Chapter 45

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"Kisses!" Cameron cheers wrapping his arms around the both of us. We smile and look back at him getting peppered with kisses. Dylan leans forward latching onto him.

"I love you" the blonde whispers to Cameron who kisses him again with lidded eyes. "I love you too" he chuckles kissing him one more time before turning to give me the same treatment.

"Are we hugging?" Anton laughed walking into the room. "Yes come here hot stuff" Cameron let go of us and Anton rolled his eyes but came over anyways. We get sent a look by Cameron and the both of us hug Anton.

Dylan rests his head on Anton's shoulder as I lay mine on his chest are arms holding him. Cameron smiles at us and Anton's happy but shocked looked before squeezing us all.

"Okay- I need to shower get me towels" Anton tells Cameron who sighs unwrapping us all. I swear all he does is shower. I go to Dylan as Cameron led Anton out of his room.

"You did good at practice today" Dylan smiles putting his arms around me. I rested mine over his shoulders with a small smile. I hadn't forgot what he said over the weekend. I wanted to know what he meant. He didn't want to do those types of things with me yet?

Why? Was it a me problem? Does he not actually like me? Or maybe he's just not comfortable. I looked back up at Dylan and kissed him. "Do you need something?" He asked as I moved to kiss his neck.

"You still like me right?" I ask resting my chin on his shoulder. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" He asked moving us both till we were laying on the bed facing each other.

"I don't know" I mumble moving to put my arm around him. He does the same pulling me closer, while we both stared at each other. "So you want to be with me" I whisper getting a nod. "Of course I do." He smiles getting another kiss from me.

"Where is this coming from?" He asked a concerned look in his face. I chose distraction and went back to kissing his neck. "Um. I don't know" I end up answering anyways. "Luis" he sighs and moves away to look me in the face.

"Okay- listen. I know I'm over thinking, but last week when you said you didn't want to do things with me" I mumble holding back the urge to go hide in the bathroom since I was quite literally embarrassing myself.

"It's just I have been wondering if it was a me thing. Like you didn't want to be with me because of something I do or something I did. Or maybe you just lost feelings in general" I start to ramble as the door opens and Cameron comes in smiling.

"He's so gay" we both sigh at Cameron's comment trying to have a serious conversation. This gets a pout from him when he joins us on the bed cuddling into Dylan. "Why are you being mean?" he whines and Dylan and I both laugh.

"You're such a baby" Dylan whispers while I move to Cameron's other side hugging him. "Okay everybody sit up" Dylan claps and we both do, knowing we should listen to the blonde. He's obviously the smartest out of us all.

"Luis- never mind can't do it" he lays back on the bed. I look to Cameron confused, but he gave me the same confused look. "I am different-" he stops again and Cameron's mouth drops at the sudden realization of something.

"Okay?" I say a little confused. "It's the reason I don't want to have sex with you-" he admits bluntly. I nodded looking at my lap. "Are we telling him now?" Cameron asked and I looked up again. He knows? What does he know!? This is so confusing.

Cameron moves to hold Dylan who looked like he was going to cry any moment. "What if he-" it's muffled after he turns to whisper in Cameron's ear. "Then we'll figure out what's best for us to do- I doubt he will though"

"You don't have to tell me anything" I reassure him. "Luis- I was born different?" It comes out as more of a question. "Okay? Are you okay?" I ask sitting up more.

"Yeah I'm fine- I hate this... I hate me" he mutters hanging his head. "Hey we talked about this. You're wonderful. Just because you were put in the wrong body doesn't mean shit" Cameron whispers kissing his head.

Put in the wrong body? "If this is stressing you out don't tell me- it's fine really. I'll understand" I put my hands up. "No. I know you'll overthink about it- so I have to tell you now. I mean I knew I had to sooner or later" he groans into his hands.

His usual elegant posture and charming smile was overcome with messy hair and teary eyes. I scoot closer and hug him getting a kiss on the head from Cameron. "Please, I promise I won't care- I just want to help you" I mumble as we both cuddle up to him.

"Luis won't care... he wants to be with you for who you are now" Cameron whispers kissing his temple. "Okay- okay... gotta do this before Anton gets back" he exhales heavily.

"I am... Jesus Christ this is hard" he wipes his eyes laughing through the pain as I watch him worried. "I was born... damn okay breathing. I'm trans! Jesus Christ I said it!" he shouts out of nowhere before burying his face into his hands.

I stare a little shocked and sit back to process what he had said. Trans? As in female to male. I didn't even notice. "I've had top surgery- but not bottom and that's why I'm scared to do things with you" he mutters breathing heavily.

I look to Cameron who was kissing his head repeatedly. "You did good- its okay" he continues with the nice words. I reach over and grab Dylan's hand. This made him look up at me with scared eyes which just freaked me out more.

"I don't mind. I like you, and this doesn't change my feelings for you at all" I answer honestly. He nods and wipes his eyes. "That's good! I'm sorry for waiting so long" he apologizes again.

"It's okay- I honestly would have never known. But thank you for telling me." I mumble over my words- giving up on them in general I hug him. He smiles as we both fall back laughing.

"It's feels weird knowing that you know now" he mutters hiding his face in my neck. Cameron scoots over and rubbed Dylan's back. "It feels weird knowing, I just don't see it. I only see you as a guy. Like it doesn't change anything for me I guess" I answer getting a squeeze from him.

The door opens and Anton walks in rubbing a towel against his head. His sweats hanging low against his hips as we all stopped to stare at him.  Every fucking time.

"So what did I miss?" He asked staring between us all. "Nothing" Dylan quickly sits up giving me a pleading look. I smile at him and hop off of the bed going over to Anton.

"You're being suspicious" he laughs while I hug him. "No we're not-" I'm cut off by Cameron who had moved to lay over Dylan getting his back rubbed. "Did anybody see the awesome goal Luis made today?" He changes the subject while I move to join the pile laying my head on Dylan's chest.

"Yeah that was pretty sweet" Dylan laughs as I reach for Anton. He continues to dry his hair but walks over sitting on the bed. "Oh yeah when it like curved and went right over Terence's head and straight into the corner of the goal- that was such a satisfying shot" Anton practically moans making us all laugh.

"Thanks guys.... Lay down" I whine pulling at Anton. He looks us all over before throwing he towel to the side and laying over my stomach. His hand resting on Dylan's arm and his other just barely touching Cameron's free arm.

"This is a little gay" Anton says out loud as we all roll our eyes. "Really? Had no idea" Cameron snorts. "You could always go back to your girlfriend" he jokingly suggest getting a slap from Dylan.

"You are hilarious" Anton deadpans while I move a hand to play with his damp hair. This makes the long haired boy smile and nuzzle into me. I looked back as much as I could getting a kiss from Dylan.

"I'll stay with you no matter what" I whisper getting another smile from him. "Thank you for understanding " he whispers back. "Awww did big ol Cameron fall asleep" Anton chuckles moving to grab Cameron's hand.

Cameron just let out a small snore as we all shifted a little to watch him. "What a big baby" Dylan chuckles continuing to rub his back.

"Anybody know why he's so tired?" I ask as we all continue to move around to look at each other. Each of us with a hand on Cameron just massaging him or caressing him in some way.

"I don't think he got his nap in 3rd hour"

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