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When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so very special

Draupadi showed Subhadra her chamber, in the part of the palace, reserved for royal ladies, very near to her own abode.

It was a lavish yet elegant room, with midnight blue drapes, almond beige walls, a balcony with hanging honeysuckle that gave a sweet aroma, a little water outlet in the middle, it seemed designed specifically for her. The windows gave a breathtaking view of the city line and the mountains behind.

She removed her heavy garments, sighing in relief. It wasn't exactly comfortable to walk around wearing heavy garments and tons of jewels. Not everyone's cup of tea, specially not hers.

She got into a relatively simple attire, loosened her hair down a bit. Just as she was completing her nightly rituals, Arjun entered her chamber, his eyes set down and thumped down on the low setting at the end of the bed.
She went and copied his actions, thumping down beside him, sagging the cushions even more.

"First day of marriage, and I am already getting the silent treatment, what a shame!"she said in mock hurt.

"That's exactly my point, it was our first day as a married couple, and on the very first day, I've gotten you cursed. I've failed already."he looked away, possibly hiding the evident pain on his face. "Moreover, I've never given anything but grief to Panchali. I saw how agonized she was."

"Mister, no hiding faces in between us." She places a hand on his face and turned it towards her. "Why are you blaming yourself this much? I got what I was supposed to. And we will make it up to Jiji, together. I need to clear up one thing, she's sacrificed so much for all you, dividing her love, time, dedication into five parts. That is the toughest job ever. And she's letting me move in here, making an exception. We can't ever repay her, even if we spend an eternity. So, I need you to promise, that you'll always prioritize her, in everything. She shouldn't ever be adjusting in any situation."

"Subhadra, how can I possibly do that? You're asking me to choose."he exclaimed.

"That's the problem, there's no choice. There's never going to be a choice. She's my sister. She deserves this, I want her to have it. Please, this is the first and the last thing that I want form you."she stepped up.

"Okay, I'll do as you say. I never want to hurt someone as pure and delicate as Panchali, ever again. But I can't leave you in the dark. I'll try to be, equally committed to both of you."he resolved.

"I'll make Bhrata Bheem beat you, If she ever cries, because of you again."she glared playfully.

He gulped, imagining the sheer scare, "Not in this lifetime."

They were about to retire for the day, when Arjun took his bedding and started to proceed towards the cot on the corner of the chamber.

Subhadra raised her eyes quizzically, and patted the bed next to her.

"Are you sure you are comfortable?"asked Arjun, acting like a complete gentleman.

"I know you since ages, Ajay. I trust you. I would've been weirded out, had there been someone else."she smiled.

"Okay."smiled Arjun and sprang on the bed, distorting the bedcovers.

"Arya, act civilised at least."smirked Subhadra.

Arjun looked at her in shock, then looked down in embarrassment, he got butterflies in his stomach, when she called him Arya. He had no idea how to defeat the butterflies, his archery couldn't help him here.

"Oh my god!"exclaimed Subhadra, all of a sudden.

"What?" turned Arjun, startled.

"Is that the red monster?"she said poking his cheeks.

Realisation dawned upon him, and he turned towards the other side of the bed.

"Aww, you are cute."she laughed.

He turned to face her, smiling, "I've been told. You see, I have an inevitable charm." he smirked.

"Yeah, I can see that. Don't go on getting a big head now"she rolled her eyes.

Both of them turned and tossed in the bed, their eyes devoid of sleep.

"Are you awake?"whispered Subhadra,in the dark.

"Uh, yeah." turned Arjun.

They both quietly looked at each other, just the yellow soft glow of a mere lamp illuminating their faces and torsos.

"Doesn't the curse, of emotional pain, scare you a little?" asked Arjun, genuinely concerned.

Subhadra started fumbling with her fingers, feeling anxious. Out of instinct Arjun placed his palm on top of hers to calm her. "I mean, it's kinda unnerving. To think that I'll always be defeated by my emotions. I mean I was already quite soft hearted. But it's all written prior. If god has given me such a fate, then he must have given me the power and strength to endure my fate. He won't let anyone suffer."she answered, looking into his dark eyes.

"You're so much like Madhav. And I'll be accompanying you, if I can't stop the tears, I'll wipe them."he smiled.

Silence followed again, both of them simply enjoying the eerie quiet.

"Your hands are so cold and small." Commented Arjun, his palm still covering hers.

"Uh yeah. I've always had cold hands and feet. But, yours are so warm and big."she replied.

"Don't you wonder, how perfectly human bodies are created, how our head rests perfectly on someone's shoulders, how humans always lean towards warmth, how their hands fit each other's perfectly." said Arjun, raised their hands and intertwining their fingers, observing them in the milky moonlight.

"You're a poetic person."remarked Subhadra, drowsily.

Soon enough, both of them feel asleep, their hands still interwoven.

How'd you like it?
A little break from the heavy stuff, ain't it ?
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