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No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me
If I didn't know you I'd rather not know
If I couldn't have you I'd rather be alone

Arjun had a son with Draupadi that year, Shrutkarma. Draupadi, having mothered three sons before, was quite composed on his birth, she saw all her sons as one. But Arjun and Subhadra, were out of their freaking minds. Every little gurgle of his, every smile, every laugh had them on their toes. They just wouldn't leave the poor kid alone.

"Shoo away you two, Subhadra take that impossible husband of ours away from here." she said, taking their baby from Arjun's lap, who was busy making funny faces at the kid.
"I swear, he's gonna be spoiled rotten. Surprisingly, you're worse that Arya Nakul. And that is saying something."

"But he's so adorable. Look at the cute little face, how irresistible."cooed Arjun, with a pout.

Draupadi looked up at Subhadra, in need of desperate help. Laughing, Subhadra held his hand and led him out, begrudgingly of course, as Draupadi mouthed her a thank you.

"Does being obsessive over kids runs in the Pandava blood?"she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Says the one, who worries over even the slightest discomfort on any child's face."he mocked.

"Ughh! Fine I give up."she raised her hands in defeat.

"That easily! Where's the stubborn flair today?"he laughed.

"You're wearing me out. Or maybe, I am turning mellow."she sighed heavily.

"It's just that I love kids too much. They seem so little, so very fragile. Like something I need to protect from the world, something I need to handle with care, utmost care. I just can't wait for our kids to plop down on the earth."he wiggled his brows at her suggestively.

Her mouth hung open at him and she spanked his chest, "Who told you that I wanna have kids, huh?"

"Oh please, I can already see how good you are with all the children, and you cannot deny motherhood, you're too loving for that."he smiled.

"By the way, o great Arjun, how many kids are you imagining for yourself in total?" she inquired, genuinely awaiting the answer.

"Ummm, maybe four, all in all."he grinned.
"Four little ones, running around you with tiny bows and arrows?"she smiled.

"That would be a dream come true!"he twinkled.
"Sure."she laughed at his eagerness.

Then she turned towards her chamber, Arjun on her trail.
She picked up a book kept on the stoned windowsill, and turned towards the exit.

"Where are you off to?" he inquired, his chiseled torso, blocking her way.

"I need to return this to Bhrata Sahdev."she answered sweetly.

"Again? How many books have you borrowed from him? Seriously, how can one person get along with everybody. I mean Panchali is so in love with you that she sends me death glares whenever I tease you,  you talk to Bhrata Yudhistira about welfare of the kingdom, you and Bhrata Bheem spend all the afternoon, conjuring god knows how many new recipes, you and Nakul have a whole another thing going on, and now you've snatched Sahadeva too?"he listed it all.

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