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"Through your shining eyes,
Sweet like Jeffrey pines
I pretended I could read your thoughts.
Now it's just the truth,
Seems our hearts have fused
Soldered like the gold your sister brought."

It was the day before the dreaded wedding and on Krishna's command, Subhadra went to pray to Lord Somnath, for a way out of the maze.

He also asked her to bring an ascetic from the temple to Dwarka, who was an acquaintance of Dwarkadeesh himself.

She had lost all the sparkle of her soul, and remained emotionless. No one from her family was able to console her. She was not ready to accept the pleas of her brothers, both of whom we were caught in the desperate situation where their beloved sister refused to even look at them.

The concerned ascetic, sat outside the portals of the temple, engrossed in his meditation. However, he seemed unique, with broad shoulders, strong arms and a captivating face he looked no less than an armour clad warrior.

Bending down to touch his feet, Subhadra began, "O great ascetic, I apologise for obstructing your concentration. My brother Yadava Shrestha Vasudeva Krishna has ordered me to bring you to the palace. Kindly accompany me."

Arjun opened his eyes, and much to his pleasure, saw her standing before him. His heart was overwhelmed with a joyous feel. The same hazel brown eyes, the same divine face, a little mature, a little wiser than the first time he had seen them.

She looked stunning clad up in the attire of a princess about to be wed. Wait what ? Was she to be married? But to whom?

He also noticed that she lacked her usual cheerfulness and looked dull, the opposite of her true self.

Consequently, she wasn't able to comprehend his identity, thanks to the overgrown beard.

"Alright Princess, lead the way." he agreed, trying to keep his cover intact.

The heavy and coarse voice brought Subhadra out of her mindlessness. She felt like she knew the man, however she disregarded her suspicions and went on with her task.

"I hope you won't mind my prodding, but I am curious as to why you seem so depressed." he asked on the way.

Sighing Subhadra answered, "I am engaged, to someone I don't wish to be associated with. My brother has already finalised the prospect, therefore I must follow his orders."

Arjun felt an odd feeling creeping up his limbs. "May I know to whom are you promised?"

"His Highness Yuvraj Duryodhan of Hastinapur." she said coldly.

His breathing stopped short and he stood numb and confused. Brother Duryodhan? How in the world did Dau and Madhav agree to this proposal! This is the worst thing to have occurred. And he couldn't let Subhadra go through it alone. That was unacceptable to him. She couldn't marry that devil of a man. He'd ruin her life.

"Why don't you disclose your feelings to your brother?" he asked.

"You think I haven't tried, sir? My brother is greatly influenced by the Prince, who has acted humbly and diligently as his student. He believes that Yuvraj is the best suited person for the marriage."she answered.

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