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  "If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies. How very different our ideals of beauty would be."

The mighty waters of the Ganges were flowing proudly and rigorously. The sun created shimmering patterns on its lengths.

Yadavkumari was sitting on the rocky bank, her feet dipped in the cool water, a few of her brown locks swaying with the wind. She thanked her brother in her mind, for giving her such an opportunity to revive.

A few yards away from her, some girls sat gossiping. Near them a sage was perched under a tree, he had a very distorted facial structure, people would call him ugly and hideous.

Suddenly he started coughing and wheezing as if he was unable to breathe and ran towards the girls who, at the sight of a revolting old sage flew from the sight.  Then the sage approached the Princess, but before he could reach her, the guards deployed for her safety caught him.

Subhadra was brought out of her reverie, by the gasped sound. She turned around to see a sage, in a barely breathing condition, asking for help. Immediately she rushed to him.

"Soldiers bring some fresh water from the river, and medicinal herbs from the forest nearby. This Maharishi needs urgent help." she ordered.

The sage looked at her with knowing eyes, as if he knew her from some past life.

"Maharishi" she began, "Drink some of this water and eat these leaves, you will get some relief soon."

He did as instructed and gradually he regained his health. He blessed the princess and asked her, " Who are you, young maiden? You seem to be from a royal family judging from your attire and looks."

"You are correct, sir. I hail from the Yadavas of Dwarka."she humbly replied.

"Tell me daughter, where you not frightened and repulsed by my ugliness? Did it not seem revolting to you?" he inquired curiously.

"I fail to understand when you call yourself ugly, o spiritual one. There is not such thing that is ugly in this world of ours. Every single creation, holds its own beauty. Moreover, I believe that external beauty is just temporary, it depletes with time and age. However, the innate beauty of a person's heart remains."she answered, her eyes again holding an overwhelming emotion.

The sage, greatly pleased by her thoughts, blessed her and said, " You have a pure heart, untouched by the evils of the world. Not many understand the true meaning of beauty. I bless you that your inner beauty shall always reflect on your face. You shall grow to be the most beautiful souled girl in the whole Aryavrat."

Subhadra, taken aback by this unexpected blessing, touched the sage's feet and spoke, " Maharishi, you must not have eaten properly for some time now. Kindly accompany me to the Palace, and allow me and my family to serve you."

"As you say, young one."

Subhadra, unaware of the reality of the man behind her, led him to her palace.

Who's the Rishi?
Stay tuned.

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