Chapter 10

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"Hey Luis" Cameron was against the lockers looking down at me. "Hello?" I ask and he smiles. "Sorry about bombarding you yesterday. Did you go home and get some sleep after whatever happen calmed down?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah the pipe under the sink burst and my dad started cussing and yelling which scared my brother" I lie and he nods smiling. "Okay... I think you should take a break from practice today" he whispers as my heart breaks even more.

"Please don't kick me off the team I'm really trying- I'm hardly even considered a teammate at this point" I whisper looking up to him with the eyes I used to convince my mom for everything when I was younger.

"I- well- Of course not I just thought you needed a break for today- with your head and all" he puts a fist to his mouth and I nod. "Please just let me practice- I won't cause anything I won't even talk" I assure him with a smile and he rolls his eyes.

"Dude just do whatever you want- don't get hurt. Or I'll kill you" I shake my head as he walks away that makes no sense. "What did that bastard want?" Anton sighs now leaning in the same spot he just was.

"Wanted me to skip practice and rest" I shrug and he rolls his eyes. "What a phony... how ya feeling" he scoffs but lightens up putting his shades on the top of his head.

"I'm good" I give him a thumbs up and he nods his eyes flickering up which could only mean one thing. My sister was coming. I turn to see her walking with her friends and Anton whistles getting her attention. The group of girls giggle and my sister walks right by me and up to him followed by her little possy.

"Do you want something Ant?" She asks with a hint of flirtation in her voice. "Mmm maybe" he clicks his tongue looking down at her. "Oh my god just ask her out already" one of the girls yells and I just stood there. For some reason it hurt. Was he just my friend to get closer to her?

Josefina blushed at this and it made Anton chuckle. She isn't even old enough to date so she can't say yes anyways. "Let me take you on a date? Friday... after your cheer practice and my soccer practice?" He asks taking his sunglasses off of his head to fidget with them.

Friday? He usually takes me home that day- that's the only time we get to hangout and talk. "I'll see you then Ant" she answers with a smirk and he smirks as the girls start to move. One bumps into me and curses looking me up and down.

"Disgusting" she mutters and the others laugh. Including my own flesh and blood. She probably laughed the loudest. Anton seemed to be too lost in la la land to really care.

As he watched the giggling girls walk off I grabbed my bag and left. I wish I didn't look like this. How come she got lucky. She's tan buts it an attractive tan. She's so pretty and likable. I'm just the Mexican.

I went to my class and just sat in my seat. Some shorts and a t-shirt on- my daily outfit. I brush some hair out with my fingers and sighed. My head was still tender. I am tired. My face hurts- my body hurts... my heart hurts.

I set my bag down next to my desk and just laid my head down in my arms. Maybe I should just quit the team. Should I tell dad I'm straight. Will he be happy. I can't really do anything about my skin. At least I don't think I can.

I'm pathetic. I sit up and chuckle sadly. I'm actually so pathetic. We still have a bit of free time before class so I just leave my bag and head back for the hall. I can walk and hopefully get my mind off of it.

My thoughts were cut off as I bump into Logan. He curses and shoves me back. "Fucking alien" he wipes his hands on his pants as if I'm some disease. "I- I'm from America..." I've almost given up correcting them.

"I- I- I don't care" he mocks me and I swallow putting my head down. "Could you please just leave me alone" I sigh making him laugh. "Don't push me if you don't want a fight" he yells getting lots of attention. "I didn't push you!?" I say a lot louder than I meant. "I think you did!" He tries to shove me again getting his wrist grabbed.

I look over to see Dylan which made Logan break out in a cold sweat. "I expect to see you doing laps when I get to practice today and I expect to leave seeing you still doing those laps" he smiles. "Yes Captain" Logan answers nodding.

Dylan smiles and slaps his back harshly making him fall forward a bit. "Good- get to class and try learning something for once" he tells Logan who hurried away embarrassed. I turn as well trying to go back to class.

"Luis?" Dylan calls for me and I turn around to see him looking at me with a crooked head and a sad smile. "Do you want to talk- I am more than willing to listen" he reaches for me and I look him over confused. Why? Talk about what?

"We have class-" I remind him and he shakes his head. "Watch this- which class do you have?" He asks and I point to the door behind me. He walks in and looks to the teacher as I stand by him.

"I need to borrow Luis for a while- it's some volunteer stuff to help with the student council" he lies and she nods putting a hand to her heart. "How sweet of you to include him Dylan" she chuckles and he nods as I go to grab my bag. Even she thinks I'm a lost cause.

I picked up everything and followed him as he led us out of the school and onto the soccer field. "What are we doing out here?" He keeps walking off of it and towards the soccer shed.

"Here we go- some nice shade" he chuckles and I nod. The freckled boy sits against the building and I sit next to him holding my bag. "Want to talk?" He asks again and I shrug. "Are we going to get in trouble for being out here?" I whisper and he shakes his head no.

"What do you want to talk about?" I whisper and he shrugs before turning to face me. "How about why it looks like you're about to cry?" He asks tilting his head to the side one dimple showing as he looked me over with those soft eyes of his.

"I- oh- well you see..." I trail off and take a deep breath. "I don't like me" I whisper letting go of my bag. He furrows his eyebrows confused and I shrug. "I wished I looked different and acted different I wish that I was good at things making the right choices. I wish I wasn't gay- or bi or whatever I am" I let my body slump over as his smile widens and then disappears.

"Do you hate me now..." I trail off not even sure I cared. "Of course not" he whispers putting a hand on my shoulder. I flinched at the contact and he gives me a curious stare but does nothing. "I don't really have friends here and I tend to over think more now. My sister hates me and I hate me so nothing works out" I let my head drop back trying not to cry.

"What about Anton he likes you" Dylan elbows me and I shake my head with a sad laugh. "He likes my sister. Asked her out today actually. The one day he has time to talk to me and I usually tell him everything. I cry to him but he's taking my sister on a date instead. I was just being used to get to her" I cry I couldn't even hold it back anymore. I dropped my head into my hands and cried.

"Luis..." Dylan whispers and I look up to see him with open arms. Shifting over I let him hug me his arms wrapping around me in a tighter warm hug. My cheeks grew warm, once I realized what position we were in.

He looked down at me and I looked up as his hand brushed tears off of my face. "Ugh" I groan and look down as he chuckles. "What was that about?" He asks and I wipe my own tears. "This is not how you make friends" I laugh. "Sobbing to them about not so important things. I have a very ugly crying face" I laugh and he shakes his head.

"I think you have quite a cute face"

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