Chapter 65

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There's a slam on the locker next to me and I jump a little looking over at who had made the noise. Cameron smiles down at me leaning against the locker.

"Hi!" I cheer grabbing my back pack and closing the door. "Hello baby" he immediately flirts rubbing my shoulder. "Do you need something?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I passed Dylan and Anton, and our sweet little blonde seemed to be very horny- so I thought I would come check on little Luis" he hums patting my head. "That doesn't sound right- Cameron leaving the horny?" I double check and he nods leaning over to kiss me. I'm hesitant but meet his lips.

"Maybe I'm just trying to get you to join us" he huffs as I wrap my arms around him in a hug putting my chin on his chest. "Join you?" I ask even though I knew what he meant.

He smirks and goes to my ear, his hands grabbing my hips and forcing me up against him. "Let's make each other feel good, Dylan, Anton, me. I'm down to do it anywhere" he teases as I bite my lip.

I go to my toes and move to his ear. "If we didn't have practice- I would love to let you all fuck me senseless" I flirt back listening to his breath catch in his throat. I only had the confidence because I knew it would mess with him.

"Canceling practice" he sings turning to tell everyone. "Cameron- we have distracts this week- we can't" I remind him and he groans. "Can you at least hang out with us after? I promise I'll still have enough energy afterwards" he whines like a toddler.

"I'll ask my mom" I chuckle giving him a peck. He nods and readjusts my back pack. "Let's get to practice then- the sooner it's over the better" he rubs his hands together greedily as I look around the empty halls.

His hand goes to my ass and he keeps it there as we walk towards the locker room. Don't get horny- don't get horny. Fuck, I curse in my head.

"I just realized I left Dylan and Anton in the music room- I need to go get them" he stops and I look at him nodding. "I'll be right back" he kisses my head and turns on his heel before speed walking towards the music room.

I hang my head with a chuckle. I swear to god they better just be talking in that room. I continue walking to the locker room and was soon joined by Terence. He looked at me but continues to walk.

I tried to walk a little faster to get there sooner but I think it triggered something. He took my arm and pulled me away and around the corner. "You piss me off- you think you're some hot shot now?" He asked and I didn't move giving him a hurt look.

"No what? Of course I don't." I finally answer and I'm shoved against the wall. "Don't- don't fucking treat me like this because you don't like the way I was born. Maybe I don't like your attitude or your personality! Do I beat the shit out of you!" I yell getting slammed back again. "Shut up" he whisper-shouts as I roll my my eyes.

"We both got brown hair- dimples-" he cuts me off with a slap to the face. "Don't compare us, you pathetic excuse of life" I grab my cheek and ball my fist, losing it. "I hate you!" I yell jumping at him. He goes to the floor me on top of him as we swing at each other.

I get hit in the jaw while hitting him in the temple. "Fag!" "Asshole!" We continue throwing slurs at each other. I'm tossed off after socking him in the nose, and he immediately stands up going to jump on me again.

He doesn't make it and is pushed to the ground. "Tenrec for the love of god- just stop. Stop being an asshole. Why can't you... why can't you just stop. So what he's happy. You're going to beat him up because he's happy. I can't do this anymore" the one and only Logan mutters his fist shaking.

"It's my last year, if we win districts this week we go to states and then boom- high school soccer is done. You'll be out of your house soon and so will I... I'm done being an asshole. I'm done hating things because I know I'll never have it. Please just let Luis live his life... please" Logan begs as Terence stands up wiping his nose.

His face hardens when he sees Logan and he stands. "Fine- god... I hate all of this. I hate it. I hate my life. I hate this school. I hate him... I hate that I hate him. Why do I hate him-" his eyes tear up and I stand wiping my own eyes.

"Terence..." Logan trails off and the two awkwardly look at each other. The more I stared at them the more things made sense to me... I think. I don't know.

Terence has dark brown hair like mine that went to his ear with his dark blue eyes that seemed almost dead at this point.

Logan had black short curly hair his eyes blue as well but lighter. They both gazed at each other like they wanted to say something but couldn't, and I couldn't help but think that there might be something between them.

Terence wiped his nsoe again and stared at me. "I could never be gay" he grumbles before walking forward and into the locker room. Logan turns and watches. "Yeah" he answers anyways following after him.

I stare at the locker room confused and now hurting. Giving myself a minute my phone starts to buzz and I stare confused by my sisters contact name but quickly answer. "Hel-" I'm quickly cut off.

"Moms in labor! We are on the way to some hospital- Martha is taking us. Javier is with us and- and. Please get here! I'm scared." She trembled into the phone as my eyes widen.

"What hospital! I have to know!?" I ask already running towards the front door. "Ummm- Martha? What hospital are we going too?" Josefina sniffles.

"Clearwater, it's ten minutes out of town- north"  I listen to Josefina repeat everything Martha had said and nod. I heard a yell of pain and cringe knowing it's Mamá. "Okay- okay. I'll be there soon!" I whisper. I fumble with the phone listening to the cries of my brother who was obviously scared.

"Please hurry" she mumbles before hanging up. I ran to the doors stopping when I realized I needed a ride. Turning back I sprinted for the music room.

I threw open the door and roll my eyes at the scene in front of me. The three roughly making out with each other. Hickeys displayed all over their necks. "Guys- practice!" I yell quickly hitting myself in the head.

"I need a ride! My mom- hospital! Labor! Baby brother!" I yell now pacing back and forth. "Shit- I got distracted!" Cameron yells as they all tumble out of each other's grips grabbing their bags. I love when I ask for one of them they all collectively decide to come.

"Flower, what happen!?" Dylan noticed my probably messed up face as we left the room. This caused them to all stop and look me over. "I got in a little fight..." I admit watching Anton's teeth clench.

"Everyone in the blazer" he yells and we silently agree following him. I get in the back with Dylan who fussed over my face as Cameron and Anton search up directions to the place I had told them.

"Who?" He says one word cupping my cheek. "Terence, but Logan saved me" I say honestly wanting it to be better. "Oh... okay?" Dylan whispers a little surprised by my answer.

"Does anything hurt to bad?" He continues and I shake my head. "My adrenaline is to high" I was practically shaking as Anton zoomed out of the parking lot.

My legs bounced up and down and I watched as we picked up speed. "Were you guys really about to miss practice to fuck?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"I tried to get them but... they were being so hot" Cameron whines and I laugh going back to the window. A baby brother. Wow. I want him to grow up without the abuse and torment. I hope he never meets our dad.

When we got to the hospital we were all rushing inside. Martha saw me and immediately came over waving to the nurse at the front before ushering me towards the room with my mother.

"Is she alone?" I ask after seeing Javier out in the hall with Josefina. "Yes... you can go in with her, I couldn't. She told me to calm Javier" she explains and I nod standing outside the door.

She gives me a nod and I hug my siblings before quickly entering the room. Surrounded by the noise of people hurrying around her, and yelling.

"Mamá? I'm here!"

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