Chapter 5

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"Okay guys as most of you know I'm one of your captains, Dylan" the blonde one introduces himself and Cameron steps forward next. "And I'm Cameron" he does the same.

I stand next to Anton my soccer stuff on. I was ready to prove myself. "Everybody take one lap around the field after that grab a ball and do your second lap dribbling" Cameron shouts joining us in the run.

I stayed with Anton a neutral look on my face I didn't feel very happy right now. I think I was the only one. Javier and Josefina loved our new school. I ended up running ahead getting to much in my thoughts and slowly eased back to reach Anton again.

"Dude you're fast- just finish the lap and start the other" he pushes me forward but I shake my head. "They'll get mad at me" I sigh trying to control my breathing enough to talk.

"Humans are stupid. We'll go as low as to get mad- mad at people who are good at things" he takes a deep breath finding it hard to be angry and run.

I shrug and stop to grab a ball with him. I easily dribble ahead waiting for him. He catches up and the both of us dribble along staying silent.

I really could have just maunvered through them all but I didn't. I want them to like me. I wanted to be liked. I just stay quiet and finished like eighth with Anton.

"Okay everybody in three lines try to make them even" Cameron was still in control as everybody scrambled to lines. Dylan walked over to the bags and bent over to pick up a cone. I stared wide eyed as Cameron didn't even try to hide the fact he was starting at his butt.

I don't think anyone else seemed to notice though. I stared awkwardly but waited for Dylan to come over with the cone. He set it down and Cameron watched before both moving to the front of the lines.

"High knees!" We started with simple things doing them to the cone and walking back. When we finally finished that warm up we moved to a circle to do actual stretching arms, legs, ankles, calves, hips- all of it.

I felt excited ready to start doing some drills. "Everybody get a partner and we'll start with two touch" Dylan cuts us off and we all hurry to grab people. I start to walk toward Anton but I'm stopped when someone grabs my arm.

"Be my partner?" Cameron asks and I raise my eyebrows. "Don't you want to be with Dylan?" I ask looking for the blonde. "He's watching for this portion so we can see who's got the good skill work" he nudged his head towards Dylan with a clipboard.

"Okay" I agree letting him pull me towards an open area of the field. A two touch is when someone passes the ball. You stop it and pass it back you only get two touches to get it back. Very self explanatory.

He passed it and I quickly stopped and sent it back. A straight and hard past. Enough to get a good stop. Making sure it didn't just reflect off of him. He nods and stops the balls sending it back just as hard.

I let me foot glide back with the ball to stop some of the momentum and get a good stop before sending it right back again. This continues for a few minutes one of his hitting the toe and going to the right a tad more. I had to stop it with my right and pass with my left. He nodded impressed and did the same.

"Self taught?" He asked and I nodded. "Pretty much" I answer shrugging. "Impressive" he adds and I nod. "Thanks" I manage to add he nods before getting tapped on the shoulder.

"Your turn" Dylan gives him the clipboard and pen. "May I be your partner now?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah of course" I answer, he nods starting to pass the ball. "One touch" Cameron shouts in the middle of the ball coming to me.

I didn't have time to readjust so I just sent it back left footed. Dylan was impressed and looked over to Cameron I presumed.

I look back to find Anton struggling with his partner. "One touch idiot" he groans as the guy still continued to do two touches. I chuckle but focus on my own partner.

I don't know which one I found more attractive. Dylan had such a preppy look to him. The blond yet mature facial features. His freckles gave him a softer cute look though.

Cameron was the real scary one though. His hair gelled and spike. It wasn't over the top though. It was hot. He also just gave off a tougher aura. Stop letting hot dudes get into your brain. I stayed on task and continued to pass with Dylan who seemed to be studying me.

"You good? Seemed to have just zoned out there" he laughs and I nod. "All good" there's no way I'll tell him I was just thinking about those two. "That's enough of that!" Cameron shouts and Dylan pops the ball up catching it before running over to his partner.

"It's the first practice and I know for a fact not all of you did the summer exercises you were assigned so after about a half hour of scrimmaging we'll be done" Dylan seems to be letting us off easy. "No positions! We will split you up evenly. It will be chaotic but everybody on the field at once- no complaining!" He yells as Dylan starts to pass out neon green jerseys.

The boys change I got to stay in my stuff not getting a jersey like the other group. Sadly Anton got a jersey and I think Dylan and Cameron are just watching.

We started to get ready and I moved closer up front because I was a better striker then anything else. Just needed to get the ball. We started with the ball, but only a minute in the ball was booted to our defense. I ran back to help only to get shoved down.

I hop up confused on how I didn't see the green and why I didn't maneuver myself around it but realized it was because they were on my team. "I'm on your team" I call back to remind him but ran past just as the opponent was settling the ball.

He made his way through the defense and as a last resort I slide in front of him kicking the ball out. He fell face forward over my legs but didn't score. I smiled proud. As the other guy groans and turned to yell at me. I flinch back and quickly stood giving him my hand to help.

"I'm sorry" I apologize getting my hand slapped away. He stands and walks away while everybody sets up the corner. It's headed out of our box and the forwards on my side take it down the field. I slowly follow no longer feeling the energy.

The ball is taken away but it was a bad steal so I quickly take it back. As I make my way past the goal I see Anton smiling at me and smile again only to once again be shoved to the side. I go flying and land on my back with a groan.

Standing I cringe at the now evident pain. "What the fuck! He's on your team man! Even if he wasn't you don't do that!" I can hear Anton's voice and I look over to him running at me.

"Don't even with your excuses you're going to hurt him! Why are you so fucking petty-" "cálmate por favor" I beg and he looks over as the others gasp.

"What the fuck did you say pipsqueak! Are you saying some shit about us?!" I believe this one is Terrence. He yells and I shake my head stepping back. "He asked me to calm down so now you go and fucking calm down" Anton saves me again and I nod. "How do you know he's not-"

This time he's cut off. "Everybody shut up- go home and don't come back with anymore of this drama bullshit. We are a men's soccer team we are not going to be acting like we're still in pre-K get your shit together" Cameron shouts Dylan standing next to him and nodding approvingly.

I sigh and slump over. Going to my bag I hurry to change into my tennis shoes. Before any of them could say anything I made sure my bag was on tight and booked it for the front of the school.

"Luis!" I heard Anton yell at me but I didn't look back. I just ran and I didn't stop till I got home. Opening the door quietly I hurried down the stairs still trying not to be known.

Dad's car was in the driveway and I can't have him knowing that I started a bunch of drama he would be so disappointed in me.

I hear footsteps anyways and panic. "Oh good you're here!" My sister smiles and I relax smiling back she seems happy. Maybe her friends like me now so we can be happy again. "I made the cheer team!" She cheers and my eyes widen. "Wow that's amazing!" I cheer and she nods.

"That's all see ya tomorrow" she giggles and runs back up the stairs.

"I had a good practice... thanks for asking"

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