Chapter 32

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I left the bathroom when I had finally composed myself and Cameron was gone. Dylan was writing stuff done as Anton whipped his head up at the sound of the door opening.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "Like 8" Anton tips over to grab his phone to check. "Yeah, 8" he nods as I look around some more for Cameron. I upset him. He's mad at me now.

"Where's Cameron?" I speak up and Dylan looks up from his notebook. "He just went to the other bathroom needed to calm down" he sighs setting the notebook down.

Anton watched him as he stood and made his way over to me. My eyes widen, but I stand my ground. "Dylan?" Anton asks and Dylan stops in front of me. He moves the slightest and I flinch back immediately think of my dad.

My body relaxes when his arms wrap around me in a hug. His face goes to my neck and I listen to him start to cry. "I don't know what to do- we're all just hurting each other at this point" he cries as I stop not sure how to react.

He's crying. He's actually crying. I heard shuffling as Anton walked over and started to rub Dylan's back. "Do you want me to go?" I asked squeezing his arm.

He shook his head. "I just want to be happy with all of you" he mutters and I didn't know what to say. "I don't know what you want me to do?" I whisper as the door opens and closes again.

Cameron walks by his eyes landing on me, but immediately looking away again as he kissed Dylan on the head. "We'll all be fine" Cameron coos to Dylan.

Anton and I backed off a little, and I rubbed my eyes. There's a knock on Anton's door and he hurried over to open it. "What's up?" He asks looking down at the pale girl. "Can I paint Luis's nails now?" She asks peeking in to see us all.

A group of four boys trying our best not to lose our shit. Anton turns to me with a thumbs up switching it to a thumbs down. I nodded before giving him a thumbs up. "Yes- come on in" she giggles bringing her bag in as I continued to wipe my eyes turning to Dylan and Cameron who were just hugging each other.

I wasn't over how they were treating me, but I don't want them to hate me. I just sat down and Penelope sat in front of me putting a towel out for me to set my hand on.

There's some more moving before the three other boys sit next to us. Cameron comes up behind me and I tense up. I could feel his breath on my ear and I really just wanted to cry into his shoulder. I don't think I should be apologizing but I felt like I should at the same time.

"I'm going to do better" he mumbles before moving away to sit on my other side. Dylan rests his head on my shoulder as Penelope spills out all the colors and glitter.

"I'm also going to do better- I won't let them get away with it anymore" he mumbles holding my arm. "I'm going to continue being good- because I was already helping in the first place" Anton scoffs and I nod but don't really believe them.

I mean Anton, yes I believe him, but Dylan and Cameron not so much. I just couldn't. Tomorrow would be the same as usually. I know it. "What color?!" Penelope cheers reaching for my hands.

"Woah you have long nails" she giggles running her fingers over them as the boys dig into the colors. "Luis can I please pick a color!" Anton begs looking up at me with a fake pout.

"Wait I want to as well! Please Luis!" Dylan begs reaching forward to grab my hand. I looked to Cameron who's eyes were on me but abruptly looked away. "Don't you want to pick a color?" I asked with a sad smile.

"If I can" he smiles and I nod. "Can you do three different colors?" I ask Penelope and she nods excited. "Don't you want to pick a color?" She asks and I kind of stop for a minute forgetting that I actually had a choice.

"I'm fine with whatever they want" I answer and she nods looking at Anton. "You pick your colors! So I can make the pattern" she explains and the three boys dig around some more.

Dylan gives his to Penelope first a lighter yellow one. Then Anton with a a dark purple. "I found the best one" Cameron snickers to himself as he hands Penelope a sparkly silver color.

Hers eyes widen as she claps. "That ones my favorite!" She exclaims and Anton nods. "Yeah that's for sure- dads hands are always painted that color" he chuckles as I try to imagine either one of his dads with silver sparkly nails. They just seem so scary.

"Okie- I'm going to make your pinky yellow then purple, then yellow, but this one..." she looks to Anton and he brushes his hand over her head. "The pointer finger" he says and she nods. "The pointer finger will be silver and then... um purple!" She decides going through it in her head.

"Does that sound okay!? I think it will make you look handsome" she giggles again. "Sounds perfect" I smile and she nods grabbing the yellow one smacking it on her hand a few times before opening it up.

Penelope wipes the excess off before taking my hand. "I'm going to do all the yellow ones first" she whispers holding my hand close as she starts with my pinky. She stays steady and the other three boys watch closely.

I laugh to myself at their reactions when Penelope goes to get more yellow and moves to the next hand. She rethinks it and then smiles. "Pinky!" Her cute voice rings out as she remembers it.

After she finished with yellow she blew on my hands and told me to wave them around to dry it. "I don't want to smudge them on accident so I'm going to wait on the other colors until they are dry "she smiles grabbing purple and looking it over.

"Of course you picked purple" she looks back at Anton who puts a hand on his chest with a hurt expression. "Something wrong with the color purple?" Cameron asked with a chuckle.

"Daddy's favorite color is purple and Anton when he was younger wanted to be just like him so he did every thing to be like him. That included taking his favorite color" she smiles proud that she embarrassed him as he rolls his eyes.

"Purple is a manly color so shut it" Anton grumbles as we laugh and she starts with the purple. "So which dad is the one with constant silver nails and which ones favorite color is purple?" Dylan asked rubbing my shoulder.

"Andreas for both. He's the shorter one." Anton explains as we nod- Well I was trying to stay still for Penelope. "Other dad only lets me paint his nails like orange and yellow and stuff... and I can only do like three fingers on each hand. I can't do them all- but he lets me practice doing shapes" she cheers and we all smile at how passionate she was about it.

She moves to the next hand and we continued to watch as she slowly and carefully covered each nail. I like it- I think it looks good so far. "You guys didn't pick the worst colors" I joke and they all smile before giving each high fives.

Anton and Cameron send each other a glare after they touch and both wipe their hands on Dylan who rolls his eyes. "I think with your skin tone you would look better with a green" she speaks up and the body immediately whine and complain about how mean she was being which made her giggle.

"Well you can do that color next time" I tell the little girl who's eyes brighten. "I can paint your nails again!?" She asks just now finishing up on the silver. I nod. "Of course you're always doing my nails now" I chuckle and she gets all jumpy before blowing on my hands.

"Dad got me a clear cover coat so that they stay on longer!" She taps the bottle a few times before going over the yellows first, letting the others dry. "I hope I get friends like this! Maybe they'll let me do their nails" she smiles as Anton looks at us all.

"I'll be your friend" Cameron speaks up first and she starts smiling wider. "Really!?" She asks getting nods. "Well you're already my friend" I laugh and she giggles to herself. "You're my sister so we have to be friends" he sighs before roughing up her long hair. "Well I would love to have a friend like you" Dylan adds and we all go to admire my nails as she blows on them for the last time.

"So you might as well just be in our friend group" Dylan continues as the girl packed up all her polishes.

"Besides me and Cameron aren't friends"

"Anton- shut it"

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