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" All hail Yadavi Subhadra, the princess of Dwarka!"

Her eyes swarm around, taking in the magnificent view, "Hastinapur" she whispered to herself.
The name itself sent a shiver down her spine, as if this place would alter her life somehow, as if she was unknowingly connected to it.

Inside the palace, she saw Dushala waiting for her arrival, barely containing her excitement. A smile made it's way to her face as she saw the antics of her childhood friend.

Beside her stood another elderly woman, in simple clothes, yet her face shone with wisdom and patience. She could sense some kind of recognition in her face. She had seen those eyes, those were her father's eyes, Mother Kunti she thought. Her heart overwhelmed with love. She stepped down to greet her long lost relation.

Kunti POV

My niece, stepped down the chariot. Seemingly, she didn't like palanquins, much like myself. I couldn't get over the anxiousness of meeting my own blood. It had been years since I had seen my brother or any of his family.

I could see her clearly as she proceeded towards me. The bards did no justice to her actual appearance. She had an unparalleled beauty, unknown to humans, almost divine.

She came towards me, her eyes shining with love and greeted me humbly. I immediately took her in my arms and breathed a sigh of contentment and calm. Her skin shimmered in my embrace. Apparently she was feeling the same overflowing emotions. They were true, she was indeed a moonchild.

" Subhadra, my dear I can't express how happy I am to see you. From the past week, daughter Dushala has been singing your praises in the whole palace. The rest of the royal family is in the Rajyasabha, you'll meet them in the evening. Dushala, show Subhadra her room and make sure she's comfortable."

POV ends

The two best friends embraced each other with utmost glee. Happily chatting, they reached the guest quarters.

" Mind if I stay with you, Chitra?" smirked Dushala.

" Come on, had I actually minded staying with you, I wouldn't have spent years in Kanyakul listening to your nonsensical talks!" she teased back.

" You haven't changed at all, have you?" laughed Dushala.

" Never have, never will." she winked at her.

After freshing up and eating, the two girls were sitting on the swing in their balcony, satisfied and happy.

"You are gonna meet my 105 brothers today, Subhadra!"said Dushala.

" I've always wondered how you manage staying with 105 brothers. I barely handle my two !" she exclaimed.

"Well, my hundred brothers remain pretty unbothered, they do check up on me once in a while. And my five cousins, keep teasing me every chance they get."she laughed.

" Tell me more about them." she inquired, curious to know.

"Well, my Jyesth Duryodhan is like the alpha of the pack, with Bhrata Dusshasan admitting to all his becks and calls. They remain too busy fighting with our cousins and roaming around with Mamashree, having weird looks on their faces." she chuckled.

" Bhrata Yudhishthira, is the eldest of them all. He's a righteous and sensible man, like a father figure to the Pandavas. Bhrata Bheem is a big goof ball, he's either eating food or cooking. But I like him a lot, he sends me his dishes for tasting. Bhrata Arjun, he's the broody and emotional one and checks up on me everyday. He's quite passionate about archery. They say he was Guru Drona's best disciple. Bhrata Nakul is The Prankster. He irritates me like anything. But I gotta admit, he's pretty hilarious. Bhrata Sahadeva, I hardly see him, either he's out pranking with his twin, or he's got his nose deep into a book." she finished.

"They actually seem pretty interesting. Bhrata Krishna, is a good friend of Rajkumar Arjun. They're like pen pals." remarked Yadavi.

She was quite excited about meeting Bua Kunti's sons. Especially, Arjun, he seemed like the enigmatic one. Like a mystery, begging to be resolved.

"Subha, come on let's get ready for the evening. There are many princes coming today. Who knows what might happen."winked Dushala.

Throwing a pillow at her face, Subhadra said, " Oh, come on Dushu. When will you get over this obsession. I am not wearing any heavy jewellery or clothing. You know how much I hate dressing up."

"Ughhh! Fine!" frowned Dushala.

They got decently dressed and left for the meet and greet.
All the while. Subhadra felt her heart at unrest, the reason unknown.

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