever the demon was planning, you knew it wasn't good and no doubt that jiangshi girl would be after Kyōjurō, considering she'd just up and attacked him. The sheer thought of it made you growl under your breath.

You quickened your pace, the determination in your eyes reflected the unwavering resolve in your heart. Kyōjurō was your lover; your soon to be husband and you would not rest until you found him safe and sound. The thought of failure was not an option.

"Hold on Kyō, I will find you."


Meanwhile, Kyōjurō groaned, before opening his eyes. Standing up, he immediately took in his surroundings and noticed he was in some kind of room. It was dimly lit with Chinese lanterns hanging from the ceiling, a large rug, and a tapestry.

"I've gotta find (Name)!" He says and headed towards the exit.

Suddenly, a familiar figure stepped from behind the door─closing it and keeping him from escaping.

"My play thing."

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now