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There was that moment
When you stole all the air from my atmosphere
When my heart pounded with the might of all the planets
That was when I knew
You were worlds more
Than a first kiss

"Why do you always freak me out like this?"she grumbled as he led the way through the dark corridor, holding an earthen lamp in his hand.

"And why are we going through this passage between the walls?"

He looked back to smile at her, "Stop interrogating me Subhadrey. We were free after like a month, so I asked Brother Yudhisthira, if both us could maybe go out for the day, and he shooed me away to you."

"And walking through dark mouldy corridors, is your idea of an outing?"she gasped.

Snorting a chuckle he replied, "I am not that ghastly. First this path will lead us to my old chamber, we will change into simple clothes, and then we will sneak out of the place, and hang around the town, in our little disguise."

"Well damn, that is a good plan. How'd you come up with it though? I am supposed to be adventurous one in this relationship."she smirked.

"Not anymore you aren't."he smirked back.

Both of them wriggled out of the heavy royal fabrics into rather simple ones, and got rid of their heavy ornaments and such.

"You look beautiful."Arjun smiled brightly at Subhadra.

"You don't look too bad yourself."she smiled back, happy at his meaningful compliment.

Both of them, got out of the palace, form the hidden exit, only known to Arjun and Yudhisthira.

They walked hand in hand in the streets of Indraprastha, amused by the breathing, bustling surroundings.

The people moved about happily, traders were shouting their wares, kids hopped around, and their mothers humoured at their odd games. All in all, a contended air flew around.

"It's such a happy place, isn't it?"commented Subhadra.

"Mhmm. That's all we want. The subjects to be happy and prosperous."he smiled.

"Let's get something to eat!"Arjun said all of a sudden, and Subhadra laughed at his lack of maturity.

Soon enough, they were in a secluded part of the town away from the crowd, at the bank of a little freshwater pond, munching on the wheat crispies.

"It's so relieving, to just exist like this for some time, away from everything, no care of the world."she said, washing her hands in the water, and splashing the cool liquid on her face.

"It's good to just be. I get that."replied Arjun, leaning back on the trunk of he tree.

Subhadra went and sat beside him,  observing the cranes, who were preening their feathers.

The wind whispered quietly to her, the breeze enveloping her soft skin. She leaned in towards Arjun, who instinctively wrapped his arms around her.

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