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And suddenly you're asking for it back
Could you tell me where'd you get the nerve
Yeah you could say you missed all that we had
But I don't really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
You broke me first
~Yagnaseni, a POV

Her shaky hands attended Subhadra's wounds, the latter looking at her admirably.

This woman was made of steel, chaos, fire and pure raw strength. Even after being thrown around in front of the entire royalty, she was sitting in front of her, not caring about herself, but tending to her cuts.

Subhadra's eyes travelled up to her head, a nasty gash splitting her skin apart, all courtesy of the beast for throwing her on the floor inhumanly.

A few unshed tears made their way down, as she applied the same balm on Panchali's forehead.

The woman was caught off guard, as she saw the younger one patching her up, with frail shaky fingers.

And that very moment, all her resolve broke down, like water breaks a dam.

Draupadi was never used to being loved. How would she? The first thing she faced in her life, was denial from her father. The revolting look he gave her still haunted her nights. His hatred digging at her mind. Denial and hatred. Denial and hatred. Denial and hatred.

But eventually things got better, Maharaj Drupad got over his refusal towards daughters, she got five loving husbands, who'd lay down their lives if she asked them to. But today, somehow even they failed her.

She knew that they loved her, that they were itching to stop time and save her. But in the end, it didn't matter what they thought and felt, because in the end they failed. Betrayal and Breach. Betrayal and Breach. Betrayal and Breach.

But as she watched, the girl in front of her, she saw nothing but genuine concern, all for her, only for her.
Love and Hope. Love and Hope. Love and Hope.

Someone who wouldn't leave her, someone who'll be the fuel to her fire, someone who'll stick by her side, even if it meant burning herself.

She pulled the girl close, and completely let out all the emotions that she'd stuffed inside her for years.

Subhadra, mindful of her thoughts, caressed her heaving back, a few tears rolling down, as she felt Draupadi's pain seeping through her burning skin, into her own.

The Pandavas, ran into their palace, straight to the queen's chamber.
"Are they in there, both of them?"asked Sahadeva frantically.

"Yes, they are Sir."replied the handsmaiden.

A second later, Arjun and Bheem, the mightiest of them all, banged and pushed on the door, all in vain.

"Shouldn't we let them in?" asked Subhadra.

"I can't. I can't just let them in. I've been hurt, deeply by them and so have you. I understand, me being treated as such as their wife, but you you were solely Arjun's. They should've taken you away." said the agitated heart.

"Only talking can sort the problem out."she pleaded.

"Not for me. You're too forgiving, Gopalika, too forgiving, but I can't be like you. The fire in me is too wild to be tamed. You can go talk to them, but tell them to let me be, let the fire die down itself."she tried to smile.

Subhadra unlocked the door, limping as she went, and closed it back again. And for them first time that day, looked into their eyes, "She's fine now. But she wishes to be alone for sometime. Please let her be."

The five teared up at the condition of the two, owing it to themselves.
"Can you forgive us at least, please don't turn away, Subhadra."requested Nakul, most affected.

"I have forgiven you all, I have tried. But Jiji, I am afraid to say, won't let you off the hook, this easy."she relplied.

The only one who couldn't look up at her was Arjun, afraid to see her, her sight, he couldn't talk to Panchali, ashamed to even try.

She badly wanted to run to him, and wipe the tears off of his aggrieved face, tell him not to eat himself out of guilt.

But she had to let him feel all that, so that he could fight them, fight the monsters, show them his might, and avenge the fireborn.

Just then, she saw heard the royal drums beating hard, announcing a arrival.

They reached the portal of their home, and saw Vasudeva Krishna approaching, a glare in his eyes. In all her life, she'd never seen her brother this angry, and it sacred her to no ends.

He ignored the brothers, paying them no heed and came to her straight, engulfing her in his arms, careful not to hurt her cuts.

He kissed her hair, "Are you okay? I am so sorry that I couldn't help you there. I'm so sorry Subhadrey."

She hugged him back tightly, her tears making way again, his warmth making her emotional, "I'll be fine as long as I have you Bhai, I'll be okay. And I don't care about anything else."

His heart bled for his sisters, his heart bled at the fact that they had to suffer in order to revive righteousness, that they had to sacrifice.

Who said it was easy being a God? Who said it was easy knowing the cruelty of fate beforehand, and not breaking down?
Who said it was easy seeing your kids suffer, die and bleed?

But he was Narayana, and even though he didn't want anyone to suffer, it was necessary.
And to hold Narayana, to hold him strong and upfront, his strength, his Lakshmi had followed him, not in one form but many.

"Go to your friend, brother. Only you can soothe her."she said, looking up at him, and wiping the lone tear on his divine face.

"That's my girl, my strong girl."

These words are not words, but pain engraved onto my heart.
I literally cried writing this, and the emotions are all true.
Seeing the present toxicity on this platform, this is me, trying to tell you, that love heals.

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