Chapter 19

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"That's everything... well simplified" I sigh since they asked me to run through it all again. "Luis- you can come stay with me for a bit- my dads will love you" Anton whispers putting his arms out for me.

I left Cameron's embrace and moved myself over to Anton hugging him. "Eyes up buddy" the blonde grunts and I whip my head around to see Cameron nervously scratching his neck as Dylan swatted him.

"You should stay with me... these boys might be a hassle" Dylan suggests rubbing my arm. "Well I know that Luis would have so much more fun at my house" Cameron adds as I drop my head. "I don't care which house I just want to have a place to stay... please" I whisper and they nod, now eyeing each other.

"We could like rotate I get him one day you get him the next-" Cameron suggests which is quickly shut down. "Fuck that- you will not be alone with him" Anton eyes Cameron.

"Fine then- wonderful idea. Sleepover at one of our houses tonight?" Dylan suggests and both boys cringe as I smile and go over to hug Dylan. "Really sleepover? That's such a girly word..." Anton grumbles making Dylan flinch in my hug.

"Hey- can it!" Cameron stands over Anton who looks him up and down confused. "It's okay Cameron" Dylan whispers and I look up at him cupping his cheek. "Are you okay?" I ask and his eyes flicker to mine, his temperature rising.

"I'm great- who's house!?" Dylan changes the subject and I let go of him resting against his side. "Whoever's parents answer first?" Anton suggest and they all nod pulling out there phone. Anton and Cameron both went to text, but Dylan called as I sat criss-cross in between them.

I remembered my own parents and checked my phone to see if mom or Josefina had texted me. I was surprised to find nothing. "Okay my house!" Anton yells holding his phone up for proof. Dylan hangs up and Cameron's curses continuing to text his parents probably saying nevermind.

"You'll ride with me" I'm pulled up by Anton and the other two grumble. "I won't wait for you- so you better be behind me" he tells them leading us towards the parking lot. They both scrambled to their vehicles getting in so they could be ready to follow him.

"Josefina is okay" I whisper as he got into the drivers side. "Okay... that's good I guess" he shrugs backing out of the spot. "Umm... I don't understand why, but I'm more worried about you" he explains pulling out of the parking lot.

It took about fifteen minutes to get to his house and I stared in awe the size of it. "Wow" I mutter as the two cars pull in behind us. He hopped out grabbing his things as I did the same.

The other two boys joined and smiled at each other. "Nice house" Dylan compliments Anton who smiles proudly. "Both my parents are construction workers built it from nothing when they moved here" he explains before stopping.

"Are you homophobic?" He asks the two and they both shake their heads Cameron rolling his eyes. "Good" he clicks his tongue taking my hand pulling me up the front porch and into his house. "Dads I'm home!" He yells and there's soon barking as a big fluffy white dog runs over to us.

"Hello" I whisper petting the fluffy thing. "Ant! Ant! Ant!" Some little girls start yelling as they make their way down the stairs. "At least two of you still love me" he yells hugging the two girls. "Okay boys this is Hazel" he picks up the toddler. She has beautiful green eyes and a light tan. Her brown hair was a very pretty curly texture. 

"Right here we have Penelope" she hugged his side nervous. Her long black hair touching her lower back. Her eyes were a lighter brown and her skin paler then any of ours. "My best friend over here is Walker" he coos petting the fluffy dog who shakes his head and nuzzles into him.

"Avery is probably on the phone with her boyfriend" he mocks. "I heard that!" A teenager runs from the stairs. She was a girl of color too, her hair black curly. A few bright things in her hair as decorations. She had a very cute nose that just seems to stick out to me. "Holy hot boys" she mutters looking over them all before turing back around.

He rolls his eyes before shutting the front door. "Where's dad... and dad" he sighs as both girls laugh. "Ummm they were trying to do measurements for the movie room" Penelope whispers as he nods setting Hazel down.

"Okay I'll talk to them later" he sighed but then stops. "Wait no I need to talk to them now- Dads!" He shouts letting go of my hand and walking down a hall. I walk over to the girls with a small wave.

"Hello Hazel your brother has told me a lot about you- I have a younger brother too" I tell her and she smiles putting a finger near her mouth as she giggled. "You too Penelope he says you are very good at doing your nails" I start a conversation and she nods.

"Yeah I just did mine again" she whispers and I nod. "Can I see?" I ask as the toddler hugged my leg. She shyly gives me her hand and I stare at the glittery blue fingernails a white smiley face drawn onto one finger.

"Woah... you should do mine sometime" I joke and she lifts her head up with a smile. "Yes please!" She yells as loud footsteps make their way closer.

"Shut it you old man! It's not my fault you can't measure shit" a voice yells and the girls giggle. "Oh god- girls you heard nothing!" A very tall man comes running out. His curly hair pushed behind his ears. He had tan skin just like me!

"Daddy!" Hazel yells running over to him. "And he says I'm a bad influence" their other dad walks out from behind the hall wall with Anton.

"Okay let's do this quick so I can get them settled in- can you help me get the air mattress out?" Anton asked as Hazel was being peppered with kisses. Penelope went over and hugged the shorter one who kissed her head as well. "Yeah I can do that" he tells his son before facing us.

"Hello I'm Anton's dad- my name is Andreas don't worry about last names. I'm just happy somebody's dealing with the brat" he laughs getting hit by Anton. He was the African American one with black hair that was pushed behind his ear.

"I'm also their dad, my name is Colton" he introduces himself as Dylan goes forward with a smile. "Hello my name is Dylan I'm on the soccer team with your son" "I'm Cameron" "Hello my name is Luis" we all introduced ourselves, and I get a few more pets in before Anton is tugging us up the stairs. I waved bye to the big dog.

"There's a lot of you so I'm just ordering pizza!" Colton yells getting a laugh from his husband. "And you call me lazy" I laugh at the remark as Anton opens the door to a very big room.

"My room- don't mess anything up." He says quickly before hurrying down the stairs. I'm pulled by the waist and look up to Cameron who was smirking down at me. "You are so cute" he leans over to whisper in my ear. I pull back with wide eyes looking at Dylan who was just smiling at us.

He sees my face of panic and stops smiling which just makes me feel worse. I set my bags down and we all silently wait for Anton to get back up here. He comes with one of his dads and they inflate the air mattress quickly.

"I'll call you down when the pizza gets here" he sends his son a wink before disappearing. I go back over to Anton a little embarrassed. "Can I wear some of your clothes?" I whisper and he nods going to his closet. "You idiots can find your own shit in here" he waves them off before handing me a sweatshirt and going to his drawers for some shorts.

He leads me to the bathroom and smiles rubbing my cheek. "Take your time- just relax... wash your face. Breathe" he assures me before closing the door.

I did as he said and washed my face of the tear stains and dirt before changing into his sweatshirt and shorts. I grow flustered at the fact that they don't fit me and slip right off.

Balling the shorts up at the hem I walk out putting my clothes away. "Anton... they don't fit" I mumble and all eyes are on me. Cameron had changed into a muscle tee and some sweats and Dylan was in some shorts and a t-shirt. Anton just went shirtless with some sweats.

"It's okay we'll just go to sleep soon anyways" he assures me and I nod just holding the pants. I can already feel that this is going to be a long night.

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