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If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy
And I can take you for a ride

She was adorned with the prettiest diamonds and the most intricately woven fabrics. Her chestnut curls were tamed and soaked in heavenly essences. The kohl of her eyes had a story of its own. To sum up, she looked breath taking.

However her hands were cold with anxiousness and her heart was wild it its cage.

He promised to carve a way out, but he never returned, and yet again she was left dismayed.

Krishna asked her to proceed to venerate in the Somnath Temple for the last time before being handed off to her doom.

He pulled her into his warm chest and held her tight, as if they were to be pulled apart.

"I still have time before I leave, brother."she wiped his tears. He seldom shed tears, more like never. He would grieve and empathise, rarely showed his emotional side.

She placed a chaste kiss on his wet cheek, "I'll be okay."

"You're my Yogmaya. Of course, you'll be okay." he addressed a part of her that she never knew.

The temple seemed different today, a warmth fulling it's innards. She was done with her prayers when suddenly someone held her hand and pulled her behind the idol. She immediately retaliated, putting a dagger on the person's neck.

"Now you'll do this to your Ajay, huh? But I must say princess Subhadra, you look so beautiful today, gorgeous."

She opened her eyes and saw Arjun, clean shaven and back to his princely form. He looked better than ever, and it seemed that he actually put some effort into his clothing, a deep red angvastra lying on his chiseled chest.
He pulled her along with him, in a seeming hurry.

"What the hell are you doing?"she whispered.

"What does it look like I am doing? Of course, I am abducting you."he beamed.

"Have you lost your freaking mind Arjun?" she shrieked immediately halting.

He put his hand on her mouth and pulled her behind the pillar.

"Do you want me dead Subhadra?"he asked.

"Of course not. But why are you kidnapping me?"she whispered.

"Oh my god! Why are you being this clueless? Listen, I'll drive away with you Madhav's chariot, you will hold the reins, I'll fight your protection battalion, we'll go as far as the border of Dwarka, by that time Madhav will calm down your family and explain the situation and then we'll get married. End of story."he smiled.

"You'll marry me? Are you okay ? I mean you will marry me, huh! We are friends Arjun, what are you thinking?"she shot.

"You're not that bad Subhadra. You are marriage material. And we will be married friends, as simple as that."he chuckled.

She slapped his arm, " What about Jiji? She'll be hurt. I can't accompany you as per your vow."she spoke worriedly.

Arjun's expressions turned grave, "I have thought about it Bhadra. I even asked Bhrata Yudhishthir. It'll be hard for Panchali but she's half in love with you already, she'll accept you and I can't leave you here. Dau will literally chew me down then. Moreover, I don't want to leave you alone. I'll handle Draupadi, it's gonna be fine. Madhav won't let anyone be staked. Even Jyesth approves of us."he assured.

"But.."she began when Arjun placed his finger on her lips.

"Would you rather marry Bhrata Duryodhan?" he asked, looking her in the eyes, searching for something.

"I'll marry you."she answered giving him the response he awaited.

"Let's go then."he laughed pulling her along.

He climbed the chariot and have his hand to her for the first time, "My lady."

She put her small soft hand in his big warm one and climbed up laughing.
"I shouldn't, but I am getting such a rush out of this."she chuckled and he joined, feeling like two naughty kids, proceeding to do a mischief.

"Lead the way, Bhadra."said Arjun picking up his Gandiva, the divine bow to combat the soldiers running to protect their Princess.

In less than ten minutes, they overran the soldiers.

Arjun looked at Subhadra, whose hair was flowing with the wind, her face set straight ahead the breeze playing with her clothes. His breath hitched in his throat as he observed her, in wonder.

She asked turning to face him, "Are we safe now? We are almost on the outskirts of Dwarka."

"Yeah, let me take these now." he said taking the reins. They halted near the borders.

"Now what?" she asked sitting down.

"Now we wait for your brothers." he sat down beside her.

"This is so unexpected, isn't it. You thought we'd end up like this?" she turned to him.

"It really is. But isn't that how fate plays with human lives?" he smiled at her, the sun beaming at his face. He closed his eyes and let the wind run through his hair.

"Thank you."said Subhadra, looking at the horizon.

"What for?" he asked.

"For risking so much, just to help me."she looked him in the eyes.

"It is my pleasure. And I'd risk it all again for you in a heartbeat."he answered, meaning every word that he said.  

"So would I, Ajay."she answered looking up to see two chariots coming down the dirt road. "They're here."she whispered worriedly.

He held her hand and pressed it comfortingly.

They got down form their chariots, Subhadra was biting her lip, Arjun was actually scared, Balram looked utterly confused and Krishna as usual was smirking at all of them.

"Arjun, Subhadra I don't know what to say. How could the Gandivadhari Arjuna be abducted by my sister?" spoke Balram.

Subhadra looked quizzically at Arjun who blinked his eyes as a sign to play along.

"Bhratashree, I'm sorry for this impulsive behavior, but I had to do it. You were blinded by your student's dedication than you neglected my emotional state and my choice. You are very well aware of Duryodhan's deeds and ardent love of unrighteousness. I'd rather die than marry him."she teared up.

"Don't say that, Bhadrey. I was being unreasonable, but I just wanted to grab the opportunity of getting you married. I know you wouldn't refute me, so I fixed it. Can you maybe, forgive us, Bhadra" said Dau opening his arms and Krishna ran up to him eagerly followed by Subhadra and she said, "I forgive you both." The three siblings embraced having found a common ground.

"So Arjun, you'll marry my sister?" asked Dau patting Arjun's back a little too hard.

He winced, "Anyday, Dau."

"Let's get you guys married then." smirked Krishan looking at them suggestively.

"For heaven's sake don't start again, Bhai" Subhadra pleaded to him as the four headed back, for a new future perhaps.

Here we go!
Now we're getting into the actual story.....
Get your seatbelts on folks. You're in for a ride now.

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