Chapter 20

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"Boys pizza is here!" One of Anton's dads shouts as you can hear giggling girls and another door open as I assume Avery goes downstairs. "I'll just bring a box up..." he cringes at the thought of it but returns a minute later with a box and some napkins.

I know they were probably wide awake but I've been crying all day so I was exhausted. Anton went to the the tv as Cameron dug in. Dylan sat next to me on the ground and grabbed my hand "Would you like a piece?" He asked and I nodded resting my head against his arm.

He leans forward and hands me a piece before grabbing one for himself. Anton sat on my other side the remote in hand. "Anything in particular anybody wants to watch?" He asks and I just stay quiet.

"I suggest American Horror Story- it's a series so we don't need have to keep talking about what to watch next and it's scary to some people. I'm surrounded by hot dudes so if you're scared feel free to come to me" Cameron suggests? Flirts? I don't know. I think all three of us rolled our eyes at him though.

"Sure- Netflix?" Anton asks and he nods. He got it all set up and started to play the series before sitting and eating with us. I stopped after the first piece and ate Dylan's crust for him before just leaning against him again.

I sat up once I remembered boyfriend. Readjusting the shorts I looked up to see all three staring at me. "I'm tired... if it's okay can I just go to bed" I finally just say something and they all move around. "Of course- why don't we all?" "Yeah we've got school tomorrow- so an early night would be good" "I was tired anyways" they all respond going over to the mattress as Anton looks at his bed then looks away embarrassed.

"I'm sleeping on the air mattress with you- don't ask questions" he spits out and we all nod. I just slid under the blankets and opened my eyes to find Cameron next to me on one side and Dylan on his other side. Anton by me as well. He reached an arm around my torso and moved me closer to him.

"Just get some sleep... I'll protect you" he whispers soon joined by their voices. "We. We will" Cameron corrects him. Dylan chuckles and the three of them talk about something as Dylan got scared of some jump scare. I had my eyes closed so it didn't bug me.

I laid into Anton as much as I could, wanting to give Cameron and Dylan the room they needed before finally passing out. I woke up with a groan and noticed the tv still playing. The boys around me were passed out so I reached for the nightstand for a phone, checking one of them for the time.

The bright light read two am and I cringed. There's a low groan from next to me and I hurry to put the phone down and lay down. I could hear the sound of Cameron kissing Dylan before he turned to me his eyes groggy and lidded.

"Mmm hello cutie" he whispers grabbing me and pulling me against him. My eyes widen and I shake my head. His hand cups my cheek and he kisses my forehead.

I give in and cuddle into his wamrth and his mouth leaves a trail of kisses to my mouth before he's kissing my lips. I let out a cry and push away before quickly standing and going to the bathroom. Tripping over Anton and apologizing.

"What the fuck did you do!?" They were whisper-shouting at each other. I could hear all three at the door and I just sunk to the bathroom floor and cried. "Luis... come out and talk to us" Anton whispered as Cameron cussed to himself.

"I'll come out later just go back to bed" I tried to get them to leave when the knob moves a bit. "Can just Dylan come in- he's the calmest out of us all..." Anton huffs not liking this.

I nodded like an idiot before wiping my tears. "Yes" as soon as I answered the door opens and he's shoved in. He sunk to the floor next to me and pulled me into his arms kissing my head which made me flinch away.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He whispered and I just cried quietly. "Are you dating Cameron?" I just asked it and he froze his grip loosening. "You can't tell anyone on the team" he sighs and I nod leaving his grip to just hide my head in my knees. "Why have both of you been kissing me then!" I cried not understanding it.

"You what!?" Anton shouts quickly getting shut up. "I don't understand are you both cheating!?Am I being used! You're both making me feel like I'm going to ruin your relationship- I don't want to be used either" I cried lifting my head from my knees to see his pained expression.

"We like you Luis- we were hoping to tell you together when we were both comfortable" Dylan sighs and I just look him over confused. "We've both been talking and we were hoping you would be interested in being in a poly relationship with both of us eventually" he explains as I give him a confused look. "Poly?" I ask having never heard of it.

"Polyamorous basically a consented relationship with multiple people" he explains as my eyes widen. "You what- you guys are dating!? You guys are gay!?" Anton was losing his mind out there. "So all those times that I cried to myself for hurting your relationship or kissing one of you- you guys already knew that I had kissed you both. When we were in the car?" I groan and he nods. "It was so hard to focus on driving" he admits as I hide my face wiping my tears.

"That's why I honked the horn I couldn't stand seeing you both making out- pretending to not know" Cameron chuckles through the door. I stand and take another deep breath.

"Please just tell me things next time- I don't like not knowing what's going on..." I tell them opening the door. Anton hugs me and Dylan stands from the floor hugging Cameron. With a chuckle they kiss and I stare at them not comprehending whats happening.

I was lead over to the mattress and Anton stayed in the bathroom closing the door. Cameron took the opportunity to move next to me. I faced Dylan and he cupped my cheek giving me a kiss. I blushed and hid my face while Cameron kissed my neck holding me from behind. Dylan intertwined his legs with mine and I just closed my eyes.

When Anton finally returned he kicked Cameron making us laugh as Cameron cussed about hitting him in the asshole. I reached back over Cameron getting Anton to hold my hand. He rubbed his thumb over mine. I didn't want to not include him. He's my friend.

This is not happening. I still feel like this wrong. I was literally just crying. Slowly the three boys started to fall asleep. I could tell by the way their breathing evened out.

I squeeze Anton's hand before slipping away to turn on my side. I was pressed against and gulped. I could feel his breath on my neck and as much as I loved being held, comforted, or touched. I would not be able to sleep. I'm just not that comfortable with him yet.

I tried to scoot away but he just pulled me closer and started mumbling into my neck. Dylan untangled from my legs and I felt a little bit better or less suffocated.

I closed my eyes as there was more movement and Dylan sat up. "Luis?" He whispers my name but I try to just pretend to be asleep. The arms around me tighen and Cameron nuzzles into my neck causing me to flinch opening my eyes.

"Do you not like Cameron?" He whispers going closer so we could whisper. "I do- but we aren't like together... I don't know him well... I'm just overwhelmed" I whisper pulling at his arm that was holding my chest.

He nods and starts to pry Cameron's arms off of of me. Of course Cameron resists so Dylan slaps his arm causing him to grunt and sit up with a yawn. "Give Luis some space!" Dylan whisper- shouts making Cameron groan and flip the other way.

I quickly hug him from behind before going to his ear. "I'm sorry" he reached over and pats my back. "It's... it's all good" he murmurs, falling back asleep.

I turn over towards Dylan who was also trying to sleep. I scoot a little closer to him and he smiles wrapping an arm around me as I wrap an arm around his torso.

"Thank you"

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