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Subhadra introduced the sage to her family and recounted the whole scenario to them.

Krishna addressed the sage, with a knowing smile, as returned by the sage.

After dinnertime, he demanded her to go and check the well being of their guest.

Thus, she went with some warm milk, towards the small hut built for traveling ascetics and sages.

The sight she saw, filled her with betrayal and hurt.
There stood the sage, calling insults onto the moon and the night for no apparent reason whatsoever.

"Maharishi, what terrible thing has happened, that you felt the need to use such derogatory words towards these celestial elements ?"she asked in utter shock.

"Child, I hate the night. The sun brings us warmth, it awakens life, it's nourishes the flora, it's cheerful and bright. However, I can barely tolerate nighttime, with its complete darkness, and eerie quiet. I can't even walk without stumbling!" he replied thoroughly irritated.

This shook Subhadra to the very core. How could someone hate something as pure and calm as the night?

"Forgive me sir. But why are you taking out the your hatred on the nature? I understand how necessary it is for the Surya Dev to grace us with his unparalleled presence, but do you not see the hidden importance of the Chandra Dev? After a day of harsh work and tiredness, he takes all the beings into a peaceful slumber. As the Surya gives sunlight, energy to the plants, the moon graces them with Soma, the holy nectar of nourishment. He graces the earth every day, showering his calm and cool on the burning land, with his milky glow, even if we don't acknowledge the moon like the sun. Sun and Moon, both are equally dear to life."

She turned to look at the sage, who had mysteriously disappeared into thin air in front her eyes. She blinked, finding it very peculiar. Moments later, a divine glow filled the atmosphere. She understood that the man was no human.

Suddenly, the moon god; Chandra Dev, appeared before her, adorned in whites, silver and gold. He was fair, youthful with big eyes and had a peaceable and auspicious appearance.

She immediately bowed down to him, filled with pleasure at the sight.

"Get up, moonchild. Maya need not bow down before me, Devi." said the god.

Confused, she spoke up, "Lord, for what deed of mine, did I owe the pleasure of meeting you in your true form ? Why must you address me as Maya, dev ?"

Chuckling, the moon god began, "Alas Narayan has yet played another game. Has he not bestowed upon you the truth? Well, who can comprehend his doings?

Daughter, for months I have been roaming around the Pritivhi lok, I'm search of a human who held purity of emotions and soul. Disgusted by my form, all used to flee, with you as an exception.

Maya, you haven't changed have you? I am deeply moved by your dedication towards the creation, your understanding of beauty and the raw emotions the swirl in your heart. For this, I wish to reward you. Ask away, dear."

Awestruck the girl spoke, " God, I had no motives to seek a boon, neither did I act for any selfish motives. I just need your grace and wishes in my life. That would be more than sufficient."

" Very well, Vasudevnandini. I shall give you a boon, then. As the harbringer of nourishment, I give you the power of nurturing the hurt and lost; as the lord of emotions, I give your emotions a direction. Just as the moon remains, calm and peaceful, so shall be thine aura. If ever shall your heart experience overwhelming feels, like the rising tide of the ocean, your skin will shimmer like the Nakshatras, a reminder to contain yourself. Your face will shine with the beauty of the the galaxies. You shall be the perfect moon to the sun, the woman of fire. You shall tame her fire in your ocean, and she will stop you from drowning in your own self. May you prosper!" saying this, the divine power vanished.

Subhadra brought to her knees, felt a wave of tears run down her face. She couldn't comprehend all that had happened a few moments ago.

Collecting herself, she got up and ran towards her chamber, shaken to the core. Midway, she stumbled into someone, and looked up to see her Bhai, with the same smile on this face.

" Subhadre, you seem very stunned. Anything you would like to share."

" As if you don't know!" she said glaring  at him.

"My feisty girl! How will I know? I am not an astrologer, am I ?" he laughed out.

She slapped his arm playfully.
He caught her hand, and asked mischievously, " Bhadra, why in the world is your skin glittering?"

She looked at herself, and indeed the boon presented itself. Her skin twinkled like the stars.

She looked back at him, pulled him along and said, " We really need to have a conversation."

This chapter will have a lot of importance in the future as well. Vote and comment readers !!!

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