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" Believe me, I'm no romantic. I've heard plenty about love at first sight and I never believed in it, God, I still don't. Even so, there was something there, something recognisably real and I swear I couldn't look away."

The Pandavas were casually chatting in their common chamber.


I patted Sahadev's  back very hard.

"Bhrata !!! Why do you keep doing that?" he cried.

"Because it's been half an hour since I told you to get ready idiot!" I laughed.

Nakul snorted setting his Angvastra, "What about you Brother? When will you learn to wear something other than plain boring white? Learn from Bhrata Bheem, even if he isn't as good looking as others, he wears different colors."

" What the hell did you say? I am not good looking! Oh please, I don't need to spend hours dressing up like you." glared Bhrata Bheem strangling Nakul in a neck hold.

"Aye! When will you guys grow up? Still fighting over dumb stuff." remarked Jyesth, a small smile adorning his face.

Just then, Mother entered the chamber, a joyful look on her face. " Are you all ready?"

"Mata, you really need to worry. Look at me, how will you stop the princesses from drooling over this masterpiece." said Nakul pointing at himself.
All of us groaned collectively at his obsession.

Mata laughed, " You're going to meet many royals today. Please be on your best behavior."

I pulled her cheeks, " You have well behaved sons Rajmata. We won't let you down."

She smiled at my childish behavior.
"Kids,I think you know about my  Yadava family, my brother Vasudeva. I invited them all to Hastinapur, however due to security reasons they couldn't come. So, Bhratashree has sent his daughter, Princess of Dwarka Subhadra in his place."

" We have a cousin sister !!" exclaimed Bhrata Bheem.

" Yes, Bheem. She's Dwarkadeesh Krishna and Mahabali Balram's only sister." remembered Yudhishtir.

" Isn't she the one all those bards sing about? The one with the Chandra dev's boon? Who's skin glitters with changing emotions?" Nakula spoke up, fascinated.

" Yes, son you are right. She's a sweet girl. I think you'll meet her tonight."said Kunti.

" Well, I am really excited to meet her, I could really use a sister, Mata. All these brothers trouble me too much." chuckled Sahadeva.

I, meanwhile was swimming in my own depths. Madhav's sister? She must be a unique character as she is related to him. Subhadra, the name sent a feeling of recognition in me. How could the mere mention of her, make me this captivated? This was not like me at all. Plunging out of my thoughts, I saw my family giving him weird looks.

" Are you okay, Arjun?" asked Mother.

" Uh, yeah. I'm perfectly fine. Let's get going." I covered up.


I stood chatting with Dushala about Hastinapur. She showed me the entire palace and it seemed like a piece of art, all the carvings seemed so intricate, the gardens were lush green, the fountains poured crystal water and there was a magnetic aura about the place.

We reached the courtyard where the meet and dinner were supposed to be organised. Several royals, stood gossiping and simply enjoying the evening.

All the princesses were in their best attires and costly jewels. However, me and Dushala were dressed quite sober, with just a few jewels adoring us. I feel that jewellery is made to highlight one's beauty not cover it.

That is when I saw five young princes coming towards me with Bua. "There come my brothers, Pandavas." whispered Dushala.

I greeted Bua with a warm hug which she reciprocated lovingly and then I turned to look at Pandavas.

The one up, front had a serene face, and calm scrutinising eyes, pure gold etched on his skin, Rajkumar Yudhishthira.

The one next to him was very fair and seemed young. His eyes reflected maturity and wisdom beyond his age, Rajkumar Sahadev.

The third one was bulky and gigantic, with a well built body and stocky muscles. His eyes were roaming somewhere in the food stalls, I internally chuckled, Rajkumar Bheem. Dau told me a lot about him.

The fourth one was the prettiest of them all, a dark skinned wonder, with a gleeful sparkle in eyes, Rajkumar Nakul.

The last one captivated me the most. He was tall and lithe like my Bhai, skin of sunset dusk, covered with pure white drapes, he looked enchanting. His brown orbs looked at me with same awe and I swear I could feel time stop. I was not the one to get wooed away like this. Taking it as an after effect of too much travelling and little rest, I joined my hands and greeted them.

The seemed humble, the kind of people Bhai always appreciates. All of them reverted the greeting.


I felt very astonishingly happy moving towards the courtyard. Have you ever had a moment in your life where you feel out of sorts for no reason at all? It was exactly how I felt.

Bharata Bheem joked saying that I must have had some rotten food. I internally grimaced at the thought.

The moment we entered the courtyard, I saw people gawking at us, well mainly at Nakul. I saw him winking at the ladies, and them blushing at being noticed. What a flirt!

Then we approached Dushala and I saw someone standing beside her, though I was too far to see her clearly.

The moment she saw mother, she sprang into her arms, and Mata hugged her even more tightly than she hugs us. All I saw were her slender arms shimmering around my mother's neck and recognition struck me. Was that Yadavkanya Subhadra?

" She really loves Mata doesn't she? Look how her skin shines with happiness." remarked Sahadev, paying attention to the details.

And then she turned to look at us. For a moment my mind stopped functioning, she was ethereal, her blue attire contrasted her twinkling skin, she looked like the human manifestation of the night sky. Charming, peaceful and relieving. Her eyes were a swirl of honey and hazel. I would call her the most pleasant looking person, I have ever come across. But I can't judge someone's beauty by their looks, I needed to get to know her, through and through, before I call her a beauty. But I was sure beforehand, that she was a beautiful person.

Jyesth was just about to address her, when she was pulled by Dushala.

Damn it, if this continues I think I'll be old and grey before we have an actual conversation.

Nawwwweeeee! The most awaited moment, isn't it. But I left it hanging. I am bad like that. 😝 Don't worry, I'll update soon. Hang on till then. Vote and comment folks!

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