Chapter 40

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"I'm lateeeee" I groan to myself, entering the locker room. I looked around confused as to why I couldn't find Anton or my two boyfriends. Well knowing Anton he was probably finishing a test or asking some teacher a question.

I reached into my bag before taking my shirt off. "Woah!" Somebody laughs. I ignore it assuming it doesn't have to do with me. "Luis!? Do you have a girlfriend?" Charlie's voice rings in my ears as I turn around to look at him confused.

"Girlfriend?" I ask and the other guys stop to look. "Oh damn- wait aren't you gay!?" I don't know who made that comment but I stop dropping my arms. "Why are we talking about this?" I ask just wanting to go.

"What a fag" Logan laughs walking forward. "Did you have to pay someone for these" he contiunes as the realization of the bruises and hickeys on my chest hit me.

"You're actually disgusting" he contiunes throwing me to the side. I land into one of the other guys who gags and shoved me to the ground.

"Who'd you force yourself onto this time" Terence sighs as I'm pulled back up. "What? I didn't-" I'm cut off as the guys circle around me. "Who was it Luis?" Another one pipes in and I'm pushed from guy to guy.

"Let's just go to practice" I mumble wanting out of this. "Who did you hurt? Is this why the captains are gone? What did you do!?" Terence continues to get mad and this gets the others pissed.

I get a fist to the jaw and let out a cry as the boys go silent. "Bro I can't believe you just did that" somebody whispers as I grab my cheek. "Anton will kill you" Charlie hisses smacking the shocked boy next to him.

"Well might as well finish what you started you idiot" Terence sighs pulling me up. I slump over only to get punched again. I grunt and fall forward onto one of my so called teammates. Each one that got a hand on me would let out their anger out in some way. Whether it was cussing, spitting, pushing, or hitting.

I cry loudly which makes Logan laugh. "He's actually crying- dear god you are literally pathetic. Mexican and gay- is there anything right with you" he laughs throwing me back. I'm slammed against the locker and I let out a gasp before somebody timidly kicks me.

There's laughing while the unsure boys suddenly gain confidence. Each kick and punch no longer being held back. The pain increasing as I was stuck to the floor. Hugging my stomach I tried not to cry. The tears just came. I couldn't stop them.

Suddenly the door slams open and everything goes quiet except me. I covered my mouth and tried to stop the tears. "Captains are on the field wondering where everyone is!?" I think Ryan yells as the other guys hurry away trying to hurry and finish getting dressed. I sat up against the locker. Hugging my aching limbs as I cried to myself.

The last person goes for the door and I struggle to get to my bag. Putting my shirt on I couldn't find the energy to change my pants and just stayed in my sweats. "Oww" I cry to myself just wanting it to stop.

"I forgot- I should have hidden them! I forgot! I'm so stupid" I cried into my arms. I quickly wipe my face trying to stop the tears and my runny nose. "You need to get up- get over it! You'll be late Luis" I yell at myself silently, struggling to grab my shoes.

I slipped them on over my regular socks not bothering to put my soccer socks on. Grabbing my bags just to immediately drop them. "I can't- I can't" I cry, limping to the door.

It opens again and I slip to the floor and just cry. "Luis? Luis what happen!?" Anton asked slipping down next to me. "It's- embarrassing" I have a hard time breathing from the pain in my chest and ribs.

"What happen? Where's Dylan and Cam?" He asked as I search my head for some lies. "I- I heard someone say something about me and I got in my head and tripped over the ball where I was running. I got embarrassed and came in here because I hurt myself over something so stupid" I looked up tears in my eyes.

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