Chapter 66

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"Oh my god- he's adorable" Dylan was the first to say something. Mamá had moved Angel's crib to the living room and now my three boyfriends and I had were surrounding it.

It was weird seeing a new baby in the house. He had super curly brown hair. So much hair! "I want to eat him up" Anton cooed bending over the crib wall.

He was only a week old now, and we watched as he yawned and slowly woke up looking at us curiously with his big eyes. "Can we just adopt him as our son or something!?" Cameron whined making us all laugh silently. The baby looked us over before slowly moving his arm over his head.

He gurgles to himself and it struck like an arrow in the heart. God his cuteness was killing me. "I'm obsessed with his name- and I have such bad baby fever!" Cameron did his little toddler stomp.

"Guys- let's have a baby!!!" He continues and we all seriously take a second to ponder. "I'm a sophomore" I remind them. "Yeah I've still got a year of highschool let's wait a bit... maybe. Accidents happen" he smiles shrugging.

"No- ugh but he's so cute... no!" Dylan fights himself and a giggle leaves Angel's little toothless mouth. "Yes okay- let's go find a baby!" Dylan changed his mind real quick after that giggle.

"Okay I'm doing it- I'm picking him up!" I announce and all eyes go on me. "Hi Angel- I'm your hermano... and I'm going to pick you up now" I whisper putting my hand in the crib. He holds my finger and I continue to let him. Giving him a few seconds to get use to me.

He grabs the sleeve of my shirt with his other hand before dropping both of them to his sides. Using that as a cue I scoop a hand under his back and start to lift him. Quickly putting my other hand under his head and neck.

He gives me a giggle and I bring him to my chest. His nose scrunching up as he looks around with wide eyes. His hands goes to my chest and he opens and closes his mouth letting out gurgles.

"Dear god he's so fucking cute!" Anton cries turning away to to hunch over his knees. "Aren't you the cutest thing" I whisper rubbing his back. I get some more gurgles in reply and continue to just let the baby lay on my chest.

He was like a literal ball. I could just cherish him forever. "Who wants to hold him?" I ask looking to the other boys. They all immediately straighten up. "Did your mom say it was okay?" Dylan of course asked.

"Mhmm- she said as long as his neck was supported" Right now Mamá was sleeping so we were in charge of keeping Angel happy. "Me please!" Dylan begs and I smile gently sliding the child off of my chest and into his arms.

Angels eyes widen again as he was now cradled in somebody else's arms. I was scared that all the people would be to much for him to be honest. Javier came running out of his room soon after I had given the baby up.

He hugged my leg and tried to go on his toes to see the baby resting in Dylan's grip as he rocked them both carefully. "Here" I huff leaning over and holding Javier up on my hip. "Dank you" he thanks me before leaning over to look at our brother.

"Woah- he's so pretty" Javier giggles and carefully touches the baby's stomach making him giggle. That just made Javier giggle and soon both of my brothers were giggling messes.

"Where's Josefina?" I ask him. He looks back over at me. "She on call wif fend" he explains and I nod. "Do you need anything?" I ask hoisting him up. "I wanted to see Angel" he cheers and I smile watching him stare at our brother curiously.

"Is he be like dad?" Javier asked fisting my shirt. "No- we won't let him" I whisper kissing his head. "Yay" he smiles hugging me. "Can I hold him nowwwww- I might actually die if you don't let me" Anton complains shaking the hell out of Cameron.

"I don't wanna give him up yet" Dylan whines rubbing his finger over the baby's soft cheek. "Pretty please, dear boyfriend of mine" Anton coos walking over and tipping Dylan's chin up. Dylan pouts getting a kiss. "Okay fine" he grumbles carefully handing the baby over.

"Oh my god- you are so tiny" our long haired boyfriend breathes out. "Look at you, you adorable little boy" he continues lightly turning around as the baby reaches up and then sets his hand down on his mouth.

He tickles his stomach and the baby giggles squeezing his eyes shut. "Yeah? Do you like being tickled" he coos and Javier leans over out of my arms to tickle Angel. He lets out a squeal and we all freeze hoping that didn't wake up Mamá.

"Shhh- mamí is sleeping" Javier whispers making the baby stare at him before blinking a few times. "You love me- right Luis?" Javier asks hugging me tightly. He hides his face in my neck and I smile rubbing his back.

"Of course I love you" I remind him and he nods before wiggling, wanting out of my grip. "I want to make sure sissy still loves me" he whispers and I nod watching him run away. I love the sound his little feet made when he ran.

"Cute. Cute. Cute- little baby" Anton sung lightly to him. I smiled and hugged Dylan as we all stared at the baby once again. "He just like disappears in your arms- he's so tiny. Your whole family is so tiny" Cameron keeps going moving Anton's arm to show little Angel to us all again.

"I might kidnap you- oh god I'm not leaving" he continues and I chuckle looking up and getting a quick peck. "Okay- okay... my turn- I want to hold the baby!" Cameron gives up waiting.

"But-" Anton goes to make an excuse. "No buts, I'm about to have a full ass break down if I don't hold that baby soon" he admits and Anton sighs handing the baby over.

"Prick" he mutters while Cameron puts a hand under Angel's head bringing him to his chest. The baby yawns and we all watch in aw. "Are you tired little guy?" He asked looking down, cooing to the baby.

"What are you doing out here?" Josefina's speaks up, so I look over to see Javier sitting in the hall and her standing in the doorway. "I wait for you to be done with call" he explains making her eyes widen.

"Have you been out here long?" She asks picking him up. "I don't dink so" he answers and she nods walking out to join us. "You can come get me while I'm on call, you're more important" she reminds him and he giggles hugging her.

"Do you love me still?" He finally asks her the question. "Of course, I love you so much" readjusting him on her hip as they walk to the kitchen. Anton watches her and my hearts cringes.

She said she was over him but I still felt awful. I hadn't even thought about whether or not he was completely over her. Dylan looked at me and then looked at who I was staring at and he grabbed my hand possibly realizing the same thing.

"God I still feel like a dick- she cheated on me though so it's her fault, but man I hope it isn't affecting her that I'm dating you" he mumbles shaking his head and looking at us. "What?" He asks seeing us already staring.

Cameron was in la la land basically cradling the child back to sleep. "Nothing" I say quickly and he raises an eyebrow. His head turns back to the kitchen taking a glance before stepping forward to us with a smile.

"You know I love you both so much" he coos kissing us both on the cheek. "I love Cameron too. Romantically there is no one else for me" he whispers putting a hand on each of our waists.

"Don't feel jealous- you three are all I want" he continues his whispering. Dylan and I smile shyly but nod taking turns giving him kisses.

"Okay- Angel is our child... so I think that means I keep him!" Cameron cheers, silently coming back. "I'm serious you two- I'm happy with what I have right now" Anton gives us a stern finger and we both nod.

"Wait what did I miss?" The brunette asked stroking my brother's back. "Super duper important stuff, we will never be able to catch you up though" Dylan lies dramatically causing Cameron to flip out.

"What!? No!? Whyyyyy" he whines quickly looking to me as his last hope.

"It's to far gone"

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