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Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings
Nothing's forever, nothing's as good as it seems
And when the clouds won't iron out
And the monsters creep into your house
And every door is hard to close

She pulled at her binds, stumbling and shouting as the wretched Dussashan, strangled and pulled Druapadi by her hair.

"Take me, please take me. But don't touch her. Don't hurt her."she asked of Duryodhan, who glared at her.

"You wouldn't be down here, in this pathetic condition, had you chosen me woman."he uttered.

"Bhrata Duryodhan, don't you dare utter one more word!"shouted Arjun, cursing himself for the fate of his two wives.

Draupadi's wail shuddered their bones to the core, as the beast threw her across the room, like a rag doll. Her head hit the hard floor, and she began to bleed.

Subhadra and the Pandavas wailed and screamed, all in vain. They were played, they were powerless and hopeless now.

"Why are you all letting this happen?"Draupadi shouted at the assembled watchers, "Pitamah, is this behavior towards the Kulvadhus, the daughters-in-law Of Kuruvansh, befitting the conducts and regards of Hastinapur.

Mahamantri, why are you silent today, is this what you stand by, is this Dharma?

Maharaj! You're the blessed one that you're snatched of vision. That you don't have to witness this horrible scenario, this heartwrenching cruelty of your sons, but do tell me Sir, don't the wails and pleas make you tremble?"

They had nothing to say, nothing more. One bound blindly to the throne, other to this oath, the last one to his atrocious love for his offsprings. They were all puppets in the hands of fate.

Disgraced and unwanted unintentional sinners were these men, including the Glorious child of the Sun, and the revered Guru of the clan, Dronacharya, that they couldn't act, but watch, mere puppets again.

Druapadi went up to Subhadra, and tried to remove her bounds, when she was pushed by the Yuvraj.

"Anuj, just like this woman, snatched us of our weapons, snatch her of her clothes, just like she exposed us in front of the assembly of the Kings, expose her in this royal court of Hastinapur."

Bheem growled out loud, "I'll kill you all, and that's my pledge, I won't rest, I won't live until you die at my hands. I'll wash her hair, the holy locks that you dared to touch, Dusshashan, with your blood. I'll finish you all."

Yudhishtira was trembling, under the guilt, and inability to save his wife and sister from the wrath of these unrighteous criminals.

Bheem was thrashing around, his eyes blood shot, revenge ringing in his ears.

Arjuna was the worst, he'd failed everybody, his love Subhadra was strangled pathetically in the middle, the steel cutting through her skin, wide gashes all over, he'd failed his strength Druapadi, who was thrown around inhumanely, and was in a living hell, his Madhav whom he promised both their safety and happiness, and he'd failed his values, his own heart and soul.

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