Chapter 52

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"Shit- I'll be right back" I stand from my spot on the field and turn. "Wait where are you going?" Anton asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down I'm just going to the locker room" I laugh before running off.

He doesn't follow and I smile opening up the door, going to my locker. I had left my water bottle in here and did not want to get lectured by Cameron.

I quickly fumble with the lock, finally getting it. I grab the bottle and turned just to immediately freeze. Just get passed them. Just get out of here.

I duck through trying to get to the door, but it didn't work as I grabbed by the collar choking me. "We're going to be late!" I explain and most of them disperse except the few that truly hated me and weren't just here to watch a one sided fight.

"Don't you ever take my spot- ever again" Terence spat, getting spit in my face. "It wasn't my choice-" I try to explain but he cuts me off reeling his fist back; punching me straight in the nose. I stumble back and drop to my knees crying out.

It fucking hurt. I didn't want to cry because I was sick of being weak in front of them, but I knew if I stood up I'd just get pummeled by four other guys. I listened to the door close multiple times and let out a small cry. The tears no longer silently going down. I still tried to silence my sobs.

I was still breathing through it so I don't think it's broken. I reached for my water bottle and stood up watching as a drop of red hit the ground. Bringing my fingers to my nose I take them away to see the same dark red color.

I hurry to a mirror and curse seeing the blood stream out of my nose. I grab a tissue from the tissue box and run out of the locker room and across the field where everyone was almost ready.

Keeping my body turned from the others, I tried to stop the bleeding with just this one tissue. It was almost soaked already and I didn't know what to do.

All I could smell was blood and I felt like was going puke from the stench of it. "Luis?" Anton calls for me. "Yeah?" I answer not turning to him.

"Luis" he sighs my name this time. "Anton" I choke out trying not to cry. His hand goes to my shoulder and he turns me around. I refused to make eye contact knowing I looked disgusting and pathetic with a blood drenched tissues against my nose.

"Damn it" he curses loudly making me flinch. "Okay think- think- think" he starts tapping his head and I tear up again just from the pain and stressing him out.

"Dylan" he says loudly grabbing the blondes shirt. "Hmm?" He asked looking up at Anton. "Help- you're the calm smart one" he desperately says as Dylan looks at me with wide eyes.

"Okay- um... that's a lot of blood- Luis sit... Julian go get the school nurse! Logan go get a Damn box of tissues or towels! Something!" He starts yelling drawing the attention of all the others.

I sit and watch the two sprint off not wanting to get in more trouble. Cameron pushed through people having heard the ruckus about needing a nurse.

His face only hardened when he saw me. He squats down and curses moving the tissue. "definitely swollen" he sighs. "Who did it?" He asked as Anton sat down next to me rubbing my back.

"I fell" I say loud enough so that the team would hear and know I didn't out anyone. "Luis god Damn it!" Cameorn yells followed by Anton cursing. "Both of you shut it!" Dylan snaps at them and they give me apologetic looks but I refuse to look up.

A box of tissues is thrown our way and Logan joins the rest of the group as I set my bloody tissue down grabbing another.

"That's it- somebody here is going to tell me who did this!" Cameorn yells at them surprising me. Usually it was Anton that threatens the team. Cameron didn't want too be on their bad side. Anton got closer and continued to rub my back and side whispering things in my ear, but I wasn't listening.

I focused on Cameron who kept waiting, impatiently. "I'm not scared to go through you all right now- you know I don't want to deal with this bull shit! Practice will not be over till I find out what happen- nobody is leaving" he starts yelling and pointing at them all accusingly.

Dylan went to his side and put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. "You're making your own teammates bleed, why? Just because you don't like his culture? Are you jealous he actually has talent" he snaps causing a few of them to look down.

"Who's going to tell me?" He asks again and they all look around a litttle scared. My eyes widen and I open my mouth to speak but Anton shakes his head. I ignore it and answer anyways. "Cameron I'm just clumsy- it's okay" I try to persuade him.

"Not now b- Luis" he almost slips up leaving me a little flustered and I could see him bite his cheek hoping nobody noticed. "Screw this- I just want to go home... he's right we're all being assholes anyways" Charlie steps forward. Pushing his glasses up, some of the guys relax realizing they wouldn't be the snitch.

"Terence punched him in the nose, can we go now?" As soon as the name left his mouth Anton left my side and started for the man. His gray eyes wide and scared as he realized how much trouble he'd be in.

"You absolutely piece of shit!" Anton yells but it was Cameron who got the first swing; hitting him in the jaw. I stood and tried to stop them, but Dylan caught me and sat me back down.

"They're hurting him" I cried and Dylan nodded. "He deserved it" Dylan shrugs. "Please... just let him go..." I sobbed as the other guys started to leave not wanting to get hurt or in trouble.

I sobbed loudly and eventually Anton heard tapping Cameron to get his attention they both stood and walked over to comfort me. "We're sorry" Cameron apologized but I just continued to cry.

Logan came back and I watched him help Terence up and to the parking lot. He would say something and Terence cussed at him making Logan sigh.

Not long after the nurse is hurrying out with some stuff being led here by Julian our goal keeper.

I was hurting, scared, humiliated, and I didn't want them getting in trouble. She had a bag of things and immediately the boys moved letting her see me. "You poor thing- definitely hit some sort of funny spot" she sighs feeling around with her fingers till I let out a cry on one spot.

She sighs and nods to herself sticking a little ice patch fling on the spot. "You definitely bruised it. It's going to bleed for a while, but if it doesn't stop in a few hours and it's still a heavy flow he needs to go to the hospital" she taps my shoulder handing me a page of the stick on icing strips.

Her hands fumble with some cotton thing and she carefully slides it up my nose. "It's swollen- and will be badly bruised. Don't touch it, it's going to be super sensitive" she warns me before standing and taking care of all her things.

Julian had ditched and as soon as the nurse walked off my boyfriends were running around to get all our shit just to take me to whoever's house we were going too.

I stayed on the ground so over everything. Grabbing my arms I couldn't stop myself from silently crying as I pierced the skin wanting the aching feeling in my heart to stop.

I opened my eyes and looked up when footsteps approached and stopped in front of me. To my surprise it was Cameron and not Dylan.

He squatted down and took my hands kissing them both. "Don't harm that beautiful body of yours" he whispers jokingly. I nodded and continued to cry.

"I love you Luis" he says so calmly and I look up just to look around again. "I look so stupid" I groan thinking of the cotton up my nose. "You look adorable" he assures me patting my shoulder.

"Thank you for sticking up for me today" I mumble and he nods pulling me into a hug. "I love you too Cameron" I reply and I could hear his smile.

"I should have done it sooner- I don't like seeing you hurt... because well like I said... I love you. I really do"

I cried into his shoulder at the words I wish I heard more often from people like my family or friends.

"I say it's time for a cuddle pile!" Anton shouts coming over with our stuff and Dylan.

"Sounds perfect"

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