Chapter 55

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"My sweet babies" Mamá coos and I open my eyes to see her staring at all of us. I rub my eyes and sit up accidentally hittting Josefina. She sat up with wide eyes and immediately started to cry waking up Javier which made him cry as well.

I don't know why, but I was just so tired, sad, and scared so I cried too. Then Mamá was crying and we all had lost it. I grabbed my brother who had just gotten released from the hospital and hugged him tightly.


"Your son had been suffocated by a pillow... close to death but your husband did not finish the job-" Mamá cuts the officer off. "He is not my husband- he is a monster" she cried out putting a hand on her stomach. I watched this from outside Javier's room hugging Josefina who sobbed hearing all of it.

"He may possibly suffer with his reaction time- possibly process things slower. It won't be very noticeable but I suggest reading to him, getting him some puzzles, and or educational books just to help his brain function the same as the peers in his grade" the doctor contiunes and she nodded rubbing her eyes.

"Once he wakes from his coma we will evaluate and run some more tests, only then can you go home"


After three long weeks my brother finally woke up. Here we are now. All cuddled together in bed. Mamá was now 6 months pregnant and trying her best to calm us all down.

I held Javier and kissed his fragile head. "I love you... and I missed you so much" I mumble hugging him. "I was scared" he whispers and mamá sniffles wiping her tears.

"Come here" she coos taking her youngest at the moment. Javier cuddled next to her and I turned to my sister hugging her tightly. "Thank you for saving us" she whispered her thanks again.

"Thank you for calling" I thank her. She wipes her tears quickly before she moved to cuddle into mom's side. I moved next and slid the blanket over us. We all nestled into each other ready to sleep again.

There's a knock on the door and I jump up to get it not wanting my family to move. "I'll be back" I tell them and go for the front door. Smiling when I open it up to three boys in front of me.

"We brought you guys flowers!" Anton cheers putting his sunglasses up. I rub my eyes and let them in. "Sorry we were all sleeping" I try to make an excuse for how I looked.

"You look handsome as ever" Dylan chuckles kissing my cheek as Anton places the vase of flowers on our table. "I'll be right back" I tell them and run over to her room.

"Mamá my boyfriends are here.... They brought flowers- is it okay if they stay for a bit?" I ask and she lifts her head nodding. "Of course tell them I said hello, and thank them again" she smiles a sad, but kind smile. Josefina was passed out hugging Javier both of them laying on mother's arm.

I went back out to the living room and hugged the closest one which was Cameron. "Mamá said hello, and thank you" I mumble getting hugged from behind by Anton. Dylan joined the hugged as we all swayed back and forth.

"Will you guys stay?" I ask getting immediate nods. We moved around and Anton sat at the edge of couch I laid my upper body on his lap and Dylan took my legs. Cameron sat next to Dylan cuddling into him as he grabbed a blanket from behind the couch and covered us up.

I handed Anton the remote and he flipped it onto Netflix picking a random movie, before putting the remote down and playing with my hair.

"Are you coming to school soon?" Cameron asked reaching over to rub my leg. "Mhmm- now that Javier is back home... we just wanted some family time, but I think I'm ready" I whisper getting a kiss from Anton.

"Did you win yesterday?" I ask about the game. "Yes we did- and let me tell you... your three boyfriends did it for you. Every goal. Every save. Made by us was all for you" Cameron added as I smile with teary eyes.

"I bet it feels nice being free" Dylan whispered rubbing my leg. I nod turning to face him. "One less problem- I still have to deal with school and people there... am I even still on the team" I sigh.

"Of course baby, we're just waiting for you to come back" Cameron leans over to see me better. I sit up and nod wiping my eyes. "Everybody is going to know- I feel like I'm going to be treated even worse" I groan into my hands as Dylan rubs my back.

"Everybody knows Josefina and I are related that's going to go awful- what if people treat her badly" I whisper now freaking out over my poor sister.

"We'll help, you've gone through enough shit. Try not to stress right now" Dylan whispers and I look up from my hands. "I missed seeing you guys all the time" I huff turning into Dylan.

"I don't know about them but I missed you so much" he answers turning to face me. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him lightly. He smiled kissing me back his hands moving to my hips.

I couldn't help but be happy. I was at home with family that cared about me and my boyfriends genuinely seemed concerned and seemed to care about me. I was glad my father was gone and I was so happy Javier was okay.

Anton puts a hand on my back and I pull away from Dylan turning to face him. "I missed you too" he chuckles and I nod kissing him as well. Dylan releases my hips and I turn my whole body to face Anton who grabbed my ass immediately.

I laughed into the kiss grabbing his face. "Couldn't resist could you?" I breathe out before kissing him again. "I missed you so much" he groans into the kiss and I pull away putting a finger to his lips.

"Shhh mom and siblings are here" I remind him. "Luissss" Cameron whines and I laugh stepping off of the couch and moving in front of him. Stepping in between his legs, he smiles up at me playing with the the front of my shirt.

"I missed you... and I love you. I wish there was a way I could just squeeze all three of you in my arms" he laughs before pulling me into his lap kissing me. I kiss back trying to keep up with how passionate he was.

"Well let's figure out a way" I hum moving away. He nods as I stand and point for Dylan to scoot next to Cameron. This makes both the blondes laugh, Anton follows suit scooting next to them.

"Okay- I'm helping" Dylan smirks and scoots onto the floor. I watch curious and Anton chuckles putting his legs over Dylan's shoulders before messing with his hair. Cameron moves and rest his head on Anton's shoulders and I go back to sitting in Cameron's lap. Dylan reached back and I grabbed his hand smiling.

"I love you guys" Anton admitted content with how things were. "I love you too!" "I love you as well" "yeah you're okay" we all answered. Dylan and I glared at Cameron for his answer and he chuckles leaning over to kiss Anton.

"I love you too" he finally repeats himself getting a smile from us. "How's little Javier feeling?" Dylan asked squeezing my hand. "He's really confused- and doesn't remember anything except being scared. Nothing physically hurts him but he's been having lots of nightmares" I explain while Dylan rubs his finger over my hand.

A door opens and mom gasps. I quickly stand to see what's wrong. "Javier- baby where are you going?" Her voice is faint and you can barely hear it. "See Luis?" He asks and I smile walking down the hall. He probably heard us talking and it might have woke him.

"Luis!" Javier cheers and I smile picking him up before peeking through the door. "Be careful with him..." she yawns turning to hug my sister who was still fast asleep cuddling into our mother.
"Of course Mamá" I whisper to her even though she was already fast asleep again.

Making my way out into the living room I sit on Cameron's lap with the giggling boy. "There's our favorite little Javier!" Dylan cheers shaking his leg. He giggles some more putting his hands to his mouth.

"How ya doing big guy?" Anton asked leaning down to his eye level. "Hewo!" He answers Dylan before moving to answer Anton. "I am good- mamí says we safe!" He explains and I nod rubbing his tummy.

"Yes you are safe, we won't let anything happen to you" Cameorn stays serious as Javier climbs out of my lap and shimmies down to Dylan cuddling him.

"None of us will let anything happen"

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