Chapter 23

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I ended up getting woken up half way thru the day. The two quickly tried to make me happy before Dylan was attempting to unwrinkle my clothes.

Now walking to my last class of the day when I'm suddenly grabbed by my backpack and dragged into the nearest classroom. My eyes widen and I panicked, turning around to hit whoever it was.

I was over it. I wasn't living in my house. What are they going to do kick me out again? I drove my fist, stopping when I saw Anton but I immediately cringed seeing how angry he was.

His face softens and he just hugs me. "Thank god you're okay- those assholes didn't text me back- and I was just worried. I tried peeking in your classes and you weren't there" he groans jsut squeezing me tightly.

"I was napping- I had a rough day yesterday and didn't sleep the best last night" I admit and he sighs. "Why did you leave? What did we do? Is is because of Josie? Because I know she's not the nicest to you-" he cuts himself off and just hugs me.

I pull away, my hands on his shirt. He does the same looking down at me. I look up at him confused as he continues to watch me. "I want you... I want you- Uh I want you to stay another night with us" he finally gets the words out and I nod.

"I thought I was staying with you guys until my parents let me back in the house" I whisper and he smacks his head. "Ha ha yeah stupid me" he laughs as I shake my head "you are very smart actually" I compliment him.

He smiles at me before the door opens revealing the other boys and my sister. Even after seeing Anton she seems annoyed as she comes over to hug him. Pushing me to the side. I scratch my arm nervously as she pulls his collar and goes to her toes kissing him.

He touches her cheek and Josefina pulls away and turns. "Stay away from him you fag- I'll tell papa you aren't getting better" she scoffs as I flinch back. "Josefina please don't. I miss Javier and Mamá. I miss you too" I whisper getting an eye roll.

"Mamá wants you to meet her outside the school before your practice- don't make her wait... dad will be suspicious if she's gone to long" she helps me I think.

Opening the door she slams it shut and Anton looks at the door then me. Wiping his mouth I go over to the two that had walked in.

I hugged Dylan and he smiled running his hands through my hair. "Already asked my mom we are staying at my house tonight" he informs us all and we all agree.

I get a kiss on the head and I smile looking up at him. I had fallen head over heels for Dylan. Cameron was like a crush who made me extremely flustered.

"Anton are you still coming?" I ask and he nods. "Hell yeah can't leave you with Mr. Gropey hands" he motions to Cameron who glared at him.

"Fuck off we agreed to not talk about it" he huffs as Anton rolls his eyes. "You harassed me in my sleep!" Anton murmurs getting a scoff. "Tell that to your leg that was in between mine!!" They start to fight. Dylan rolls his eyes this time before looking back at me. Swatting my hair off of my forehead.

"You'll cuddle with me tonight, right?" He asks and I nod looking at his lips. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to just kiss him whenever.

"Do you want a kiss, you seem to be staring at my lips a lot?" Dylan asks and I nod blocking out the two who were literally butting heads at the moment. He smiles and leans down kissing me lightly. His hand cupping my cheek. I smile into the kiss and fist his shirt... just like I had with Anton's. Is that weird. Anton?

Dylan focus on Dylan. He's such a good kisser. I pull back my eyes lidded as he gives my cheek a few pecks. "I'll make sure you get lots of sleep tonight" he murmurs and I nod. "Thank you"

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