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We made those memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still

The shrieks of argument and a possibly brewing fight were heard, from the royal fountain garden, one lovely morning.

Just a week ago, the Pandavas were blessed to hear, the Draupadi, was budding with Nakul's little bundle of naughtiness.

The poor old chap, had his jaw nearly touching the floor when he heard the hot and fresh news. He'd Father a kid, he'd never thought in this wildest running thoughts, let alone have it happening around him!

The Pandavas, were elated at their dearest brothers awkwardly funny situation. Subhadra and Sahadeva, teamed up to tease him with every step he took, how carefully he attended to Draupadi, how purely excited he was, his happiness was contagious.

Subhadra was just passing by, as she heard two childish voices calling out insults at each other.

"Why can't you act a little wiser? I've spent an hour trying to make you see some sense! We can't go out today, look how sunny it is, mother would surely skin us alive."

"She won't know bhratashree! We can just go as far as the little rocky hillside? And to heck with the weather and sun and what not. I am bored!!!!"

She picked the little cranky boy in her arms, "Sutasoma, mother won't know huh? You've got two mothers now! You'll have to be twice as careful."she kissed his plump little cheek.

"But Subhi Maa, you are the smaller mother right? Small mothers don't scold!"he returned the kiss.

Laughing she pinched the bridge of his nose, "My hopeless one, I am not your smaller mother! I am your younger mother, and as your mother I can scold you as well. You should listen to your Jyesth, shouldn't you? Look at how bright the sun is today, Soma. You'll surely get a sunburn, and then all your dads and your mom will stop you from playing for a month. So your want that, huh?"she looked at him.

"Na na na! Never. But then what should we do Maa?"he blinked innocently.

She set him down and turned to Prativindhya, bending down at his level, she kissed his head and said, "What does my big boy suggest?"

He hugged her around the neck, "Chotti Maa, I wanted us to sit outside, under the big shady grove, and paint."

"I see no objection to it."she assured.

"But, you see there is one tiny problem."he said embarrassed.

"And what must that be?"she prodded his cheek.

"We don't know how to paint."he looked down.

"And we don't have the colours."added the little one, jumping into her hold.

Laughing, she ruffled their hair, "My sons, why didn't you say so? I have many colours in my chamber, and I can teach you some art, I love painting myself."

Holding their small little hands in hers, she led them her chamber, where Arjun was sleeping.

He'd been a little busy lately, having returned after long, he had to review the whole army, as their commander in chief.

She signalled them to be quiet, as she went to her trunk, full of her artefacts and childhood memories. As she stood up holding the brushes and essenced colours, she saw Sutsoma, sitting by Arjun on the bed.

She pointed them to get down, a little stern in her approach, but they laughed and abruptly jumped up on his husband.

"Chote Pitashree!!!!!!!!"they shouted in his years.

Suddenly Arjun jerked up and saw two small sacks lying on his chest.
"Prati? Soma? What are you doing here, kids?"

"We are trying to disturb you Pita!"they collectively laughed.

He joined, "That I can see, but I mean what brings you here right now?"
Bothe of them pointed at Subhadra, who was trying to camouflage herself in the surrounding.

"Subhadrey!"he called out smirking.

"Arya!"she smirked back, defeating him at his game.

"Kids, you leave Pitashree Arjun here, let's go, come on. Go and change into some old clothes, if you wanna paint!"she shouted as the two ran out of her sight.

Just then, Arjun came up and hugged her, throwing all of his weight on her, she stumbled a bit, but held him tight.
"I am so sleepy."he mumbled like a sleep deprived kid.

She patted his hair down, "Go sleep then, Ajay. And don't throw yourself at me, you're so heavy!"she teased.

At that, he completely threw herself at her, his head lying in the crook of her neck, and his arms dangling down her back.

"Where are you going?"he mumbled again.

Separating him from her embrace, she said, "I am teaching the kids to paint. They're bored out of their minds."

"What do I do then?"he whined.
Sure enough, the Gandivadhari, expected a little pampering now and then.

"You sleep now, we'll be free to waste time tomorrow maybe?"she chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, hilarious! But as I am indeed free tomorrow, maybe we could do something together, we haven't hung out since ages. We will sneak out tomorrow !"he exclaimed.

"Love the idea! But stop hanging out with Bhrata Nakul, God knows what he's done to you, but you're becoming spontaneous by the minute."she batted her eyelashes in awe.

He pinched her soft cheeks, "I was always spontaneous, darling."

She pinched his cheeks in return, "Whatever floats the boat, darling."and ran away.

Laughing, Arjun fell down on the bed again, whispering, "This girl, is gonna be the end of me."

All the afternoon, Prativindhya , Sutsoma, and Subhadra, spent the time basking in the warmth and creating marvellous wonders on the rugged sheets, with a melody of eye catching shades.

The warmth, was so inviting and delicious, that they couldn't help, but drift off.

They were found by Arjun and Sahadeva, later, all cuddled up in the shade, the two kids latching on tightly to Subhadra.

"I'll take them to Panchali Bhratashree, you take of Behen Subhadra."said Sahadeva and left with the two boys hanging on his shoulders.

Soon enough, Arjun picked Subhadra in her arms. It felt like he'd done it many times, like she was meant to be in his arms, like his arms were meant to hold her, not able to contain his emotions, he looked at her peaceful face, it still glimmered a bit. Beautiful he thought. He lead her to the chamber and very carefully removed her accessories, making sure not to wake her up.

Then he slipped beside her, placing an arm around and snuggled close, wanting the time to stop, wishing to remain in the same place, forever and always.

Prativindhya: son of Yudhisthira and Draupadi
Sutasoma: son of Bheem and Draupadi

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I can only dream

I've lost it readers.
I am writing nursery rhymes now.

gυ∂αкєѕнα ναℓℓαвнαOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora