Chapter 42

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We won the game by a lot but Terence didn't give me one smile. He just glared harshly and I couldn't help but sigh. I was content though.  I got to play half the game and that's all that mattered.

I still stayed back a ways from the huddle because I knew half of them didn't want to touch me. Plus I still hurt a lot so I didn't exactly want to get squeezed either.

As soon as the coach gave his pep talk people were running off excited to go home and sleep. I went to my bag and took my cleats off putting my slides on and grabbing my water bottle. Taking my bag I pull it over my shoulders and watch as our two captains talk to the coach about something.

Anton was talking to our keeper about some sort of strategy. The poor kid looked traumatized though just from being close to him. I stood there awkwardly knowing I had to wait for one of them.

There's a tap on my shoulder and I flinch away before whipping myself around. "Sorry- hi" I apologize straightening up. "It's all good, you did really good today" he tells me. "Thanks, you did too" I answer honestly.

He runs a hand over the top of his shirt and smiles. "We go against each other during the actual season right?" He asked and I shrugged not sure. "I don't really know" I say out loud not wanting to be rude.

"Okay- well I hope we do. I want to see you again" he chuckles and my eyes widen. Holy shit I'm making a friend. Like this is happening. I am having a conversation!

"You should give me your number so I don't have to wait to see you again" he smiles his eyes darting the other way as he rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Okay" I nod and he pulls his phone out of the joggers he had pulled on over his shorts.

I quickly told him my number and he typed it into his phone. "Okay I texted you" he smiles shutting his phone off before shoving it back into his pocket.

"Let's go Luis" Cameron mutters putting a hand on my back. Dylan was on my other side as they started to lead me away. Anton came up behind us looking Mark up and down before joining us.

"Bye Mark!" I shout waving to him. "Yeah, see ya later Luis" he waves back before going over to his team. Our team was pretty much gone, which was probably the only reason Cameron and Dylan were touching me.

"I think I'm going to walk home today" I tell the two boys who hadn't said anything to me. "Luis that didn't end well last time" Anton mumbled and I'm pulled to a stop beside Anton's blazer.

"It'll be okay I-" I'm cut off with a rough kiss. "Mmmph" I mumble while Cameron continues to kiss me. "You did wonderful today- caught everybody's attention" he chuckles rubbing my cheek.

I nod and hug Dylan who rocks us back and forth kissing my head. "Who was that you were talking too?" He asks calmly. I look up to see him. "His name is Mark. He just wanted to be friends" I answer and he nods kissing my cheek a few times as Cameron holds my hands.

"Mmmm okay- don't be scared to tell him you have boyfriends" Dylan coos. I nod lettting him kiss the back of my neck.

"Okay-okay" I laugh as they both try to cuddle and tickle me. "I need to go- I'll call you if it doesn't work out" I cheer moving out of their grip. "I'll keep your other two bags" Anton sighs coming over and hugging me.

"Why don't we just take you" he mumbles again and I laugh. "I'm feeling confident- I'm sure it'll be fine" I assure them once again. They all give each other a look and I go over kissing my two boyfriends on a cheek and hugging Anton.

"I'll see you guys later" I cheer before turning on my heel and walking forwards. "Be careful!" "Don't be scared to run!" "Should we follow him?" "We will not follow him!" They start to bicker as I laugh and shake my head.

The walk home was honestly good. I felt happy. I was happy! It was a late game and I was tired. My dad should be home from work and everybody should be finished with dinner and ready for bed. Well except Josefina she's on her phone all night.

I walk straight up to the front door and knock. It feels weird knocking on my own door. It opens and Mama's eyes widen. "Hello my little baby" she coos holding me in her arms. "Hi Mamá" I whisper hugging her back.

"I did really good in the game today" I whisper and she nods kisisng my head once again. "I'm sure you did spectacular as always" she hums and I sigh to myself. "Yeah as always" I mumble as my dad shows himself.

"And what are you doing back!?" He spits as my mother continues to rock us, petting my head. "I did really good at the game today and I wanted to come back home... for the night?" I whisper and he narrows his eyes. "Inside now- not you Luis... what don't you get!" he sighs as my mother retreats inside her eyes brimming.

I grab my arms my nails digging into my skin. "I don't want you back- nobody wants you back" he mumbles into his hands. "I thought you loved me though... I thought this was a punishment and now that I'm better-" he cuts me off with a slap to the face.

I hold in the cry, scratching my arm as he started to go off. "¡¿Estás diciendo que no amo a mi propio hijo?! You ungrateful bastard. I did everything for you. I'm not going to just go easy on you and invite you back in- don't come back- ever!" He yells grabbing my shoulder and pushing me off of the porch.

I let out a yelp as I try to find my balance turning and landing on my shoulder with a gasp of pain. "Luis! Is he okay!?" Mamá yells and I look back to find father nodding as he shuts the door.

I curse at myself realizing I should have just landed on my bag. Standing I shuffle my way to the van opening it up as quietly as possible. The darker it got the colder it was getting. I knew I should have called one of the boys, but I was embarrassed.

Why was I so happy over something so stupid and why did I think it would change anything. Putting my bag in a seat I change out of my uniform before climbing into the back. I attempted to grab blankets and pillows from the back but gasped at the pain it brought my shoulder.

I sighed and pulled a pillow out and, carefully grabbed one blanket and the other one after that. "Thank you Mamá" I whispered looking towards the house.

Laying one blanket down I lay down on the pillow grabbing my phone and the other blanket for coverage. The brightness lit up my face and I cringed away before lowering it.

There's a notification and I click it thinking it's one of the boys. 'Hey, it's Mark. From the soccer game' I smiled and shifted trying to make myself comfortable on my shoudler. 'Hello! It's Luis obviously' I send it and laugh at myself.

'How are you doing?' He asks and my smile falters. 'Good! How are you?' I lie and send it anyways my phone going to my lap as I unconsciously started to scratch at my arms. You're lying. He can't know how fucked up you are. Nobody can know. Why are you so screwed up!

The phone buzzes and I stop, picking it up. Why haven't any of the other boys texted me? Maybe they're waiting for me to text them. 'I'm okay, would be better if you were here' he adds a laughing emoji and I smile not sure what to say back. 'Why? We don't know each other well' I reply before putting my phone back down.

When it buzzes I just pick it right back up. 'Are you gay?' He ignored my question and I bite my lip not liking how fast the conversation flipped. 'Bisexual. Why?' I told him the truth knowing I would probably never really see him or his school besides in soccer so they can't really torment me about it.

'Nice, I could kind of tell by how like tiny you are' he sends this one with another laughing emoji as I chuckle sadly. 'Oh, didn't know it was that obvious' I already felt bad. I didn't want to talk to him anymore. Was I that bad of a person.

'I'm gay too. We should hangout soon' he answers quickly as I read the notification. 'It'd be the nice thing to do, I just want to be your friend' he assures me, I try to think of a good response. 'Okay' I send it before throwing the phone down tears pricking my eyes.

"What's wrong with me- why does this make me sad" I silently yell clawing at my skin. "Stop Luis! You need to stop- they'll be mad at you" I continue to whisper-shout.

"Just call one of them... it'll be okay"

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